Biden “on a war footing” to dehumanize “roughly half the population who voted against him”

So you're contention is that black communities are struggling because they've been given too much.... :lmao:
YES!... they have no personal responsibly for their own actions. this is government handout driven. Those who break out and off the democrat plantation of slavery by indebtedness and victimhood are disparaged by your left wing bigoty.
What's calling every democrat a groomer
I mean not all of you are - but the ones who support indoctrinating small children who have no business worrying about adult activities like sex into all this nonsense are factually groomer pieces of shit spreading social contagion and you should be called out for it.
YES!... they have no personal responsibly for their own actions. this is government handout driven. Those who break out and off the democrat plantation of slavery by indebtedness and victimhood are disparaged by your left wing bigoty.
Who needs to break out of a Democratic plantation? Is the Democratic party keeping 90% of black voters there by force? Is that your hilarious argument?
I mean not all of you are - but the ones who support indoctrinating small children who have no business worrying about adult activities like sex into all this nonsense are factually groomer pieces of shit spreading social contagion and you should be called out for it.
Go for it! 😄 Try to liken acceptance for grooming. I'm not trying to stop you. But if you're going to be a bitch I will stop to point and laugh.
Who needs to break out of a Democratic plantation? Is the Democratic party keeping 90% of black voters there by force? Is that your hilarious argument?
They use victim hood, your owed things, whitey is bad.... all excuses to remain on the handout dole, afraid to take personal responsibility for their own wellbeing. That is the fallacy of VICTIMHOOD sold to you idiots by democrats.
The best part about this is roughly 35% of blacks no longer side with the demofascist party. Trump helped them more that the forty years the demofascists tried to keep balcky on the plantation. Not only are blacks figuring out what the demofascists are doing but Latinos and other ethnicities figured it out too... That is why you people are screaming like little bitches. Once these people leave you will never hold power again.

That is why you all are scared to death today..
I'm not. Go and call me a pervert you piece of shit. 😄
I mean you’re the sick fuck who wants little kids exposed to what could and should be these people’s private fetishes - which are their business if it’s in their bedroom, or some private club - but that’s not good enough for you.

People like you who want social contagion through child abuse should be protested, sick fuck.
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My interview on Newsmax:
“What we’re seeing come out is the real Joe Biden. Anybody who has followed his career knows that the 2020 portrayal of him by the media as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden is a fabrication. He was deemed the father of ‘Borking,’ the vicious attacks on judicial nominees dating back many decades ago. His entire career has been one of viciously attacking people.”
4 Sep 2022 ~~ By William A. Jacobson

Joe Biden is still on the warpath against MAGA. First it was dehumanizing MAGA Republicans, in a September 1 speech that was widely panned as “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history”:

Then Biden walked it back a bit, and said he wasn’t referring to “all” MAGA voters.
That the campaign of demonizaton was Joe’s idea and obsession was confirmed in a Politico report. That’s not surprising, he’s a nasty piece of work and has been his entire career, as I previously pointed out:
“Biden has been a corrupt sleaze his entire career, he’s a malicious flame thrower who hides behind the facade of being ‘regular Joe’ and now kind elderly Joes. He’s the worst of our political system.”​

Considering that Robert Byrd was joey Biden's close friend and mentor. Why would he have so much hate in their heart?
Joey has in fact insulted over 125 million Americans...most of them coming here LEGALLY to escape what he is pushing.
Foe Joey, there;s np going back he can't retract that speech in Philadelphia.
Seems that this is a claer time to gather, organize and take massive action to restore our Constitutional government.
The Stasi raid on August 8th Mar a Largo was the initial attack, Joey's speech was the Blitz. This will fail.

Lol, you are a bunch of fascist. We have known for quite the while.
Lol, you are a bunch of fascist. We have known for quite the while.
I mean sorry you don’t know what words mean, but your stupidity and ignorance and inaccuracy would mean you couldn’t “know” any such thing, especially as to how the term more appropriately refers to the authoritarian socialist left which you cheer for.
They use victim hood, your owed things, whitey is bad.... all excuses to remain on the handout dole, afraid to take personal responsibility for their own wellbeing. That is the fallacy of VICTIMHOOD sold to you idiots by democrats.
So black Americans weren't victims of centuries of slavery, racism, segregation and demonization? That's all just made up? Fake history? In what Out House were you educated in?

The best part about this is roughly 35% of blacks no longer side with the demofascist party. Trump helped them more that the forty years the demofascists tried to keep balcky on the plantation.
So the success black people isn't due to their own hard work, you think they should thank Trump personally because only he alone can help them get off the Democratic plantation where they are forced to believe handouts from saviors is what will lift them out of poverty. I got all that right? 😂
Not only are blacks figuring out what the demofascists are doing but Latinos and other ethnicities figured it out too... That is why you people are screaming like little bitches. Once these people leave you will never hold power again.

