Biden makes trans women register for draft

To that end, in 2016, a meticulous, comprehensive study requested by the Department of Defense found that enabling transgender individuals to serve openly in the United States military would have only a minimal impact on military readiness and healthcare costs. The study also concluded that open transgender service has had no significant impact on operational effectiveness or unit cohesion in foreign militaries."

its a lie
Oh bullshit. For years I’ve argued that Trump wasn’t a Draft Dodger. For years. Search. You can find a lot of examples. Because I’m honest and I refuse to make an issue out of nothing. My issue with the former President has to do with his actions.

You guys hate. Hatred drives you. It is all you have. If Biden healed someone by laying hands upon the individual. You would claim it was staged or you would rush out and demand he be prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license. You are unreasonable jackasses.

A bunch of Government Lawyers got together and decided what the law said and the courts had ruled. They stated that reality. Someone put an ad out to explain it. The Draft Board would, if one was ever established, begin issuing waivers based upon the criteria.

We are stuck with what the law says. And Biden didn’t write it. And if he had put an ad out with Trans don’t have to register you all would be running around demanding he be impeached for violating the law.

I get the point. It is you hypocrites that don’t get it. You are too blinded by hatred.

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Transgender women must sign up for military draft under Biden admin, trans men get a pass

The policy is not new, but gained attention after a tweet from the Selective Service

11 Oct 2022 ~~ By Emma Colton

Transgender women must still register for the military draft, according to the U.S. Selective Service.
"US citizens or immigrants who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register," the Selective Service states on its official website.
Individuals who were born female, but identify as male do not need to register for the military draft, per the government.
The policy is not new, but gained attention after the Selective Service tweeted at parents on Friday, reminding them that their sons must register.
"Parents, if your son is an only son and the last male in your family to carry the family name, he is still required to register with SSS. Learn more about who needs to register," the Selective Service tweeted.

The tweet linked to its government website outlining that "almost all male US citizens and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service."

This tells you everything you need to know about how firmly Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies believe gender can actually be changed. men are still men and women are still women.
60 years ago president JFK had the bold vision to put a man on the moon. Less than two years ago, Joe Biden put men in girls locker room...

Um, I guess. Selective Service is still out there, and they are still following a 1979 mandate to register every male for the draft even though we haven't had a draft since 1973 and will never have one.

Selective Service is pretty much the equivalent of the Strategic Helium Reserve, which was started in the 1920's in case we needed a supply for our dirigibles that were phased out by the 1930's.

This has nothing to do with the laudable goal of treating transgender people with dignity. But the right wing needs SOMEONE to mindlessly hate for no good reason, I guess.

I will go a step further.

WOMEN should register for the draft. Men and women are the same.

Ladies, time for you to go to war.

If men and women are exactly the same, then go die in war.

As I said on the other thread, I'm not even sure why Selective Service is still a thing.

Especially since 75% of young men wouldn't qualify due to drug use, diagnosed ADHD, Obesity and a host of other issues.

The reality is, the military doesn't want a draft. They have a hard enough time training people who actually WANT to be there, they don't want to train a bunch of people who would rather be doing something, ANYTHING, else.
The key here is the completely hypocritical and inconsistency of the Biden Admin on this issue.

When it comes to destroying the dreams of biological women who worked all of their lives to excel in fair competitive physical sports, Biden Admin could not care less about the physiological differences between biological males and females.

Um, okay, sure. the only reason why "biological women" dream of competing in sports is because Title IX requires colleges to hand out scholarships for sports no one cares about otherwise. So I find it amusing that people are insistent on one government carve out but are upset about the other. "Wah, I was going to get a track scholarship, but some Tranny got it first" really ranks up there as a "First World" problem.

But when it comes to whom must register for the draft, all that matters is biology.

Or that Selective Service is just a bureaucracy no one pays attention to because it serves no function... I'm actually amazed the 88% of males DO bother to register for the draft.

Since it was reestablished in 1979, women have been allowed to serve in nearly every MOS that men can sign up for, including the infantry.

I will go a step further.

