Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

The "gun grab" hoax is the best marketing ploy ever created by the gun manufacturing lobby.




I would not be the least surprised if the gun lobby contributes to the campaigns of Democratic candidates. They are great for sales.
How is it a hoax?
Gov't raping the rich is punishment for success.

Their bank balance does not prevent you from earning more.
I get a kick out of that one Raping the Rich. Yeah, somebody's getting fucked but it ain't the rich. The inventors of the partial work week so benefits disappear. Poor Poor Rich. LOL Astounding ignorance.
Corporate tax rates are just barely higher than those for the middle class. And the GOP keeps killing bills to help the middle class catch up by subsidizing education, providing universal healthcare and they consistently stand against unions. Those are the biggest trio that is shrinking the middle class. And add stagnant wages and resistance to a $15 min wage and the future is bleak. We need to grow the pie by making the top earners pay more.
Corporate tax rates are just barely higher than those for the middle class.
So what? Those profits pay for new hires, new equipment, modernizing and of course distributed among share holders who pay additional taxes on that same income.

And the GOP keeps killing bills to help the middle class catch up by subsidizing education, providing universal healthcare and they consistently stand against unions.

And add stagnant wages and resistance to a $15 min wage and the future is bleak. We need to grow the pie by making the top earners pay more.

The net effect of which is fewer jobs. A company only has so much room in their budget for salaries. Falsely inflating them with increases in the mandated wage divides that pot between fewer employees.

Only about 1.6 million people in the US today earn minimum wage, what does that have to do with the middle class and their earnings?

The drive for 15.00m/w is also forcing companies to completely and permanently eliminate jobs and replacing them with technology and robots to do everything from flipping burgers to washing windows and sweeping/mopping floors.

What are you going to do with all of those people who then have no experience and no skills trying to break into the job market?

A great example of this effect can easily be seen in agriculture. Mechanization and Techological development have combined to eliminate about 90% of the labor necessary to farm, and in forestry.

Ten years from now projections tell us 10 million jobs will be eliminated over the next 10 years due to robotics and technology. What are you going to do with those people who have no other skill or no skill at all that go into those fields to get job experience and develop a skill?

And the GOP keeps killing bills to help the middle class catch up by subsidizing education, providing universal healthcare and they consistently stand against unions. Those are the biggest trio that is shrinking the middle class.

Yet for 3 successive years under the previous administration Real Incomes for the middle class reached their highest levels in history without turning the US into a Socialist state.

It's not the gov't's job to fund our lifestyles, that is known as, "Personal Responsibility". For those unable to ear a living there's more than an ample social safety net providing all of those things along with free/subsidized housing.

The only thing hurting the middle class right now is inflation and stupid policies by the current administration.

You could tax 100% of the income of every corporation and rich person in the country and still not have enough money to solve anything because you would kill the drive to take the necessary risks to build a company or even a small business.
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Corporate tax rates are just barely higher than those for the middle class. And the GOP keeps killing bills to help the middle class catch up by subsidizing education, providing universal healthcare and they consistently stand against unions. Those are the biggest trio that is shrinking the middle class. And add stagnant wages and resistance to a $15 min wage and the future is bleak. We need to grow the pie by making the top earners pay more.

Our federal government was never designed to give you education, unions or healthcare. Our federal government was designed to govern. You want anything outside of that, then get it yourself. You're not helpless.
No difference when we go from a progressive tax policy to a regressive one? Man, I thought you were ignorant before this but you just solidified that opinion. So when Corporate America gets a permanent tax break concentrated at the very top and the working class gets a temporary one, that has no effect

I think I know a little bit about guns since I'm a retired combat Marine. I've used M-14s M-16s M-79 grenade launchers, Both 60 and 81 MM Morters, Flame throwers, Bazookas, LAAWs, M-60 Machine Guns, I've wired and set Claymore Mines, etc etc. It must be a real bummer to live life so afraid of bogey men. And to act as if you are being hunted. Leave that paranoia for folks who are at war. If you're that afraid then you are living in a very bad neighborhood. Move! I've been shot by an Ak47 and I've killed with an M16. But in the last 52 years I haven't felt the need for keeping firearms. I don't equate having guns to being a man. It seems all of you NRA nuts think it gives you extra testosterone or something. Nice picture? You obviously think that somehow impresses folks. It doesn't. It just makes you look like a tough guy wannabe looking for something you ain't got. I pity you and everyone like you. Tough guy my ass!

