Biden makes trans women register for draft

To that end, in 2016, a meticulous, comprehensive study requested by the Department of Defense found that enabling transgender individuals to serve openly in the United States military would have only a minimal impact on military readiness and healthcare costs. The study also concluded that open transgender service has had no significant impact on operational effectiveness or unit cohesion in foreign militaries."

its a lie
The issue is that Transgendered people are non-deployable. Which I know doesnt mean shit to you, but if you actually had to deal with deployments it would. Do you think it's fair that a cisgendered man or woman should have to serve an extra 6 months or year deployment away from their family to appease transgendered people? Because that's exactly what you are doing by allowing transgendered individuals into the service. Beyond all the communal living, bathing, etc issues that arise from doing it.
Biden needs to make up his mind. He says men that become women are actually women, but then he says trannies need to register for the draft. You can't have a lie and the truth coexist, it has to be one of the other. Truth or fantasy.

And why aren't women included in the draft? If women are truly equal to men in every way then why aren't they made to join the draft?

And on that topic why aren't so called "feminists" demanding women be included in the draft? Seems like they all want to demand women be treated equal but as soon as the draft, running into a burning building, digging sewage ditches, or doing underwater welding comes up they shut up and run away.

I actually learned recently that one of the best medical tells of how men and women are different is in the construction of their hip bones. Apparently the sexes each have differences and no amount of sex change surgery can alter that.

Probably why every transwomen I've seen looks built like and walks like Fred Flintstone.

It's called the pubic arch and in women it's greater than 90 degrees for childbirth, men it's much narrower. I don't remember much more than that about it from nursing school. I forgot the names of the individual bones that make up the pubic arch.

Which has become a conundrum when it comes to mandatory registering for a possible draft by the military

Should all children be forced to do so, or only trans men, etc.?

I guess the secondary question is whether women (girls) should also be registering for the Draft. Why not? Most military jobs, including the ones that I had as a Personnel Specialist, could easily be done by a woman - albeit without my personal flair.

With the Left's determination to make the Armed Forces an incubator for their preposterous re-casting of the human race, a sane military draft policy is not possible right now. But in a sane world, certain MOS's would be reserved for men, and the others would be gender neutral.

As for the question posed by the link, everyone with a cock & balls should be considered, but rational criteria (intellectual, temperamental, physical) should play a large part, so that at least a third are weeded out.

Which has become a conundrum when it comes to mandatory registering for a possible draft by the military

Should all children be forced to do so, or only trans men, etc.?

For a party who likes to deal in only facts, the left can't figure out the difference between a man and a woman or even when life begins. Where has science gotten them?
Klinger would have been disappointed with that decision. :laughing0301:


Which has become a conundrum when it comes to mandatory registering for a possible draft by the military

Should all children be forced to do so, or only trans men, etc.?

You know a society has completely lost its minds and that there is no hope for it when it feels the need to ask 'what is a woman / man' ... and then can't answer it.

Murder by any definition is still murder.
Are you making a moral declaration to me? 😄 Imagine that I don't give a shit about your morals. I only care whether or not you have the political power to make abortion a murder charge and I doubt it very much. I doubt it even more that if you do any prosecutor will want to bring those charges.
Um, yes, treating them as not women in things that matter to them, like what bathroom they get to use, is important. Registering for a draft that is never going to happen is not.

I would have no problem with having women register for selective service, since they can currently serve in nearly all MOS roles in the military.

But the thing is, we don't currently have a draft. We are not going to start a draft. If we do start a draft, we'd have to make decisions on who to draft, and as it stands now, 71% of eligible cis-gendered males wouldn't qualify due to past drug use, obesity, lack of education, etc.

As someone who served as an NCO in the Army, I certainly wouldn't want to train draftees. It was hard enough training people who actually wanted to be there.

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