WOMEN should register for the draft. Men and women are the same.

Ladies, time for you to go to war.

If men and women are exactly the same, then go die in war.
No one should be compelled to go to war.
Um, I guess. Selective Service is still out there, and they are still following a 1979 mandate to register every male for the draft even though we haven't had a draft since 1973 and will never have one.

Selective Service is pretty much the equivalent of the Strategic Helium Reserve, which was started in the 1920's in case we needed a supply for our dirigibles that were phased out by the 1930's.
Yes, selective service is an idiotic waste of money, but it's a jobs program for people who would otherwise be abject failures even in a jobs program like the post office. You should start a thread about that.
This has nothing to do with the laudable goal of treating transgender people with dignity. But the right wing needs SOMEONE to mindlessly hate for no good reason, I guess.
Interesting that any other instance of treating transwomen as if they were not "really women," is met with wailing and gnashing of teeth, accompanied by lawsuits.

Poor debate strategy to say that selective service doesn't matter, so it's OK if they still have that white supremacist idea that men are men and women are women. You should say that all of the infinite genders should register and that you're sure Biden will get to that as soon as he's finished improving the economy and defeating the Putin.
This was all addressed in M*A*S*H by Cpl. Klinger and Col. Potter.

Actually, they were fictional characters.

The reality was that during times of war, the military changed their policy from "No Gays" to "Gays are allowed if their commander approves".

When I went to AIT back in the 1980's, we had this one kid who claimed to be gay because he realized that the Army wasn't as cool as his recruiter made it sound. Except they weren't in any big hurry to let him go, so they stuck him in a limbo for months figuring out what to do with him.
Yes, selective service is an idiotic waste of money, but it's a jobs program for people who would otherwise be abject failures even in a jobs program like the post office. You should start a thread about that.

Except the Post Office actually serves a purpose (and is called for in the constitution). Selective service does not at this point.

Interesting that any other instance of treating transwomen as if they were not "really women," is met with wailing and gnashing of teeth, accompanied by lawsuits.

Um, yes, treating them as not women in things that matter to them, like what bathroom they get to use, is important. Registering for a draft that is never going to happen is not.

Poor debate strategy to say that selective service doesn't matter, so it's OK if they still have that white supremacist idea that men are men and women are women. You should say that all of the infinite genders should register and that you're sure Biden will get to that as soon as he's finished improving the economy and defeating the Putin.

I would have no problem with having women register for selective service, since they can currently serve in nearly all MOS roles in the military.

But the thing is, we don't currently have a draft. We are not going to start a draft. If we do start a draft, we'd have to make decisions on who to draft, and as it stands now, 71% of eligible cis-gendered males wouldn't qualify due to past drug use, obesity, lack of education, etc.

As someone who served as an NCO in the Army, I certainly wouldn't want to train draftees. It was hard enough training people who actually wanted to be there.
Seems fair, except "trans" are mentally ill and unstable. They have no business in our military

Really? How about this person?

Jennifer Natalya Pritzker (born James Nicholas Pritzker; August 13, 1950) is an American investor, philanthropist, and member of the Pritzker family. Pritzker retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Illinois Army National Guard (ILARNG) in 2001, and was later made an honorary Illinois colonel.

Pritzker says her most memorable experiences in life were in Israel in October 1973 when she witnessed events of the Yom Kippur War.[2] Pritzker enlisted in the U.S. Army on February 8, 1974, and served with the HQ Troop, and with the B Troop, 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, rising to the rank of Sergeant.[2] Pritzker's roles while enlisted included aviation repair parts clerk, rifleman, and fire team leader.

