Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Thank you.

Our Constitution is exceedingly clear.

It says, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

It means exactly what it says

I have a GUARANTEED political right to keep weapons, and to carry weapons.

Anyone who tries to take away my guns or restrict me (in any way) from possessing them is VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS.

Just the same as if they were preventing me from voting. Or discriminating against me based on race.
I'll go with the Supremes thanks....And a ban on new military style and with background checks, nutjob.
Thank you.

Our Constitution is exceedingly clear.

It says, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

It means exactly what it says

I have a GUARANTEED political right to keep weapons, and to carry weapons.

Anyone who tries to take away my guns or restrict me (in any way) from possessing them is VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS.

Just the same as if they were preventing me from voting. Or discriminating against me based on race.

I have some redneck friends that like to play paintball. They do it kind of real, "as if" they were after a shooter. Playing this game they learn basic tactics, and they even get an introduction to strategy.

Remember the duck-and-cover drills in the 60's? One practices so it takes 5 seconds instead of 30. Same if you're up against a shooter, it helps to have a few choices for the "how" of it.

Now, someone to the left of John Birch might say the shooter deserves a fair trial. I'm not one of those people. If you're shooting at my child, you will die on the spot. I will be your judge, jury, and executioner. Everyone needs to understand very clearly, that shooting at children means instant death. There won't be any showboat trials where the lawyers can claim innocence because ... because because.

If more people thought this way, we wouldn't have any school shootings.
You're talking to a combat Marine. I don't need lessons on the proper use of firearms.
Yes, and there is no reason to stop there and keep individuals unarmed unless deputized. You know damn well a homeowner could be robbed and dead well before the police arrive so dony go there. Poland was also in that same boat. The Polish underground Army were a bunch of armed citizens who organized as a militia under a government in exile against the Nazis. But there was nothing forbidding the average citizen from having a rifle as good as the invaders had. He didn't have to have permission as long as he was fighting on the right.

Nobody came around and said "Ok. The commander says you can't ha e your rifle today but you can have it tomorrow." They were armed,.period.....with the best of what they could obtain at the time.
Typical BS about "They're trying to take away all of our guns! What we are saying is that there should be extensive vetting and training in the use and the safe storage of guns. We are also saying that you don't need an assault weapon to ward off threats in your home. And that the misuse and the care and control has to be strictly enforced. Too often they wind up in the hands of lunatics or kids with severe mental problems. To own a gun should come with very serious responsibility. It's not an all or nothing thing. It's let's try to limit the astounding amount of guns out there. There has to be some middle ground somewhere. But you're not gonna change my mind and I'm not gonna change yours. So let's leave it at that. Nothing's gonna get accomplished with screaming at one another.
Thank you.

Our Constitution is exceedingly clear.

It says, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

It means exactly what it says

I have a GUARANTEED political right to keep weapons, and to carry weapons.

Anyone who tries to take away my guns or restrict me (in any way) from possessing them is VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS.

Just the same as if they were preventing me from voting. Or discriminating against me based on race.
If the matter was a settled issue and so clear, there wouldn't have been a 5-4 decision in 2008. The right argued the amendment as written and the left argued state's rights. It will be revisited at some point and with the proliferation of guns, there may be a diffent take on it. Somethings gotta give.
90% was the top rate under Ike, 70 under JFK. Reagan cut it to 50 and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28% and screwed everyone BUT the rich, You are clueless as always, super duper....Ike was an Indie who warned us about the greedy warmongering GOP swine....
Yeah, but all you hear from the right is that the almost pornographic income gap is simply a naturally occurring phenomenon. Apparently there is no cause and effect recognized by a lot of the folks getting royally screwed. And they will fight like hell to make that point as the gap yawns wider. This country was stupid a long time before Trump shined a light on it.
Yeah, but all you hear from the right is that the almost pornographic income gap is simply a naturally occurring phenomenon. Apparently there is no cause and effect recognized by a lot of the folks getting royally screwed. And they will fight like hell to make that point as the gap yawns wider. This country was stupid a long time before Trump shined a light on it.
It doesn't matter how much money someone else has, it has zero effect on what anyone else has US Currency is not a fixed, more money gets printed every day.
If the matter was a settled issue and so clear, there wouldn't have been a 5-4 decision in 2008. The right argued the amendment as written and the left argued state's rights. It will be revisited at some point and with the proliferation of guns, there may be a diffent take on it. Somethings gotta give.

