Biden Mulls Israel Model for the Ukraine.

You could say that the Ukraine could become a Nato member without privileges, and specifically article 5.
But then there's no doubt that Nato membership is blowing smoke up the dead dog's ass if article 5 isn't included!

I think some of you are getting it now, even though most are pretending to not get it.

The Ukraine should have been included the Ukraine in the fold in 2014 or earlier and now it's too late.

Consider Russia's options if the Ukraine becomes a member at 12 midnight.

1. Russia ceases all hostilities at 11:59.

2. Nato says it's o.k. for Russia to finish destroying the UKraine.

Which would be the most likely?

America didn't dot all the I's and cross all the t's when it started a war against Russia.
My Lord! You are clueless!!!

1. Ukraine NEVER joins NATO
2. “Biden” made a horrible miscalculation in provoking Russia
3. Ukraine is finished, finito, done, over, adios. It will become European version of San Francisco, a collapsed city occupied only the Elites and Slaves. Even BlackRock is walking away
My Lord! You are clueless!!!

1. Ukraine NEVER joins NATO
2. “Biden” made a horrible miscalculation in provoking Russia
3. Ukraine is finished, finito, done, over, adios. It will become European version of San Francisco, a collapsed city occupied only the Elites and Slaves. Even BlackRock is walking away
I'm happy to be your kind of clueless!

America's odds are much worse on account of the domestic shitfight, that at least forms the basis for an antiwar movement!
The Israel model for the Ukraine??
A good topic to add to our discussions!
An expectation that Russia will agree to stop where they are and allow the Ukraine to be a no-man's land that's more similar to N.Korea?

Not now. Russia has fought and made the sacrifice for their security against further US aggression and encroachment on their borders.
Putin will insist on that minimum at least and he has the territory he needs to bargain with real teeth.
A german walks into a brothel and buys a prostitute.
A Pole walks into a brothel and cleans up after the german.
A ukro walks into a brothel, takes his wife out of work and takes her place.

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