Biden is stepping all over his tongue in his Kung Flu briefing.

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The same utter drivel and nonsense we've heard for months. Joe Biden is full of shit.
So why does Covid persist and grow in this nation if these measures lessen the threat?
How about returning to what is left of this country and letting the virus burn itself out, protecting
only the very most vulnerable?
Or is that too sensible?
Did he say anything along the lines of "inject sunlight into your veins" or "the hot weather will cause it to dissipate?"

He doesn't have enough sense left to say much of anything that isn't written down for him. He can barely even read without getting confused, much less come up with an original thought, however, wouldn't expect brain-dead liberals to notice.
Did he say anything along the lines of "inject sunlight into your veins" or "the hot weather will cause it to dissipate?"
We will have to wait for them to translate it from gibberish to English.
Just promise me if Joe steals this election, you will keep your avatar for four more years.
The expression fits his personality perfectly.
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