Put violent criminals away for sentences long enough to ensure they never harm the public again.

Problem solved and nobody's rights get violated.

You will never solve the problem of violent crime or significantly reduce it without starting there.

Guns don't create crime or criminals, actions do.
If the matter was a settled issue and so clear, there wouldn't have been a 5-4 decision in 2008. The right argued the amendment as written and the left argued state's rights. It will be revisited at some point and with the proliferation of guns, there may be a diffent take on it. Somethings gotta give.
So a SCOTUS Ruling is no longer Settled Law?

Do you really want that as the new legal standard in the US?

Stare Decisis would immediately be thrown out the window if that's the case.
Typical BS about "They're trying to take away all of our guns! What we are saying is that there should be extensive vetting and training in the use and the safe storage of guns. We are also saying that you don't need an assault weapon to ward off threats in your home. And that the misuse and the care and control has to be strictly enforced. Too often they wind up in the hands of lunatics or kids with severe mental problems. To own a gun should come with very serious responsibility. It's not an all or nothing thing. It's let's try to limit the astounding amount of guns out there. There has to be some middle ground somewhere. But you're not gonna change my mind and I'm not gonna change yours. So let's leave it at that. Nothing's gonna get accomplished with screaming at one another.

You're sitting there telling me what I need and don't need to defend myself. If things got crazy and police didn't have things under control, I want the best of what I can get to defend my home and perimeter. Americans have owned semi-automatic rifles for all purposes since they were available. Gun violence is something that has only alarming proportions due to the prevalence of mental health issues and population, not so much the availability of guns or the types of guns available. Also blunderous social programs like.Prohibition also created the spikes of violence in America's history. Not the availability of guns so much.

You clearly are not very educated about guns. I own an AK47. Would that be the first thing I'd grab for something that went bump in the night? No way! I have handguns, both revolvers and semiautos. I have a shotgun. I keep a few of them at the ready and the rest.locked up. And a mistake with any of them could be deadly. It doesn't matter how many bullets the magazine holds. One ill-placed shot from any gun can mean tragedy. If youre worried about safety, believe it or not my revolvers and my AK are the safest guns I own because of how they are constructed. Safety in the home has nothing to do with "how many bullets" or how fast you can shoot them. A revolver has a long heavy trigger. Very hard to shoot accidentally, especially when stored loaded in a holster. So is a DA/SA semi-auto, a gun that can be stored loaded but not racked or cocked. Do you even know what I'm talking about? I wonder.

And Why is my AK safer than a pump shotgun? Because a pump shotgun takes time to load AND to unload and requires careful fingerwork. An AK takes a second both to load AND to unload. Its not fiddly. And fiddliness under pressure is unsafe. The only time I ever experienced an accidental discharge with a firearm was with a PUMP SHOTGUN. A shotgun is iffy for home defense if stored unloaded, because of the time needed to fiddle with loose shells in the middle of the night, half asleep in the dark with someone prowling around in the basement and making their way to the stairs. It is not impossible you could have three or four people working together to rob you. Read up on it. Multiple armed assailants occur in many home invasions. In this case a semiautomatic would be your weapon of choice unequivocally. You'd be fast. You'd preferably not have to stop and reload. While I do own an AK for a worst-case scenario, something I dont own and want to own is short semiautomatic carbine chambered in 45acp with mags accepting 20rds or more. Do you know why that would be my first choice? Because it carries alot of ammo in a caliber that doesn't penetrate walls well, and can be loaded OR unloaded in a second without the fiddliness of Firearms that are more complicated and cumbersome.

Moral of the story, don't dictate to me what I need nor don't need when you obviously run your mouth based only on trickled down bullshit coming from the anti-gun Democrat camp, and clearly know very little about firearms and the harsh realities of self defense.

Below is probably the safest and most effective home defense tool available, leaving a pump shotgun in the dust.
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What we are saying is that there should be extensive vetting and training in the use and the safe storage of guns.
Yet when asked repeatedly you refuse to give any details at all as to what this would looklike particularly your version of Enhanced Background Checks.

