Biden Moves To Pack The USSC Court; Signs EO Forming Commission To Investigate Expanding The Court


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The historical trend of Democrats changing the Institutions and rules when they do not get their way and lose power / the advantage continues...

Democrats are attempting to destroy every norm that has existed for 250 years, to attempt to ram through everything they can to seize power - end the filibuster, the Speaker overturning democratic election results to unseat an elected Republican, pack the courts....and as much as possible through Executive Edict. Democrats By-passing Congress, BTW, is interesting since the Democrats control both House and Senate...
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Another Biden campaign promise broken.

Actually, Biden discussed just such a bipartisan commission during his campaign.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden promised to establish a bipartisan commission of scholars that would come up with recommendations for reforming the court system, saying at that time that it would study "a number of alternatives that go well beyond [court] packing,
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

Every time the duuufus libturds change rules they fuck themselves................................Ask Merrik Garland about that one. Then ask the new one about rules too, lol.........................9 is fine. Even Ruth Hater Ginsburg, the libturd goddess said so.
9 is fine. Even Ruth Hater Ginsburg, the libturd goddess said so.

'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

McConnell packed the Court. It is only right that Biden balance the court with a few open minded, honest jurists.
Another Biden campaign promise broken.

Nobody is packing the Supreme Court, Chicken Little.
Maybe before you open that pie hole of yours, you read a little bit about the groper of women and children EO.
McConnell packed the Court. It is only right that Biden balance the court with a few open minded, honest jurists.
What you and the Democrats are pissed about is how President Trump had 3 opportunities to place judges on the USSC...and he did so. RBG herself declared positions should be filled as soon as possible. RBG also said the USSC should not be expanded, that9 Justices are enough and should not be changed.

Every chance the Democrats get when they do not get their way they attempt to change the rules and destroy existing processes...or steal they regain power...and keep any cost.

By attempting this Biden and Democrats are pissing on RBG's grave, dishonoring what she stood for, her wisdom, and her guidance.
Trying to pack the court in a world where the senate heavily favors republicans....

If i still considered myself a democrat I'd think this was a bad play

Then again because of old Ruth this is so fucked up, democrats have nothing left to lose.
Why would they need to? It’s already left leaning and that faggot Roberts has sided with the left on every major decision.

The court is very libertarian....? Especially on civil issues.

WHat sort of right wing do you want?

A few social issues and you cry they're left leaning? What?

In 2021 when the left are actually attacking basic civil liberties?
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

McConnell packed the Court. It is only right that Biden balance the court with a few open minded, honest jurists.
filling empty seats is not packing the court dumbass,,,

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