Hispanics vote as a majority for Democrats you nitwit. Over 60% of Hispanics and over 90% of black voters. You aren't winning with a single non white demographic in an increasingly diverse electorate.
That is why you all are scared to death today..
I'm not scared at all Billy Bob. 😁

My interview on Newsmax:
“What we’re seeing come out is the real Joe Biden. Anybody who has followed his career knows that the 2020 portrayal of him by the media as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden is a fabrication. He was deemed the father of ‘Borking,’ the vicious attacks on judicial nominees dating back many decades ago. His entire career has been one of viciously attacking people.”
4 Sep 2022 ~~ By William A. Jacobson

Joe Biden is still on the warpath against MAGA. First it was dehumanizing MAGA Republicans, in a September 1 speech that was widely panned as “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history”:

Then Biden walked it back a bit, and said he wasn’t referring to “all” MAGA voters.
That the campaign of demonizaton was Joe’s idea and obsession was confirmed in a Politico report. That’s not surprising, he’s a nasty piece of work and has been his entire career, as I previously pointed out:
“Biden has been a corrupt sleaze his entire career, he’s a malicious flame thrower who hides behind the facade of being ‘regular Joe’ and now kind elderly Joes. He’s the worst of our political system.”​

Considering that Robert Byrd was joey Biden's close friend and mentor. Why would he have so much hate in their heart?
Joey has in fact insulted over 125 million Americans...most of them coming here LEGALLY to escape what he is pushing.
Foe Joey, there;s np going back he can't retract that speech in Philadelphia.
Seems that this is a claer time to gather, organize and take massive action to restore our Constitutional government.
The Stasi raid on August 8th Mar a Largo was the initial attack, Joey's speech was the Blitz. This will fail.

That would be about 35 million then.
I mean sorry you don’t know what words mean, but your stupidity and ignorance and inaccuracy would mean you couldn’t “know” any such thing, especially as to how the term more appropriately refers to the authoritarian socialist left which you cheer for.
Lol, I know exactly what it means retard.
I mean you’re the sick fuck who wants little kids exposed to what could and should be these people’s private fetishes - which are their business if it’s in their bedroom, or some private club - but that’s not good enough for you.

People like you who want social contagion through child abuse should be protested, sick fuck.
Homosexuality isn't a social contagion you frightful bitch. Put the Bible down and pick up a biology book. 😄
So black Americans weren't victims of centuries of slavery, racism, segregation and demonization? That's all just made up? Fake history? In what Out House were you educated in?


So the success black people isn't due to their own hard work, you think they should thank Trump personally because only he alone can help them get off the Democratic plantation where they are forced to believe handouts from saviors is what will lift them out of poverty. I got all that right? 😂


Hispanics vote as a majority for Democrats you nitwit. Over 60% of Hispanics and over 90% of black voters. You aren't winning with a single non white demographic in an increasingly diverse electorate.

I'm not scared at all Billy Bob. 😁
Keep that head buried... Your party is losing people of color faster than Biden changes his depends.. Well, faster that Jill can change Biden's depends...

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG
Kids aren’t homosexual, kids aren’t transsexual, kids aren’t even asexual, they’re just not sexual, or they shouldn’t be and wouldn’t be if not for pedophiles and groomers.

Leave the kids alone, you sick fuck.

Homosexuality isn't a social contagion you frightful bitch. Put the Bible down and pick up a biology book. 😄
Kids aren’t homosexual, kids aren’t transsexual, kids aren’t even asexual, they’re just not sexual, or they shouldn’t be.

Leave the kids alone, you suck fuck.
It's not my fault no one in your trailer home school taught you about human biology and sociology. Your sexual orientation is something you're born with and human intimacy doesn't begin and end with sex you moron. You never had a crush on someone in grade school? Wait, you were obviously home schooled, nevermind, don't answer that.
Because power should be wielded by your cuck emotions and beliefs rather than what you can prove objectively? 😄
Holy crap, I’ve got Fox on, and they’re STILL bitching and sobbing about this, like some bully stole their lunch money.

Funny, I don’t remember them going full Karen and wailing like this when the orange buffoon did his CONSTANT attacks for six years on anyone and everyone who rubbed him the wrong way in the slightest. Every single fucking day. They cheered him on like they were at a pro wrestling show.

I knew these people are weak, but these snowflakes are a freakin’ embarrassment.

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