We are also saying that you don't need an assault weapon to ward off threats in your home

Our rights are not dependent on what you people arbitrarily declare to be our needs.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not, and cannot be limited to the home either.
You're sitting there telling me what I need and don't need to defend myself. If things got crazy and police didn't have things under control, I want the best of what I can get to defend my home and perimeter. Americans have owned semi-automatic rifles for all purposes since they were available. Gun violence is something that has only alarming proportions due to the prevalence of mental health issues and population, not so much the availability of guns or the types of guns available. Also blunderous social programs like.Prohibition also created the spikes of violence in America's history. Not the availability of guns so much.

You clearly are not very educated about guns. I own an AK47. Would that be the first thing I'd grab for something that went bump in the night? No way! I have handguns, both revolvers and semiautos. I have a shotgun. I keep a few of them at the ready and the rest.locked up. And a mistake with any of them could be deadly. It doesn't matter how many bullets the magazine holds. One ill-placed shot from any gun can mean tragedy. If youre worried about safety, believe it or not my revolvers and my AK are the safest guns I own because of how they are constructed. Safety in the home has nothing to do with "how many bullets" or how fast you can shoot them. A revolver has a long heavy trigger. Very hard to shoot accidentally, especially when stored loaded in a holster. So is a DA/SA semi-auto, a gun that can be stored loaded but not cocked. Why is my AK safer than a pump shotgun? Because a pump shotgun takes time to load AND to unload. An AK takes a second both to load AND to unload. Its not fiddly. And fiddliness under pressure is unsafe. The only time I ever experienced an accidental discharge with a firearm was with a SHOTGUN. A shotgun is near useless for home defense stored unloaded because of the time needed to fiddle with loose shells in the middle of the night, half asleep in the dark with someone prowling around in the basement and making their way to the stairs. It is not impossible you could have three or four people working together to rob you. Read up on it. Multiple armed assailants occur in many home invasions. In this case a semiautomatic would be your weapon of choice unequivocally. You'd be fast. You'd preferably not have to stop and reload. While I do own an AK for a worst-case scenario, something I dont own and want to own is short semiautomatic carbine chambered in 45acp with mags accepting 20rds or more. Do you know why that would be my first choice? Because it carries alot of ammo in a caliber that doesn't penetrate walls well, and can be loaded OR unloaded in a second without the fiddliness of Firearms that are more complicated and cumbersome.

Moral of the story, don't dictate to me what I need nor don't need when you obviously run your mouth based only on trickled down bullshit coming from the Democrat camp, and clearly know very little about firearms and the harsh realities of self defense.
Police response time nationally runs about 4min 45 Seconds. When you need to decide whether or not to pull the trigger they will still be minutes away.

Police rarely show up to a scene in time to do anything but count the bodies, try to find and talk to witnesses, and do paperwork.
Police response time nationally runs about 4min 45 Seconds. When you need to decide whether or not to pull the trigger they will still be minutes away.

Police rarely show up to a scene in time to do anything but count the bodies, try to find and talk to witnesses, and do paperwork.
Yes, and in some neighborhoods, both rural and urban...that time could be considerably longer depending on the conditions.
Yeah, but all you hear from the right is that the almost pornographic income gap is simply a naturally occurring phenomenon. Apparently there is no cause and effect recognized by a lot of the folks getting royally screwed. And they will fight like hell to make that point as the gap yawns wider. This country was stupid a long time before Trump shined a light on it.
Reaganism and since Rush and Murdoch the brainwash....The Silent Majority became the Loudmouth one....
Thank you.

Our Constitution is exceedingly clear.

It says, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.

It means exactly what it says

I have a GUARANTEED political right to keep weapons, and to carry weapons.

Anyone who tries to take away my guns or restrict me (in any way) from possessing them is VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS.

Just the same as if they were preventing me from voting. Or discriminating against me based on race.
No, Natural Right, not political. The rest is pretty well squared away.
Yes, and in some neighborhoods, both rural and urban...that time could be considerably longer depending on the conditions.
Just because it's so large and the terrain so rough out here it can be a half hour to even get one there by chopper.

