Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Your evidence is from a global warming skeptic who knew full well that global warming was happening but that we should do nothing about it based on his opinion that man's activities aren't the cause. He talks about 100 signers on for his opinion and goes on to declare that 40% now agree with him. 100 signers in a study based on preconceived notions hardly represents 40% of the scientific community. Maybe 40% of HIS community which is 40 scientists. LOL totally bogus conclusion.

Consensus of experts​

The United States' foremost scientific agencies and organizations have recognized global warming as a human-caused problem that should be addressed. The U.S. Global Change Research Program has published a series of scientific reports documenting the causes and impacts of global climate change. NOAA, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the National Research Council, and the Environmental Protection Agency have all published reports and fact sheets stating that Earth is warming mainly due to the increase in human-produced heat-trapping gases.

On their climate home page, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines says, "Scientists have known for some time, from multiple lines of evidence, that humans are changing Earth’s climate, primarily through greenhouse gas emissions," and that "Climate change is increasingly affecting people’s lives."

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) issued this position statement: "Scientific evidence indicates that the leading cause of climate change in the most recent half century is the anthropogenic increase in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide." (Adopted April 15, 2019)

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) issued this position statement: "Human-induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate observed over the last 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes." (Reaffirmed in November 2019)

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) What We Know site states: "Based on the evidence, about 97 percent of climate scientists agree that human-caused climate change is happening."

Consensus of evidence​

These scientific organizations have not issued statements in a void; they echo the findings of individual papers published in refereed scientific journals. The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) maintains a database of over 8,500 peer-reviewed science journals, and multiple studies of this database show evidence of overwhelming agreement among climate scientists. In 2004, science historian Naomi Oreskes published the results of her examination of the ISI database in the journal Science. She reviewed 928 abstracts published between 1993 and 2003 related to human activities warming the Earth's surface, and stated, "Remarkably, none of the papers disagreed with the consensus position."

This finding hasn't changed with time. In 2016, a review paper summarized the results of several independent studies on peer-reviewed research related to climate. The authors found results consistent with a 97-percent consensus that human activity is causing climate change.

Probably the most definitive assessments of global climate science come from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Founded by the United Nations in 1988, the IPCC releases periodic reports, and each major release includes three volumes: one on the science, one on impacts, and one on mitigation. Each volume is authored by a separate team of experts, who reviews, evaluates, and summarizes relevant research published since the prior report. Each IPCC report undergoes several iterations of expert and government review. The 2007 IPCC report, for instance, received some 90,000 comments, and each comment received an individual response.
Let me explain something to you: Politicians have wanted more and more control over us people, especially the Democrats.
Let me explain something to you. That is full of shit. Climate change reality is non political. Literally everyone in every country govt, major corporations, education, facility research facility agrees. If you want to take Fix News instead, that’s fine. Just realize you’re FOS.
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Isn't it rich when these Trumpers call others politically ignorant? I love it. To support a madman with various ties to our enemy and who is still at it right now, right in their faces, is about as stone cold ignorant as it gets. Ray does this shit all of the time. Can't see how the GOP is leaning heavily toward autocracy and away from democracy with every move they make. Attacking voter's rights, electing one loony, racist idiot after another. Attending Racist conventions without a word from the rest of the party, and attacking the press and the JAN 6 committee or any entity that might have a hand in shining a light on criminal behavior. They know, or at least should know that the attack on the Capitol didn't just materialize from thin air. And despite all of the evidence right in their faces, much of it directly from the carp lips of the cultmaster himself, their ignorance still overshadows their sense of patriotism. It's all about avenging an election lost fair and square. Again, something that has been investigated by both sides and found to be a fantasy of Donald Trump. And, in their wisdom, they choose to remain deaf and blind to all of it. Now, THAT'S what I call IGNORANCE.
And all the while, Putin is murdering civilians, Trump is asking him for help in his next election.
That’s really dumb. National association of scholars is a conservative activist group.
You’re ridiculous. There is no country, military, accredited university or major related corporation that agrees with you.

Only ignorant people are left who pretend otherwise.

Ignorance is saying every scientist agrees with you when there are hundreds that don't.
Let me explain something to you. That is full of shit. Climate change reality is non political. Literally everyone in every country govt, major corporations, education, facility research facility agrees. If you want to take Fix News instead, that’s fine. Just realize you’re FOS.

Nope, climate has been changing since the earth was made, that's a fact. The other fact is we can't change that no matter what we do. How do I know this? Because they've been trying since I was a child back in the 60's. Since that time they've outlawed many products and it cost us trillions of dollars. And guess what? They are more upset today than they were over 50 years ago.

Climate change is a bottomless money pit that can never be filled even if we used every dollar in this country. And I'll ask you a question no enviro-nut has ever been able to answer: What are the metrics that will shut you people up forever, and how much will it cost us?

