Biden, Mocking Trump For Questioning His Health, Loses Train of Thought

You couldn’t make it a comedy skit. Too unbelievable for it to be very funny.

The question on health issues that should be getting asked 24/7 by The Trump Campaign is WHY doesn't Creepy Joe agree to have a drug test, this considering EVERY SINGLE picture that shows Creepy Joe's eyes shows he ALWAYS has PINPOINT PUPILS and so they need to DEMAND he has a drug test because ONLY SPECIFIC types of drugs are giving you CONSTANT PINPOINT PUPILS, these include Heroin, Methadone BUT also include drugs they give you AFTER you have had strokes.

Look at this Senile crazy POS bastards PINPOINT PUPILS, this is a recent picture I just found, his pupils say this walking Corpse is CONSTANTLY drugged up and Stoned:

Joe is now having sever memory lapses every day... He is degrading very quickly... They can no longer hide it.

Just his posture this morning concerned reminded me of RBG...kinda like a question mark.

But his losing his train of thought is most concerning...the guy is fading fast!
IMHO Joe is now entering the stage of dementia that medication can no longer help... It will go very fast now.
Joe is now having sever memory lapses every day... He is degrading very quickly... They can no longer hide it.

Just his posture this morning concerned reminded me of RBG...kinda like a question mark.

But his losing his train of thought is most concerning...the guy is fading fast!
IMHO Joe is now entering the stage of dementia that medication can no longer help... It will go very fast now.

Yes it looks like he's in Stage III of it, he'll be dead within 6-10 months IF even that long. I posted about this the other night, I had been discussing the Stage I-Stage III process with a Neurosurgeon friend of my Papa's and I said when they get into Stage III how long do they have and he said between 6-10 months IF THAT. Creepy Joe is literally a walking Corpse now.
Vice-President Biden forcefully defending all the medical clearances, then and now: Is not likely to be regarded anywhere as a loss of train of thought. Then to the matter of taking responsibility(?). Just because the Trumped-Up Family is completely unable to acknowledge it exists--essentially going out to deny everything on record: Does not make it credible as a Trumped-Up Family that even exists.

Contractors finally even had to come in and repair the White House lawn, post-Convention. The Trumped-Up Family let the newly enriched White Trash assault it--and trash it-- leaving their behavior behind!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This they even drag around: Matthew 25: 14-30--lives, (and lawns(?), don't matter!)

Creepy Joe's eyes = PINPOINT PUPILS AGAIN and the lights are on but NOBODY is at home:

View attachment 387278
Amphetamines or Adrenalin.... If this is how they are making him mentally alert it wont last log.

Yes it could be injections of Speed OR pure Adrenalin aka Epinephrine, of course you are not supposed to give peoples injections of Epinephrine to make them more mentally alert, those injections are usually for things like certain heart problems eg. cardiac arrest, but CONSIDERING how the Leftists aka Communists are CONSISTENTLY ABUSING this Senile old man I would NOT be shocked to know they were having him injected with pure Adrenalin to give him a jolt.
Vice-President Biden forcefully defending all the medical clearances, then and now: Is not likely to be regarded anywhere as a loss of train of thought. Then to the matter of taking responsibility(?). Just because the Trumped-Up Family is completely unable to acknowledge it exists--essentially going out to deny everything on record: Does not make it credible as a Trumped-Up Family that even exists.

Contractors finally even had to come in and repair the White House lawn, post-Convention. The Trumped-Up Family let the newly enriched White Trash assault it--and trash it-- leaving their behavior behind!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This they even drag around: Matthew 25: 14-30--lives, (and lawns(?), don't matter!)

deflection noted....

Creepy Joe's eyes = PINPOINT PUPILS AGAIN and the lights are on but NOBODY is at home:

View attachment 387278
Amphetamines or Adrenalin.... If this is how they are making him mentally alert it wont last log.

Yes it could be injections of Speed OR pure Adrenalin aka Epinephrine, of course you are not supposed to give peoples injections of Epinephrine to make them more mentally alert, those injections are usually for things like certain heart problems eg. cardiac arrest, but CONSIDERING how the Leftists aka Communists are CONSISTENTLY ABUSING this Senile old man I would NOT be shocked to know they were having him injected with pure Adrenalin to give him a jolt.
If they are doing either of these they risk giving Joe an anyerism again or a fatal heart attack...
Vice-President Biden forcefully defending all the medical clearances, then and now: Is not likely to be regarded anywhere as a loss of train of thought. Then to the matter of taking responsibility(?). Just because the Trumped-Up Family is completely unable to acknowledge it exists--essentially going out to deny everything on record: Does not make it credible as a Trumped-Up Family that even exists.

Contractors finally even had to come in and repair the White House lawn, post-Convention. The Trumped-Up Family let the newly enriched White Trash assault it--and trash it-- leaving their behavior behind!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This they even drag around: Matthew 25: 14-30--lives, (and lawns(?), don't matter!)


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