If you're off the main roads it can easily be a three hour drive from the south end of the county to the north end, if you're deep off the road then on a ranch even longer.

It's a fools errand to even begin to entertain the idea that the police can protects us and thankfully Our Constitution protects our right to do so.
Yeah, but all you hear from the right is that the almost pornographic income gap is simply a naturally occurring phenomenon. Apparently there is no cause and effect recognized by a lot of the folks getting royally screwed. And they will fight like hell to make that point as the gap yawns wider. This country was stupid a long time before Trump shined a light on it.

Nobody is getting screwed. Some people just make more money than others. If you don't like people having all that money, then quit giving yours to them. Charity starts at home.
It doesn't matter how much money someone else has, it has zero effect on what anyone else has US Currency is not a fixed, more money gets printed every day.
No difference when we go from a progressive tax policy to a regressive one? Man, I thought you were ignorant before this but you just solidified that opinion. So when Corporate America gets a permanent tax break concentrated at the very top and the working class gets a temporary one, that has no effect
You're sitting there telling me what I need and don't need to defend myself. If things got crazy and police didn't have things under control, I want the best of what I can get to defend my home and perimeter. Americans have owned semi-automatic rifles for all purposes since they were available. Gun violence is something that has only alarming proportions due to the prevalence of mental health issues and population, not so much the availability of guns or the types of guns available. Also blunderous social programs like.Prohibition also created the spikes of violence in America's history. Not the availability of guns so much.

You clearly are not very educated about guns. I own an AK47. Would that be the first thing I'd grab for something that went bump in the night? No way! I have handguns, both revolvers and semiautos. I have a shotgun. I keep a few of them at the ready and the rest.locked up. And a mistake with any of them could be deadly. It doesn't matter how many bullets the magazine holds. One ill-placed shot from any gun can mean tragedy. If youre worried about safety, believe it or not my revolvers and my AK are the safest guns I own because of how they are constructed. Safety in the home has nothing to do with "how many bullets" or how fast you can shoot them. A revolver has a long heavy trigger. Very hard to shoot accidentally, especially when stored loaded in a holster. So is a DA/SA semi-auto, a gun that can be stored loaded but not racked or cocked. Do you even know what I'm talking about? I wonder.

And Why is my AK safer than a pump shotgun? Because a pump shotgun takes time to load AND to unload and requires careful fingerwork. An AK takes a second both to load AND to unload. Its not fiddly. And fiddliness under pressure is unsafe. The only time I ever experienced an accidental discharge with a firearm was with a PUMP SHOTGUN. A shotgun is iffy for home defense if stored unloaded, because of the time needed to fiddle with loose shells in the middle of the night, half asleep in the dark with someone prowling around in the basement and making their way to the stairs. It is not impossible you could have three or four people working together to rob you. Read up on it. Multiple armed assailants occur in many home invasions. In this case a semiautomatic would be your weapon of choice unequivocally. You'd be fast. You'd preferably not have to stop and reload. While I do own an AK for a worst-case scenario, something I dont own and want to own is short semiautomatic carbine chambered in 45acp with mags accepting 20rds or more. Do you know why that would be my first choice? Because it carries alot of ammo in a caliber that doesn't penetrate walls well, and can be loaded OR unloaded in a second without the fiddliness of Firearms that are more complicated and cumbersome.

Moral of the story, don't dictate to me what I need nor don't need when you obviously run your mouth based only on trickled down bullshit coming from the anti-gun Democrat camp, and clearly know very little about firearms and the harsh realities of self defense.

Below is probably the safest and most effective home defense tool available, leaving a pump shotgun in the dust.View attachment 619909
You're sitting there telling me what I need and don't need to defend myself. If things got crazy and police didn't have things under control, I want the best of what I can get to defend my home and perimeter. Americans have owned semi-automatic rifles for all purposes since they were available. Gun violence is something that has only alarming proportions due to the prevalence of mental health issues and population, not so much the availability of guns or the types of guns available. Also blunderous social programs like.Prohibition also created the spikes of violence in America's history. Not the availability of guns so much.

