Biden 'On Vacation' As Afghanistan Govt Falls, His 'Saigon' Unfolds

US intelligence isn't very intelligent. Good luck getting support from the locals in the next conflict. He should have had an evacuation plan for all Americans and ALL local allies. The Taliban took over the country in a matter of days. Well designed and executed. Who's in charge?

Biden’s Disgrace

Worse Than Saigon

'In yielding Afghanistan to the Taliban, Joe Biden has engineered the worst foreign-policy disaster in a generation.'

It's not that Biden withdrew troops, it was that he and his advisors were SO WRONG...about EVERYTHING, it was his complete failure at handling the withdrawal...that left 'a significant number of Americans' now trapped in Taliban-run Afghanistan, their fate in the hands of the /mercy' of the Taliban....

I can't say I blame her. After all, here you have a sitting President bug out of a war that has gone on for 20 years and then leaves on vacation as chaos kills untold numbers trying to flee the Taliban.

So she just checks out for the week.

You have to give her some credit. Peppermint Patty has the worst government job our country could offer trying to defend this dementia patient. I give her credit for even trying.

I can't say I blame her. After all, here you have a sitting President bug out of a war that has gone on for 20 years and then leaves on vacation as chaos kills untold numbers trying to flee the Taliban.

So she just checks out for the week.

I imagine she is contemplating not coming back at all. At best, she is preparing to defend Bug out Joe as best she can as she brainstorms for a solid week to try and do so.

I agree, I don't think she's coming back.
I refuse to believe that cheating demented rapist, child groper and career criminal Biden into the White House was a bad idea!

Until CNN tells me to think differently that is.


I loathe Biden but when has he ever been a "rapist"?
She chose her path. Let the chips fall.

I actually feel sorry for her

Putin's going to need another mole.

2022 and 2024 is coming...thank God

Yes, I am going to a poll watcher and if they try and prevent us from doing our job there will be blood flowing.

I will be 77, ain't got nothing to lose.

They do.
Biden wishes this was only as bad as the Saigon escape. Looks really bad to me.

At least in the Vietnam War the U.S. had the "deescalation excuse". That is North Vietnam was an ally of the Soviet Union so we didn't want to piss off the Soviets too much and risk a conflict with them.

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