Sometimes while on this subject, I picture a classroom of children in school a hundred years or so from today. The teacher tells the children that back in the 2000's, man thought they could control the climate, and the children bust out in laughter like when our teachers told us at one time, man thought the earth was flat and if you go too far, you'll fall off.
Nope, climate has been changing since the earth was made, that's a fact.
Same BS. No shit Denier. You really have no idea do you ? But neither does any-other denier. So, you’re in good company with other Trump munchkins. At no time in the history of mankind, has the climate changed at a rate as fast as it has since the industrial revolution. Being a science and math illiterate, I guess you ‘re going to pretend now you have no idea how rare of change in a climate affects species do you ? . Hilarious.
Same BS. No shit Denier. You really have no idea do you ? But neither does any-other denier. So, you’re in good company with other Trump munchkins. At no time in the history of mankind, has the climate changed at a rate as fast as it has since the industrial revolution. Being a science and math illiterate, I guess you ‘re going to pretend now you have no idea how rare of change in a climate affects species do you ? . Hilarious.

I've just come to the reality that yes, the climate changes, and it always has. We have no more control of that than we would trying to move the moon to a different location.

Not long ago the cry was global warming. When facts showed that there was no such thing, they switched to climate change. Why climate change? Because then they could never be proven wrong again because the climate has always changed.

The political motivation is not survival, the political motivation is control.
I've just come to the reality that yes, the climate changes, and it always has. We have no more control of that than we would trying to move the moon to a different location.

Not long ago the cry was global warming. When facts showed that there was no such thing, they switched to climate change. Why climate change? Because then they could never be proven wrong again because the climate has always changed.

The political motivation is not survival, the political motivation is control.
So, you have no clue what rate of change represents. Yah, I suppose you could come to the conclusion that science is scary…’d be wrong. There are no facts that show that man made climate change isn’t happening. None, zip. And, the US government, all universities and every major corporation…..DISAGREES with science illiterates.

Hilarious you compare our atmosphere with the moon. Our atmosphere is just 300 miles thick, and the moon is about 1/4 million miles away……strange comparison dude. .
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But they were recounted, but not within law which is why the Supreme Court got involved.

The Florida law was all ballots had to be certified and turned in on 7 days. If you wanted a recount, fine, recount them and have them turned in by the 7th day. The Florida federal courts said "This is our buddy Al Gore, and he can recount the ballots as long as he likes!" When it got to the Supreme Court, the justices asked the Florida courts to explain their actions of judicial legislation. A court can't change law on the bench. That's when Gore had to give up.
The court only got involved because of the time constraint. The full recount would have taken too long. Gore had the most votes.

Now, with Bush, conservatives ” won” 911 and the biggest recession since 1929. Good job.
I've just come to the reality that yes, the climate changes, and it always has. We have no more control of that than we would trying to move the moon to a different location.

Not long ago the cry was global warming. When facts showed that there was no such thing, they switched to climate change. Why climate change? Because then they could never be proven wrong again because the climate has always changed.

The political motivation is not survival, the political motivation is control.
It has to be scary living in a world where you’re only concerned with about 10% of what is actually going on.

You do know that we have electricity, computers, cell phones and modern medicine. You’ve heard of artificial hearts, like the one Dick Cheney has been nursing along for decades. I bet you don’t know much about the science around lots of things and places like John’s Hopkins, UCLA etc who are at the forefront of medical and natural science. Some how, it’s ok for you deniers to hope a pray these people can save your life on a regular basis but wheN the same science and many of the same people are used to buttress Climate change, you still don’t have an effin clue.
It has to be scary living in a world where you’re only concerned with about 10% of what is actually going on.

You do know that we have electricity, computers, cell phones and modern medicine. You’ve heard of artificial hearts, like the one Dick Cheney has been nursing along for decades. I bet you don’t know much about the science around lots of things and places like John’s Hopkins, UCLA etc who are at the forefront of medical and natural science. Some how, it’s ok for you deniers to hope a pray these people can save your life on a regular basis but wheN the same science and many of the same people are used to buttress Climate change, you still don’t have an effin clue.

The difference of course is we have empirical evidence all those other things work. Climate change is a theory, not a reality. There is no proof that it actually exists, only that yes, the climate changes.
The court only got involved because of the time constraint. The full recount would have taken too long. Gore had the most votes.

Now, with Bush, conservatives ” won” 911 and the biggest recession since 1929. Good job.

The recession was mostly due to the housing crash which many a Democrat had their fingerprints on. In fact it all started with Bill Clinton when he put in the then youngest leader of HUD, Andrew Cuomo. They instituted policies like zero down and no credit check with Clinton's mad desire to put more minorities in houses. Well it worked. He got more minorities in houses and GW didn't stop it. However Republicans in Congress did try to stop it and was met with strong opposition by the Democrats. Need the videos, just ask.

