Biden or democracy?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If a democracy were trying to commit suicide it is difficult to see how it would act any differently than the US is conducting itself today. American leadership purchased a seat in the global arena by selling out its working citizens to the People’s Republic of China, a billion-strong authoritarian centrally controlled communist dictatorship. When a president was elected on a platform suggesting that China pay its fair share in taxation, US command and control in Washington flew out of its hive like African killer bees with a witch’s brew of concocted accusations mixed with all the toil and trouble of guilty miscreants falling all over themselves to hide their deeds.

Mock investigations descended on the landscape in a scorched-earth political blitzkrieg unprecedented in modern times. The unanticipated election of a populist blowing the cover of the corporate, ideological, and political battalions of globalist Washington traitors to the US Constitution was met with a whirlwind of toxic propaganda making the former Soviets look like amateurs.

While millions put in their Chinese earbuds and got high on opioids and fentanyl, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and the FISA courts manufactured an Oscar-winning blockbuster misinformation movie for the ages. The plot was that the masses had been taken in by a deceiver that actually stood for the return of nationhood in America. The problem was that the deal to take away America’s nationhood was already done. The US pharmaceutical infrastructure was just one casualty that had gone past the point of no return.

Racism in America had all but disappeared seriously disrupting the cash flow of the struggle-oriented leftist, Alinsky-influenced, socialist platform. So, the populist was smeared with attacks of racism and useful media was pressed into action to dramatize a false narrative that racism not only existed but was systemic. Cities burned and businesses were destroyed in community-organized “peaceful” protests.

The coup de grâce was delivered with a rigged election. The new globally approved leader is now dressed in a fine suit of new clothes. But first they must drag the antagonist through the streets wearing a crown of thorns so that no other similar threat can emerge from the people to challenge the central authority of the state.

This is not going to end well for the people, or the government and democracy will either die on the vine or be watered with the blood of those willing to defend it.
Well written Ray.
I'm curious how it will turn out.
One of the most disturbing things now is that Parler is being crushed by "big tech", Apple, Google, FB, Amazon, etc. because it could be used instead of Twitter.
Jack Dorsey wants Parler gone, and it looks like it may be going, so Twitter will have a monopoly.
It looks like "Big Brother" of 1984 is APPLE, can you say "irony"?
If a democracy were trying to commit suicide it is difficult to see how it would act any differently than the US is conducting itself today. American leadership purchased a seat in the global arena by selling out its working citizens to the People’s Republic of China, a billion-strong authoritarian centrally controlled communist dictatorship. When a president was elected on a platform suggesting that China pay its fair share in taxation, US command and control in Washington flew out of its hive like African killer bees with a witch’s brew of concocted accusations mixed with all the toil and trouble of guilty miscreants falling all over themselves to hide their deeds.

Mock investigations descended on the landscape in a scorched-earth political blitzkrieg unprecedented in modern times. The unanticipated election of a populist blowing the cover of the corporate, ideological, and political battalions of globalist Washington traitors to the US Constitution was met with a whirlwind of toxic propaganda making the former Soviets look like amateurs.

While millions put in their Chinese earbuds and got high on opioids and fentanyl, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and the FISA courts manufactured an Oscar-winning blockbuster misinformation movie for the ages. The plot was that the masses had been taken in by a deceiver that actually stood for the return of nationhood in America. The problem was that the deal to take away America’s nationhood was already done. The US pharmaceutical infrastructure was just one casualty that had gone past the point of no return.

Racism in America had all but disappeared seriously disrupting the cash flow of the struggle-oriented leftist, Alinsky-influenced, socialist platform. So, the populist was smeared with attacks of racism and useful media was pressed into action to dramatize a false narrative that racism not only existed but was systemic. Cities burned and businesses were destroyed in community-organized “peaceful” protests.

The coup de grâce was delivered with a rigged election. The new globally approved leader is now dressed in a fine suit of new clothes. But first they must drag the antagonist through the streets wearing a crown of thorns so that no other similar threat can emerge from the people to challenge the central authority of the state.

This is not going to end well for the people, or the government and democracy will either die on the vine or be watered with the blood of those willing to defend it.

Your last two paragraphs are very eloquent.

Yes, the Establishment (Dems, Pubs, the Deep State, Big Tech, the military, etc.) all were horrified by Businessman Trump's 2016 victory.

They conspired to bring him down.

And bring him down they did.

Now that he's lying on the floor, they are all enjoying themselves immensely in kicking him with their boots. (Even members of his Cabinet have deserted him; even some top Republicans are asking, "Donald who?")

In other countries, former leaders have often been imprisoned or executed.

