Biden 'On Vacation' As Afghanistan Govt Falls, His 'Saigon' Unfolds

BREAKING!!.... we have Vice President Harris... Mrs. Vice President I have questions on Afghanistan, where your own Ambassador said this was avoidable, the Border collapse where your own Homeland Security Secretary is recorded as sating "we have lost the border".... Mrs. Harris??? Helloo???


I don't know where we go from here.

We have no acting president....seemingly no acting administration
You are right...we have no "acting" president...We have a President. I wonder why all who are upset about this said nothing when trump negotiated the May 21 withdrawal or aren't running out to help the Afghan Army stiffen up...
You are right...we have no "acting" president...We have a President. I wonder why all who are upset about this said nothing when trump negotiated the May 21 withdrawal or aren't running out to help the Afghan Army stiffen up...

It's not about withdrawing.

It's about leaving our people on the ground and being unprepared.
'If the US will not commit to a fight against the Taliban, there will be a question mark over whether America would really be willing to go to war with China or Russia. Yet America’s global network of alliances is based on the idea that, in the last resort, US troops would indeed be deployed to defend their allies in Asia, Europe and elsewhere.'

Go to war against China alongside the US....?

Afghans cling to departing planes, US suspends evacuation flights from Kabul airport

Ummmmm.........maybe not.


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Since the Taliban was ousted in 2001, rampant criminality has returned to the heart of Afghanistan’s politics.

Kabul is overrun with mafia-style networks that control the national drug trade and bring violence to the streets with armed robberies and factional warfare. The crime wave has seriously debilitated political stability and internal security, as each criminal syndicate attempts to use the government to protect its business and ensure its longevity.

Many Afghan politicians and strongmen engage in or support these organized criminal activities. Drug smuggling, land grabbing, extortion, illegal mining, kidnapping, revenue theft, torture and arbitrary detention all take place under the protection of the strongmen who serve in government.

Some prominent political groups also retain private militias. Controlling territory with an armed presence allows parties to distribute spoils to their supporters and actively intimidate their opponents.


I can't say I blame her. After all, here you have a sitting President bug out of a war that has gone on for 20 years and then leaves on vacation as chaos kills untold numbers trying to flee the Taliban.

So she just checks out for the week.

I imagine she is contemplating not coming back at all. At best, she is preparing to defend Bug out Joe as best she can as she brainstorms for a solid week to try and do so.
"The likelihood there's going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely"
- President Joe Biden

"This is not Saigon"
- Biden U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken


'Troop withdrawal won't be hasty.'
- President Joe Biden

"The largest U.S. airbase was abandoned so suddenly that Afghan troops couldn't even figure out how to turn the electricity back on."

► Since the Taliban offensive, a growing humanitarian crisis has unfolded with 250,000 people fleeing their homes, all in the midst of a pandemic. And there are troubling reports of Taliban atrocities and score-settling.

►The White House said 20,000 Afghans were seeking special immigrant visas fearing for their lives because of working with Americans. They have tens of thousands of family members. How many got out and how many were left behind?

Would you want to have to do that press conference?

I would if I believe in my government and our policies, no question.

When she returns, this will be the message "the other admins are responsible".

Which isn't inaccurate. Except, your administration now control the military, leaders, intel and final decision. You have to assess what's going on and clearly Biden was told some really, really bad intel. Just a couple of weeks ago he told the world "this won't be another Saigon". It was worse, record time recapture.
another great example of a Democrat Cultist

Facts are stubborn things assclown

You mean people should not go on vacation? I never heard anyone tell Trump that and he golfed and took joy rides and held rallies during a pandemic while he was negotiating with terrorist to end the Afghan war.
You mean people should not go on vacation? I never heard anyone tell Trump that and he golfed and took joy rides and held rallies during a pandemic while he was negotiating with terrorist to end the Afghan war.
at least cruz came back for a hurricane and biden wont for the worst military blunder in modern times,,
The longer they stay absent the weaker they look. Not that they ever weren’t weak to begin with.

Watch the rest of the worlds media. They see a rapidly declining U.S. Worse than ever as Russia and China openly and brazenly call out their support for Taliban.

Trump had it right, he played other countries against China. Right now, U.S allies are being played against them and no amount of comforting words will appease them. They are seeing action in front of their faces.

China will not be the pushover than Russia was.
1 big thing: Biden's stain
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'This is not Saigon 2.0.' RELLY?
A U.S. Chinook helicopter flies over the U.S. Embassy in Kabul today. As the Taliban
reaches Kabul, helicopters are landing at the embassy and diplomatic vehicles are
leaving the compound.

"Rarely has an American president's predictions been so wrong, so fast, so convincingly as President Biden on Afghanistan."

Just five weeks ago, President Biden assured Americans: "[T]he likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely."

In April, Biden said: "We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit. We'll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely."

"The big picture: It's a stunning failure for the West, and embarrassment for Biden. And it's a traumatic turn for U.S. veterans who sacrificed in Afghanistan over the past 20 years, the 20,000+ wounded in action, and survivors of the more than 2,300 U.S. military personnel who were killed."

"I think it is already an indelible stain on his presidency."

- Ryan Crocker, a U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan under President Obama

Watch the rest of the worlds media. They see a rapidly declining U.S. Worse than ever as Russia and China openly and brazenly call out their support for Taliban.

Trump had it right, he played other countries against China. Right now, U.S allies are being played against them and no amount of comforting words will appease them. They are seeing action in front of their faces.

China will not be the pushover than Russia was.
China is propped up by US factories, US IP, and US imports. If Trump was in he would have leveled the playing field.

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