Biden, Mocking Trump For Questioning His Health, Loses Train of Thought

Yes it looks like he's in Stage III of it, he'll be dead within 6-10 months IF even that long.

He started going senile around the time he became obamas VP. So we're looking at atleast 12 years of it now.

Dementia is a Progressive Disease (pun NOT intended) there can be a varying but considerable period of time between them going from Stage I- Stage III, if they are diagnosed when they are in Stage I and put on medication it will slow the time down between going from Stage II-Stage III but as Dementia is not curable and is a Progressive Disease they WILL still go into Stage II and then into Stage III which is the End Stage and point of no return and only death is waiting for them when they get into Stage III.

Joe Biden is RAPIDLY deteriorating by the day now, whenever a new video of him is posted his mental deterioration is WORSE than the previous video of him posted was. I mean IF he wasn't such a nasty HATEFUL POS who obviously literally HATES Normal Americans THEN you COULD feel sorry for him but as he is a nasty HATEFUL POS then I wish him NOTHING but BAD.

Creepy Joe's eyes = PINPOINT PUPILS AGAIN and the lights are on but NOBODY is at home:

View attachment 387278
Amphetamines or Adrenalin.... If this is how they are making him mentally alert it wont last log.

Yes it could be injections of Speed OR pure Adrenalin aka Epinephrine, of course you are not supposed to give peoples injections of Epinephrine to make them more mentally alert, those injections are usually for things like certain heart problems eg. cardiac arrest, but CONSIDERING how the Leftists aka Communists are CONSISTENTLY ABUSING this Senile old man I would NOT be shocked to know they were having him injected with pure Adrenalin to give him a jolt.
If they are doing either of these they risk giving Joe an anyerism again or a fatal heart attack...

Yes but I think that IS their plan, they have absolutely NO use for Creepy Joe and are just USING him, Kamala Harris is their Candidate for President and IF they get in I would 100% fully expect that by say April 2021 (two and a half months after Inauguration) that they will give Creepy Joe a Hot Shot (an injection of a lethal dose of something) and kill him, it will be put down to a massive heart attack, The Politburo in the Old Soviet Union used to do this type of thing ALL the time.
Then there is the matter that the OP offers nothing from which to deflect, unlike more recent Trumped-Up malfeasance evidence, Acknowledging deadly virus early on to one interviewer only--not even to aides:
"He started calling the reporter at night, and Melania walked in during one conversation. After Woodward made a little small talk with the first lady, the president explained he was being interviewed for the author’s next book."

'“It’ll probably be atrocious, but that’s okay,” Trump said."

"Since most of his aides are admitting they either didn’t know of the project or thought it was an awful idea, it’s worth examining why Trump decided to spend nine hours talking to Woodward, with all but one conversation on tape."

"Was it risky? Richard Nixon, the first president Woodward pursued, was ousted when he had to disclose his secret White House tapes. But Trump knew the Woodward tapes would be made public. In fact, he urged Jared Kushner and other top aides to cooperate with the “Rage” project."
There is even reasonable disconnect shown in the Trumped-Up behavior, all year long from the start!

No one brings up the bats with the Chinese passports, even--apparently long-term Chinese nationals(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
( (Pastors even drag around: Matthew 25: 14-30--lives, (and lawns(?), don't matter!)
Yes it looks like he's in Stage III of it, he'll be dead within 6-10 months IF even that long.

He started going senile around the time he became obamas VP. So we're looking at atleast 12 years of it now.

Dementia is a Progressive Disease (pun NOT intended) there can be a varying but considerable period of time between them going from Stage I- Stage III, if they are diagnosed when they are in Stage I and put on medication it will slow the time down between going from Stage II-Stage III but as Dementia is not curable and is a Progressive Disease they WILL still go into Stage II and then into Stage III which is the End Stage and point of no return and only death is waiting for them when they get into Stage III.

Joe Biden is RAPIDLY deteriorating by the day now, whenever a new video of him is posted his mental deterioration is WORSE than the previous video of him posted was. I mean IF he wasn't such a nasty HATEFUL POS who obviously literally HATES Normal Americans THEN you COULD feel sorry for him but as he is a nasty HATEFUL POS then I wish him NOTHING but BAD.

I actually do feel sorry for him. I don't wish ill health on anyone. I do NOT however have any sympathy for the ignorant people that will actually vote for a clearly demented man for President of the US and to be leader of the free world. Evidently they don't know they are actually voting for Harris, who would be lucky to muster 20% of the vote if she were the nominee. Ignorance is no excuse. People that ignorant shouldn't be voting in the first place.
All I saw was him appearing to bite his tongue when it appeared he might have wanted to take on Trump's "Slow Joe" charge. I'm undecided about Biden's mental health and will make up my mind as the campaign moves along. As for this particular performance I was mildly assured of his mental state. The "mildly" is primarily due to my suspicion that the question was scripted.

Creepy Joe's eyes = PINPOINT PUPILS AGAIN and the lights are on but NOBODY is at home:

View attachment 387278
Amphetamines or Adrenalin.... If this is how they are making him mentally alert it wont last log.

Yes it could be injections of Speed OR pure Adrenalin aka Epinephrine, of course you are not supposed to give peoples injections of Epinephrine to make them more mentally alert, those injections are usually for things like certain heart problems eg. cardiac arrest, but CONSIDERING how the Leftists aka Communists are CONSISTENTLY ABUSING this Senile old man I would NOT be shocked to know they were having him injected with pure Adrenalin to give him a jolt.
If they are doing either of these they risk giving Joe an anyerism again or a fatal heart attack...

