Biden laughs while talking about mom who lost two sons to fentanyl.

Bidum defenders are a sad lot. Stupid as stumps... every one of you
As Trumptards blame president BIDEN for something, that happened BEFORE he was president?
Because everyone knows, it really was all Clinton's fault.
"GENIUSES" ........every one of you.
That's bullshit. The illicit use of fentanyl was first noticed in 2011. It did increase during Trump's presidency, but that was a period of time when states were decriminalizing marijuana. The Mexican government had also decriminalized pretty much all drugs as well, the the cartels started ramping up their production of fentanyl.

President Trump knew of the problem, and began construction of a border wall to stop the flow of drugs and illegals. Of course, you idiots blocked him every step of the way with lawsuits and legislators constantly trying to halt the funding of the wall.
Especially Mexico.

September 31 2016
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto flatly contradicted Donald Trump’s statement that the two did not discuss who would pay for the GOP nominee’s proposed multibillion-dollar border wall, saying, “I made it clear Mexico will not pay.”

“Who pays for the wall? We didn’t discuss it,” Trump said in response to a reporter’s question at a joint news conference after the closed-door meeting between the two in Mexico City.

Trump gets shot down, again, then naturally, lies about it.
Sure, LIKE POS tump trying to stop the Constituanial TRANSFER of Power.

easyt65 Like this ^^^

We're talking about actual violations of Constitution and law - such as Joe's Open Border treason, Obama admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration law right hefore he did so anyway, the FBI defrauding the FISA Court & violating the Patriot Act to illegally spy on Americans, etc... - not your 'B...b...but Trump' TDS-suffering obsessive butthurt.
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Yes, I already pointed out it's 4 years compared to one. On average, if it were to remain consistent, it's a 44% increase per year under Trump and a 27% increase under Biden.
How is an open border going to reduce those numbers for 2022 and 2023?
Believe the FAKE NEWS, simply NOT true,
Post the Evidence.
I do not have to do anything on certain issues. Voting was manipulated and mail in votes corrupted. Otherwise only morons which happens in other nations would vote for what we see. As citizens those who see social justice and diversity as their panacea also live in a nation with comforts. And they are forgetting about the comforts. No Prog that lives well has given up their good living for the Socialist utopia.
Rebecca Kiessling was blaming biden for his open door policy that allows more and more fentanyl to be smuggled into the country
Must have been Trump's open door policy.

Michigan experienced a 23% increase in opioid-related deaths from 1,768 in 2019 to 2,171 in 2020, when Kiessling's two sons died.
And she is right

Biden doesnt care how many Americans die
In the final year of Donald Trump’s presidency, more than 450,000 Americans died from COVID-19, and life expectancy fell by 1.13 years, the biggest decrease since World War II. Many of the deaths were avoidable; COVID-19 mortality in the U.S. was 40 percent higher than the average of the other wealthy nations in the Group of Seven (G7).
Biden was involved in preventing Trump from closing the border....and he helped get Trump kicked out of office.
Wasn't that a jewish space laser?
Biden was a private citizen.
So yes, he has alot to do with killing those kids.
In 2020?
THAT would have been Trump.
You see, there are consequences to open borders that aren't always readily apparent.
Sure................. a wall should do the trick.

People Climbing Over Trump's $15 Billion Border Wall ...​

Business Insider › Politics › News

migrants scaling trump's border wall images from

Apr 22, 2021 — Trump's $15 billion border wall is reportedly being overcome by migrants and refugees using cheap ladders, according to a report.
Let me restate this since are the libtards are stuck on the 2 boys and what a deal that is since it was before Biden, but what about the 200,000 killed from Fentynal since Biden has been in office. Not a peep from the left.

What about all those that died between January 20th 2017 to January 20th 2021?
Not a peep from the right. Oh in that time is when that mother lost her 2 sons on July 29th 2020.
Trump did everything within his authority
Yes, Trump did.

Feb. 2, 2020“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
Feb. 7, 2020“It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” [Trump in a private interview with Bob Woodward from The Washington Post made public on Sept. 9, 2020]
Feb. 10, 2020“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”
Feb. 10, 2020“Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
Yes, Trump did.

Feb. 2, 2020“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
Feb. 7, 2020“It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” [Trump in a private interview with Bob Woodward from The Washington Post made public on Sept. 9, 2020]
Feb. 10, 2020“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”
Feb. 10, 2020“Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
It sounds as if for you trump is a god-like figure who only had to curse the virus and it would have gone away?
It sounds as if for you trump is a god-like figure who only had to curse the virus and it would have gone away?
Of course .......almost like.........

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump said. “You’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified, even by thinking about it.”

Pressed further, Trump insisted he had declassified the documents in question when he left the White House, again without pointing to proof of such.
“In other words, when I left the White House, they were declassified,” Trump said.

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