Yes, the Supreme Court got involved in the election (which they normally don't do) because of the constitutional violation of legislating from the bench. The LAW states all ballots have to be turned in within 7 days whether there's a recount or not. As for Gore winning if that didn't happen:

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month. Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,665 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.

The recession was mostly due to the housing crash which many a Democrat had their fingerprints on. In fact it all started with Bill Clinton when he put in the then youngest leader of HUD, Andrew Cuomo. They instituted policies like zero down and no credit check with Clinton's mad desire to put more minorities in houses. Well it worked. He got more minorities in houses and GW didn't stop it. However Republicans in Congress did try to stop it and was met with strong opposition by the Democrats. Need the videos, just ask.

Yes, the Supreme Court got involved in the election (which they normally don't do) because of the constitutional violation of legislating from the bench. The LAW states all ballots have to be turned in within 7 days whether there's a recount or not. As for Gore winning if that didn't happen:

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month. Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,665 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.

Crapolla. The crash was due to the deregulation of the bush admin which allowed banks to take on mortgages just to package them on put them on the market. The banks unregulated greed under Greenspan who refused to hold banks accountable under the Bush directives. That caused the housing collapse. Your rational is bull shit. How do we know for sure ?

If the Bush admin thought there was problem,they had 8 YEARS TO CORRECT IT. Maybe you didn’t know, but all the control and management function are under the Bush appointees for 8 fucking years. Bush was also sat on his ass for 6 months with intel giving him info of the potential attacks is on 9/11. While Clinton was seeking congressional support to attack terrorist to keep them on the run, Bush sat on his ass and did nothing.

It’s hilarious how you can blame Clinton who was out of office nearly 8 years. You’re admitting the Bush admin was too incompetent.

It’s like birtherism,……somehow an inelligible candidate got on a national election that was never investigated by Bush appointees ….you guys are so FOS, it runs out your ears.
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The recession was mostly due to the housing crash which many a Democrat had their fingerprints on. In fact it all started with Bill Clinton when he put in the then youngest leader of HUD, Andrew Cuomo. They instituted policies like zero down and no credit check with Clinton's mad desire to put more minorities in houses. Well it worked. He got more minorities in houses and GW didn't stop it. However Republicans in Congress did try to stop it and was met with strong opposition by the Democrats. Need the videos, just ask.

Yes, the Supreme Court got involved in the election (which they normally don't do) because of the constitutional violation of legislating from the bench. The LAW states all ballots have to be turned in within 7 days whether there's a recount or not. As for Gore winning if that didn't happen:

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month. Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,665 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.

That’s wrong. It depends upon the standard used. It was ultimate determined that Gore won In a follow up recount.

The recession was mostly due to the housing crash which many a Democrat had their fingerprints on. In fact it all started with Bill Clinton when he put in the then youngest leader of HUD, Andrew Cuomo. They instituted policies like zero down and no credit check with Clinton's mad desire to put more minorities in houses. Well it worked. He got more minorities in houses and GW didn't stop it. However Republicans in Congress did try to stop it and was met with strong opposition by the Democrats. Need the videos, just ask.

Yes, the Supreme Court got involved in the election (which they normally don't do) because of the constitutional violation of legislating from the bench. The LAW states all ballots have to be turned in within 7 days whether there's a recount or not. As for Gore winning if that didn't happen:

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month. Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,665 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.

Bush. could have stopped 911.

so, we have Bush responsible for 911, the Great Recession, and attacking a nation without provocation and creating a new terrorist endity it took a decade to deal with.

Now you have Trump, most corrupt with another recession and a devastating pandemic he does nothing about. You guys are incompetent.
Bush. could have stopped 911.

so, we have Bush responsible for 911, the Great Recession, and attacking a nation without provocation and creating a new terrorist endity it took a decade to deal with.

Now you have Trump, most corrupt with another recession and a devastating pandemic he does nothing about. You guys are incompetent.

There is only so much a US President can do amid a worldwide pandemic, one nobody alive in the US has ever seen before. And remember it was DumBama who emptied all our PPE shelves during H1N1 and never replaced it. The FDA only approved of one kind of test kit, and that was the ones made by the CDC. When we put them to use, they were found defective and Trump had to start from scratch to replace those as well amid a worldwide demand for them.

In spite of all that the US had the least GDP decline of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust their reporting. Trump spent 13 billion dollars on 8 potential vaccine companies with contracts that the US gets the first 200 million doses with a rider for an additional 500 million on demand so we Americans came first. They laughed at him when he stated we would have a vaccine by the end of the year, and we ended up with two of them.

If Trump was incompetent with the virus, Dementia is worse since more people died from Covid under him than Trump. When campaigning, Dementia stated (when we hit the 200,000 dead mark) that Trump should step down from office because of the deaths. Well Joe, when are you going to step down?


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