Yes but I think that IS their plan, they have absolutely NO use for Creepy Joe and are just USING him, Kamala Harris is their Candidate for President and IF they get in I would 100% fully expect that by say April 2021 (two and a half months after Inauguration) that they will give Creepy Joe a Hot Shot (an injection of a lethal dose of something) and kill him, it will be put down to a massive heart attack, The Politburo in the Old Soviet Union used to do this type of thing ALL the time.
Trump got this one right..

Joe is nothing but a shell and being used to get radicals into power. The classic bait and switch.. And this one would be lethal for the US as a country.
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You couldn’t make it a comedy skit. Too unbelievable for it to be very funny.


Did you think that no one would watch the video?

Biden didn't lose his train of thought at all. He laughed, then paused for a moment and continued.

Same thing everyone does when they laugh during a conversation.

But feel free to keep throwing it up against the wall and seeing if your bullshit sticks.

Creepy Joe's eyes = PINPOINT PUPILS AGAIN and the lights are on but NOBODY is at home:

View attachment 387278
Amphetamines or Adrenalin.... If this is how they are making him mentally alert it wont last log.

Yes it could be injections of Speed OR pure Adrenalin aka Epinephrine, of course you are not supposed to give peoples injections of Epinephrine to make them more mentally alert, those injections are usually for things like certain heart problems eg. cardiac arrest, but CONSIDERING how the Leftists aka Communists are CONSISTENTLY ABUSING this Senile old man I would NOT be shocked to know they were having him injected with pure Adrenalin to give him a jolt.
If they are doing either of these they risk giving Joe an anyerism again or a fatal heart attack...

Yes but I think that IS their plan, they have absolutely NO use for Creepy Joe and are just USING him, Kamala Harris is their Candidate for President and IF they get in I would 100% fully expect that by say April 2021 (two and a half months after Inauguration) that they will give Creepy Joe a Hot Shot (an injection of a lethal dose of something) and kill him, it will be put down to a massive heart attack, The Politburo in the Old Soviet Union used to do this type of thing ALL the time.
Trump got this one right..

Joe is nothing but a shell and being used to get radicals into power. The classic bait and switch.. And this one would be lethal for the US as a country.

More often than not The Donald is usually right, he has very good instincts.

The situation is that is Joe Biden even AWARE what the fuck is going on on ANY level? I don't think he is. The main example for this is they say that in order to get the Leftists aka Communists to vote for him and Harris then Biden needs to go as FAR to the LEFT as he is doing, I disagree, the Leftists aka Communists are going to vote for him and Harris ANYWAY because they are driven by their fanatical HATE of Donald Trump.

I have been reading about Joe Biden and from what I get he was ALWAYS considered to be on the more conservative wing of The Democrat Party and was NEVER considered on the Left of it and so what we have now in 2020 are clear examples that Joe Biden is TOTALLY out of it to the POINT his Handlers can write his scripts for him that he reads not knowing WTF he's EVEN reading which is why in 2020 his Handlers can literally get him to openly quote Chairman Mao, the Joe Biden of 10, 15 years ago I think would have REFUSED to have quoted Chairman Mao, but now he's out of his skull and is basically reduced to being back into almost being a CHILD then you have this:




^^^^ And there you have it, this Anita Dunn who OPENLY ADMITS she's a fucking Maoist probably wrote that little speech for Joe Biden to read completely out of his skull not even knowing WTF he was reading.

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You couldn’t make it a comedy skit. Too unbelievable for it to be very funny.

Not really seeing anything there. We all lose train of our thoughts.
Biden is losing his mental abilities. That is a FACT. We don't need to show every minor blip as "proof" of that. That only helps his supporters show we are over reacting.
How exactly does one overreact when a senile old man wants the nuclear codes to destroy civilization.
You couldn’t make it a comedy skit. Too unbelievable for it to be very funny.

Not really seeing anything there. We all lose train of our thoughts.
Biden is losing his mental abilities. That is a FACT. We don't need to show every minor blip as "proof" of that. That only helps his supporters show we are over reacting.
How exactly does one overreact when a senile old man wants the nuclear codes to destroy civilization.
Exactly how you Trump supporters have been acting... lying their asses off as they make excuses for their crazy leader
Then there is the matter that the OP offers nothing from which to deflect, unlike more recent Trumped-Up malfeasance evidence, Acknowledging deadly virus early on to one interviewer only--not even to aides:
"He started calling the reporter at night, and Melania walked in during one conversation. After Woodward made a little small talk with the first lady, the president explained he was being interviewed for the author’s next book."

'“It’ll probably be atrocious, but that’s okay,” Trump said."

"Since most of his aides are admitting they either didn’t know of the project or thought it was an awful idea, it’s worth examining why Trump decided to spend nine hours talking to Woodward, with all but one conversation on tape."

"Was it risky? Richard Nixon, the first president Woodward pursued, was ousted when he had to disclose his secret White House tapes. But Trump knew the Woodward tapes would be made public. In fact, he urged Jared Kushner and other top aides to cooperate with the “Rage” project."
There is even reasonable disconnect shown in the Trumped-Up behavior, all year long from the start!

No one brings up the bats with the Chinese passports, even--apparently long-term Chinese nationals(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
( (Pastors even drag around: Matthew 25: 14-30--lives, (and lawns(?), don't matter!)

The thread is NOT about Donald Trump, you Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd what you need is this:


And you also probably need this:


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