Millions of Americans are aching to join that list of nations.
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A meaningless tirade, devoid of facts, written by a conspiratorial mind. Nothing more than a regurgitation of unrelated common search terms strung together into a deluded diatribe.
I did all that? Holy Mackerel! I thought I was just relating what I saw with my own eyes!
Well written Ray.
I'm curious how it will turn out.
One of the most disturbing things now is that Parler is being crushed by "big tech", Apple, Google, FB, Amazon, etc. because it could be used instead of Twitter.
Jack Dorsey wants Parler gone, and it looks like it may be going, so Twitter will have a monopoly.
It looks like "Big Brother" of 1984 is APPLE, can you say "irony"?

Marx finally became a corporatist.

Who knew?

But the Marxist had to go corporate, for they assessed that corporate feeds the world government beast. So instead of destroying them, they simply took them over.
Well written Ray.
I'm curious how it will turn out.
One of the most disturbing things now is that Parler is being crushed by "big tech", Apple, Google, FB, Amazon, etc. because it could be used instead of Twitter.
Jack Dorsey wants Parler gone, and it looks like it may be going, so Twitter will have a monopoly.
It looks like "Big Brother" of 1984 is APPLE, can you say "irony"?

Marx finally became a corporatist.

Who knew?

But the Marxist had to go corporate, for they assessed that corporate feeds the world government beast. So instead of destroying them, they simply took them over.

With words like insurrection being bandied about, the incoming administration is building its house at the foot of an active volcano. There was no insurrection. No military vehicles treaded on the White House lawn and made their way to the Capitol leaving a swath of destruction in their wake. No hostages were taken and no standoff is in progress.

By using that language, even for propaganda purposes, the Biden Administration is virtually guaranteeing martyrdom for the outgoing president. Seventy five million citizens voted for that leader and the cultivated rhetoric emerging from Washington is almost sure to kindle a reactionary response from half the population that witnessed a manipulated election that certainly appears to have been swiped by the state.

Moreover, the cowardly ship jumping by skin-saving professional politicians in the president's own party are a sure sign that corrupt Washington is what is really being protected. No one is fooled by the calculated plot to dredge up another impeachment hearing to prevent the president form coming back in the future. But professional politicians will save their own necks and that what the Biden administration is counting on.

What of the people? The people are still there. Are they just going to meekly shuffle away and bow to Washington's plans to sell them out? It is not going to end that way. Watch and see history made.
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Well written Ray.
I'm curious how it will turn out.
One of the most disturbing things now is that Parler is being crushed by "big tech", Apple, Google, FB, Amazon, etc. because it could be used instead of Twitter.
Jack Dorsey wants Parler gone, and it looks like it may be going, so Twitter will have a monopoly.
It looks like "Big Brother" of 1984 is APPLE, can you say "irony"?

I remember that ad. I had no idea what it was about because I had no computer and no one I knew had one. I was still in the Steelworker's Union at the time.

It is nonetheless ironic that the free exchange of ideas in now a threat to national security. This is rich. :laughing0301:
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I did not realize it until recently, but my TV came loaded with apps like Amazon, Hulu etc. I found some really great documentaries on Amazon and have enjoyed them immensely. It is over. My wife and I just cancelled the Amazon subscription service. My wife cancelled her Facebook account. This is the way to fight back against censorship for now. I confess that I have been watching football which I should not be doing. The boredom of the Covid-19 pandemic makes it nearly impossible to boycott football even though the sport is a joke with no fans and some technician pulling crowd noise lever 26 for a missed field goal and lever 15 for a touchdown.

The First Amendment is toast and it is unbelievable that so many cannot see that. I can only do my part and you can only do yours. We are going to have to give something up to save our country because these people are not going to stop until free speech is outlawed.

I have noticed a falloff everywhere including this site since the election. People are discouraged because the state is powerful and appears to be in total control. This ship will right itself as more of us come together.

Something really bad could happen and I hope it does not.
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I did not realize it until recently, but my TV came loaded with apps like Amazon, Hulu etc. I found some really great documentaries on Amazon and have enjoyed them immensely. It is over. My wife and I just cancelled the Amazon subscription service. My wife cancelled her Facebook account. This is the way to fight back against censorship for now. I confess that I have been watching football which I should not be doing. The boredom of the Covid-19 pandemic makes it nearly impossible to boycott football even though the sport is a joke with no fans and some technician pulling crowd noise lever 26 for a missed field goal and lever 15 for a touchdown.

The First Amendment is toast and it is unbelievable that so many cannot see that. I can only do my part and you can only do yours. We are going to have to give something up to save our country because these people are not going to stop until free speech is outlawed.

I have noticed a falloff everywhere including this site since the election. People are discouraged because the state is powerful and appears to be in total control. This ship will right itself as more of us come together.

Something really bad could happen and I hope it does not.
LOL!! I refuse to watch NFL games because of the PC <<<spin>>>. I get you canceling subscriptions to big tech.
Cabin fever has gotten so bad I even got subscriptions to Scientific American, Astronomy, and Popular Mechanics.
How long will it be before this site is issued an ultimatum to purge itself of members contrary to the interests of the state or be taken offline? I no doubt will be among the first to go.

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