Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.
Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.

The Chinese flu, either released on purpose or through incompetence by the Chinese, works for the democrats.........why would they want it to end?
It's not over after the hold-up by Xiden nobody could be fool by him been shot because they are no proof that those one who get the vaccine can't give the Chinese virus.
Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.
He literally came out and said darker days are ahead ...theyre gonna lock yas down again ....people are just gonna get angrier and angrier
Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.
Continuing the pandemic as if there is no end to it..... Hmmmm, a new strain and all that sort of thing keeps it just rolling on eh (how convenient), it all is. I trust no one or anything at this point, especially in the new environment created all around this thing. We are living in some terrible troubling times. Beware America.

Time to be vigilant, and read between every line citizen's, because you are dealing with the very people that just a month ago were not to be trusted.
Last edited:
Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.
well isn't Joe just a ray of offal office sunshine!

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.

The Chinese flu, either released on purpose or through incompetence by the Chinese, works for the democrats.........why would they want it to end?

It works and worked even BETTER for BLM
The Chinese flu, either released on purpose or through incompetence by the Chinese, works for the democrats.........why would they want it to end?

You think shutting down parts of our economy and going trillions more into debt benefits the Democrats?
The Chinese flu, either released on purpose or through incompetence by the Chinese, works for the democrats.........why would they want it to end?

You think shutting down parts of our economy and going trillions more into debt benefits the Democrats?

yes-----that is that which is the DEMOCRATS now----it has been used to justify vandalism, looting, theft, squatting and even murder
The "members" of BLM IN ACTION -----are enthusiastic about their "right" to riot and vandalize and loot. -----have you never witnessed such a riot? it is a

And which of the leadership is benefiting from civil unrest?
The "members" of BLM IN ACTION -----are enthusiastic about their "right" to riot and vandalize and loot. -----have you never witnessed such a riot? it is a

And which of the leadership is benefiting from civil unrest?

those who wish to have a FOLLOWING----and lots of
persons ambitious for a POLITICAL CAREER -----it buys votes in my town
Oh come on! We all know life is just peachy keen and full of beds of roses!
sing along C4All?


Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine

Biden: Pandemic will get worse despite vaccine | TheHill
22 Dec 2020 ~~ By Julia Manchester

President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic will likely get worse despite the arrival of vaccines, and urged Americans to be vigilant in the coming months.
"Experts say things will get worse notwithstanding the vaccine," Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del. "We’re averaging a death rate of close to 3,000 a day. That means we will lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come, and the vaccine won’t be able to stop that."
Additionally, Biden called on Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to work in a bipartisan fashion. The president-elect praised lawmakers for the passage of the latest coronavirus relief package this week.
"Like all compromises, it’s far from perfect. But it does provide vital relief at a critical time," Biden said. "However, as I have said all along, this bill is just a first step — a down payment — on addressing the crisis we’re in. We have a lot more work to do."
Biden said that he will present a plan mapping the country's .path forward on combating the virus, saying help will be needed with vaccine distribution, school reopenings, aiding front-line workers and stopping more economic fallout from the virus.
Earlier this month, Biden laid out a three-pronged approach he will take to combating the pandemic once he takes office in January. The plan included 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency, safely reopening as many schools as possible, and asking Americans to wear a mask for 100 days.
Biden and his wife received the coronavirus vaccine on television on Monday.
"So we still have to remain vigilant," he continued, calling on Americans to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings.

We can thank Joey Xi for regurgitating what experts have been telling us all along. His Covid-19 plan is yet another plagiarism of what has already been done. People have been asked to wear masks for 9 months. His mask mandate will change nothing. Dog and Pony show, Joe...
Considering that the CDC has not distributed but small amounts to those in need. The bulk is now going to those considered important like Democrat Congress persons while nursing homes, the elderly and those with comorbid diseases will be last in line.
But hey, that's the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat way of health care.. Just ask Ezekiel Emmanuel.
Joey Xi Biden is a moronic liar wrapped in a political sham.
When one party invalidates an election, expect the country will:
1) not consider him legitimate. 2) be very likely for an uprising. The majority of Americans do NOT share the Progressive Marxist communist values that the Democrats and their complicit media are increasingly showing. If we can't vote out these people because of rigged elections, expect violence. It is the last resort. But the founders knew this day may come.

I am glad that President-elect Biden is being cautious and not overly optimistic about the near future.

Some people felt that the COVID-19 situation would immediately improve after the Dems won.

That has not been the case.

Let's all eschew any violence. It would be horrific and only cause more unnecessary suffering.

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