You clearly are not very educated about guns. I own an AK47. Would that be the first thing I'd grab for something that went bump in the night? No way! I have handguns, both revolvers and semiautos. I have a shotgun. I keep a few of them at the ready and the rest.locked up. And a mistake with any of them could be deadly. It doesn't matter how many bullets the magazine holds. One ill-placed shot from any gun can mean tragedy. If youre worried about safety, believe it or not my revolvers and my AK are the safest guns I own because of how they are constructed. Safety in the home has nothing to do with "how many bullets" or how fast you can shoot them. A revolver has a long heavy trigger. Very hard to shoot accidentally, especially when stored loaded in a holster. So is a DA/SA semi-auto, a gun that can be stored loaded but not racked or cocked. Do you even know what I'm talking about? I wonder.

And Why is my AK safer than a pump shotgun? Because a pump shotgun takes time to load AND to unload and requires careful fingerwork. An AK takes a second both to load AND to unload. Its not fiddly. And fiddliness under pressure is unsafe. The only time I ever experienced an accidental discharge with a firearm was with a PUMP SHOTGUN. A shotgun is iffy for home defense if stored unloaded, because of the time needed to fiddle with loose shells in the middle of the night, half asleep in the dark with someone prowling around in the basement and making their way to the stairs. It is not impossible you could have three or four people working together to rob you. Read up on it. Multiple armed assailants occur in many home invasions. In this case a semiautomatic would be your weapon of choice unequivocally. You'd be fast. You'd preferably not have to stop and reload. While I do own an AK for a worst-case scenario, something I dont own and want to own is short semiautomatic carbine chambered in 45acp with mags accepting 20rds or more. Do you know why that would be my first choice? Because it carries alot of ammo in a caliber that doesn't penetrate walls well, and can be loaded OR unloaded in a second without the fiddliness of Firearms that are more complicated and cumbersome.

Moral of the story, don't dictate to me what I need nor don't need when you obviously run your mouth based only on trickled down bullshit coming from the anti-gun Democrat camp, and clearly know very little about firearms and the harsh realities of self defense.

Below is probably the safest and most effective home defense tool available, leaving a pump shotgun in the dust.View attachment 619909
I think I know a little bit about guns since I'm a retired combat Marine. I've used M-14s M-16s M-79 grenade launchers, Both 60 and 81 MM Morters, Flame throwers, Bazookas, LAAWs, M-60 Machine Guns, I've wired and set Claymore Mines, etc etc. It must be a real bummer to live life so afraid of bogey men. And to act as if you are being hunted. Leave that paranoia for folks who are at war. If you're that afraid then you are living in a very bad neighborhood. Move! I've been shot by an Ak47 and I've killed with an M16. But in the last 52 years I haven't felt the need for keeping firearms. I don't equate having guns to being a man. It seems all of you NRA nuts think it gives you extra testosterone or something. Nice picture? You obviously think that somehow impresses folks. It doesn't. It just makes you look like a tough guy wannabe looking for something you ain't got. I pity you and everyone like you. Tough guy my ass!
No difference when we go from a progressive tax policy to a regressive one? Man, I thought you were ignorant before this but you just solidified that opinion. So when Corporate America gets a permanent tax break concentrated at the very top and the working class gets a temporary one, that has no effect

I think I know a little bit about guns since I'm a retired combat Marine. I've used M-14s M-16s M-79 grenade launchers, Both 60 and 81 MM Morters, Flame throwers, Bazookas, LAAWs, M-60 Machine Guns, I've wired and set Claymore Mines, etc etc. It must be a real bummer to live life so afraid of bogey men. And to act as if you are being hunted. Leave that paranoia for folks who are at war. If you're that afraid then you are living in a very bad neighborhood. Move! I've been shot by an Ak47 and I've killed with an M16. But in the last 52 years I haven't felt the need for keeping firearms. I don't equate having guns to being a man. It seems all of you NRA nuts think it gives you extra testosterone or something. Nice picture? You obviously think that somehow impresses folks. It doesn't. It just makes you look like a tough guy wannabe looking for something you ain't got. I pity you and everyone like you. Tough guy my ass!
Gov't raping the rich is punishment for success.

Their bank balance does not prevent you from earning more.

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