If you don't want to own a gun, fine with us. We support you because we Republicans believe in choice. But if you don't want to own a gun, quit insisting the rest of us do the same.
He's a long time retiree military retiree and disabled vet. Disability payments are non taxable. That means he also gets free healthcare including prescription benefits from the VA.

And I have no problem with that. But unless he's been out in the private market working jobs, he has no idea what he's talking about.

My former industry needs thousands of workers they can't find. In transportation, you can make up to six figures if you want. There are a lot of jobs in upper five figures. My father is a retired bricklayer. His union sends out solicitation to their retirees to help them find new bricklayers. Granted construction is hard work, but Dad made a pretty good living and retirement for himself. With benefits, bricklayers make over $50.00 an hour plus overtime, and up north, you are laid off all winter and collect unemployment. Still can't find anybody to take these jobs.

So when people tell me there are no good paying jobs, I tell them they are FOS. Plenty of good paying jobs, but not enough sober workers to take those jobs. I kept this local ad to make my point. Mind you this was before covid, but drivers are more needed today than back then with us baby boomers retiring.

And I have no problem with that. But unless he's been out in the private market working jobs, he has no idea what he's talking about.

My former industry needs thousands of workers they can't find. In transportation, you can make up to six figures if you want. There are a lot of jobs in upper five figures. My father is a retired bricklayer. His union sends out solicitation to their retirees to help them find new bricklayers. Granted construction is hard work, but Dad made a pretty good living and retirement for himself. With benefits, bricklayers make over $50.00 an hour plus overtime, and up north, you are laid off all winter and collect unemployment. Still can't find anybody to take these jobs.

So when people tell me there are no good paying jobs, I tell them they are FOS. Plenty of good paying jobs, but not enough sober workers to take those jobs. I kept this local ad to make my point. Mind you this was before covid, but drivers are more needed today than back then with us baby boomers retiring.

Of course he has no idea what he's talking about which is par for the course. We couldn't expect anything different nor could we expect him to be remotely honest about it.

For a supposed Marine that's odd. Marines are supposed to live and die by their honor code.
And all we get from you folks is denigration because you cannot win on the facts.

If you had a sound argument you could but of course you don't so this is what we expect.
Yes yes. who needs evidence when you have Rush and Sean lol. the whole world outside your bubble knows you're technically insane...change the gd channel. ignoramus dupe....election hoax gw hoax, vax mask hoax, you're totally full of laughable bs...
Gov't raping the rich is punishment for success.

Their bank balance does not prevent you from earning more.
Yes yes, cheap college and training wouldn't help the people,, brainwashed functional morons.... nor would a living wage, health care, daycare, great infrastructure and great vacations like every other modern country has, super dupe...No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich...Poor America....Thanks for the worst inequality, poverty, and upward mobility ever anywhere....
90% was the top rate under Ike, 70 under JFK. Reagan cut it to 50 and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28% and screwed everyone BUT the rich, You are clueless as always, super duper....Ike was an Indie who warned us about the greedy warmongering GOP swine....
YOU are clueless. Ike, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, all had higher tax rates on the rich than Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

Thanks for the worst inequality, poverty, and upward mobility ever anywhere....
You can thank Biden for that.
When Trump was president >>>
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
12. highest median wage in US history .
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
54. Presided over the largest GDP growth (33.1%) in US history.
55. Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges
Federal regulations on machine guns only work because there are other weapons available to fill the gap. If you ban firearms, even if they can get most out of the hands of criminals, they will start on knives and baseball bats next. It would reduce gun crime but not reduce crime a single bit.
Huh ? If auto “magic” weapons are no great thing, why does the military use them ? Dah. A full auto was banned because it gave one person the fire power of half a dozen soldiers with semi autos. Obviously, you were NEVER in the military during a shooting war . Ever been shot at by a full auto ? Ask a vet.
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