After completing military service in February 1977,[2] Pritzker enrolled at Loyola University of Chicago, majoring in history, and entered its Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps program.[2] Pritzker graduated with a BA in History in May 1979, and received commission as an Army officer that same month.[2]

Pritzker first served with the 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division based at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, with duty assignments that included leading rifle and TOW platoons, and time in the Commandant Division, and the Anti-Armor School.[2] Pritzker served as a staff officer with the VII Corps at Kelley Barracks,[citation needed] in Germany, from 1984–1985.[2] Her active duty ended in 1985.[7][verification needed] After 16 years in the Army Reserves and Illinois Army National Guard,[8] Pritzker retired from the Army National Guard as a lieutenant colonel, in 2001.[9] After retiring, Pritzker was made an honorary Illinois colonel.[7]

While serving,[where?] Pritzker was awarded[when?] the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Army Achievement Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Good Conduct Medal, the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal with Star, the Antarctic Service Medal, the Outstanding Military Volunteer Service Medal, the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with 20 year Device, the NCO Professional Development Ribbon, the Army Service Ribbon, the Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon, the State of Louisiana Legion of Merit, the State of Illinois Long and Honorable Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the State of Illinois Military Attendance Ribbon with Numeral 7, the U.S. Army Parachute Badge and the Air Assault Badge.[7][verification needed]

Pritzker earned airborne badges from Israel, Russia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Great Britain,[2][7] as well as from Poland;[7] according to Steven Mrozek, "Most memorable of these was a parachute jump at the North Pole with the Russians in 1993."[2]

I will go a step further.

WOMEN should register for the draft. Men and women are the same.

Ladies, time for you to go to war.

If men and women are exactly the same, then go die in war.
Trans-women but not trans-MEN...

...a Biden admission that trans-women are REALLY men and that trans-men are really still women!

Cut off any parts you want, add any parts you want - males are still males, females are still females. Biden says so.
I actually learned recently that one of the best medical tells of how men and women are different is in the construction of their hip bones. Apparently the sexes each have differences and no amount of sex change surgery can alter that.

Probably why every transwomen I've seen looks built like and walks like Fred Flintstone.
Another tell tale sign is whether or not you have a penis.
Oh bullshit. For years I’ve argued that Trump wasn’t a Draft Dodger. For years. Search. You can find a lot of examples. Because I’m honest and I refuse to make an issue out of nothing. My issue with the former President has to do with his actions.

You guys hate. Hatred drives you. It is all you have. If Biden healed someone by laying hands upon the individual. You would claim it was staged or you would rush out and demand he be prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license. You are unreasonable jackasses.

A bunch of Government Lawyers got together and decided what the law said and the courts had ruled. They stated that reality. Someone put an ad out to explain it. The Draft Board would, if one was ever established, begin issuing waivers based upon the criteria.

We are stuck with what the law says. And Biden didn’t write it. And if he had put an ad out with Trans don’t have to register you all would be running around demanding he be impeached for violating the law.

I get the point. It is you hypocrites that don’t get it. You are too blinded by hatred.

So again I say. Putin push the button. We are too stupid to survive as a people or a nation. There is something in the air or water that makes us stupid.
What does any of that have to do with the current administration's hypocritical policy with regards to the draft? I know you think you can just scream "TRUMP" and by magic whatever issue you dont have an argument for will just go away but that's not real. If Transwomen are in fact women and not men, and women dont have to register for the draft why is it the policy of this administration that Transwomen have to register for the draft? Transphobia?

Transgender women must sign up for military draft under Biden admin, trans men get a pass

The policy is not new, but gained attention after a tweet from the Selective Service

11 Oct 2022 ~~ By Emma Colton

Transgender women must still register for the military draft, according to the U.S. Selective Service.
"US citizens or immigrants who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register," the Selective Service states on its official website.
Individuals who were born female, but identify as male do not need to register for the military draft, per the government.
The policy is not new, but gained attention after the Selective Service tweeted at parents on Friday, reminding them that their sons must register.
"Parents, if your son is an only son and the last male in your family to carry the family name, he is still required to register with SSS. Learn more about who needs to register," the Selective Service tweeted.

The tweet linked to its government website outlining that "almost all male US citizens and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service."

This tells you everything you need to know about how firmly Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies believe gender can actually be changed. men are still men and women are still women.
60 years ago president JFK had the bold vision to put a man on the moon. Less than two years ago, Joe Biden put men in girls locker room...

The WEF wants to eliminate 1/3 of the human race, you think that's easy?

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