Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Right, and why did we have to get rid of punch card ballots again? Because Democrat voters were too Fn stupid to punch a hole in a card.
We got rid of them because old fart retired repos on SS whined about not having enough strength to pop a zit let alone a card?
And your side did just that with recounts. No evidence of voter fraud.

WRONG. There is evidence, just not enough resources to investigate all the shenanigans that went on with the mass mail-in balloting. This is exactly why the Democrats want to keep the COVID method. It is rampant for fraud but too cumbersome to investigate because you can't find a dump of 100k ballots here and there. Each one has to be individually investigated, which is all but impossible.
Yeah, God forbid that we ask voters for proof that they are who they say they are.
That’s stooopid. Everyone does when they register. It’s a federal crime to comity voter fraud after that. The only people stupid enough to try organized fraud have been republicans. That’s hilarious. You want additional voter requirements to protect elections from yourself…..that’s what you’re claiming.
It’s just talk designed to inflame Rs and cons, and keep libs and Ds happy. O and Bubba did much the same thing. All three losers actually did nothing to limit the second amendment. It’s what they do, not what they say.

You’d think all Americans would see this well worn out scam.
^ This is the correct answer. And yes, you'd think. But we forget just how many dumb motherfuckers we have in this country.
WRONG. There is evidence, just not enough resources to investigate all the shenanigans that went on with the mass mail-in balloting. This is exactly why the Democrats want to keep the COVID method. It is rampant for fraud but too cumbersome to investigate because you can't find a dump of 100k ballots here and there. Each one has to be individually investigated, which is all but impossible.
Trump and his entire family voted by mail. As did the majority of GOPers You conspiracy junkies had your chance now get the fuck over it. You lost, period. There is evidence? Where?
WRONG. There is evidence, just not enough resources to investigate all the shenanigans that went on with the mass mail-in balloting.
Seriously ? Repugnants don’t have the resources. Are you shitting us ? Even the minority has enough power. You do read the constitution. One of their primary jobs is to INVESTIGATE before passing legislation. That you didn’t even know that, is proof positive how incompetent the gop is… had time to investigate Hillary forever. Geesus. what an incompetent response about an incompetent party.
This is a flat out lie. There's been quite a lot of evidence, as we learned in the Arizona audit. It just wasn't enough to determine that Trump was the rightful winner.
Refresh my memory. Is that the one done by that idiot group who even scanned each ballot to look for Bamboo? Cyber Ninjas with no experience and not even smart enough to book a hall so they could do the "fraudit" without a break in the middle of the counting because of a school event? What a sham. And somebody made a boatload of money doing that sham counting. There were so many of those fraudits that I've lost count. Note that they only audited the states he lost. How convenient and how Republican. LOL Your nutjob lost. Get over yourself.
Seriously ? Repugnants don’t have the resources. Are you shitting us ? Even the minority has enough power. You do read the constitution. One of their primary jobs is to INVESTIGATE before passing legislation. That you didn’t even know that, is proof positive how incompetent the gop is… had time to investigate Hillary forever. Geesus. what an incompetent response about an incompetent party.
Yeah, and no shortage of resources for the Benghazi investigation that, just like the Fraudits, showed no results. How long was that fuckin' fiasco? What a party these clowns have hitched their wagons to. The list of fools and nutjobs in the GOP of Trump and unfortunately even now, is as long as the list of conspiracy theories. It's fuckin' crazy!
We got rid of them because old fart retired repos on SS whined about not having enough strength to pop a zit let alone a card?

Bullshit. It was the Democrats claiming Gore actually won where they admitted it was their cards that were likely not counted because of "hanging chads." They also admitted to not reading the signs at the polls that instructed all voters to wipe their card to make sure the chads fell off.

Then the country had to spend God knows how many hundreds of millions on new computerized machines. After GW beat Kerry, once again they were claiming foul stating (with no evidence whatsoever) that Dieblold, the manufacturer of the new voting machines were rigged so GW won. And once again, we had to spend hundreds of millions on new machines to replace the Diebold ones.
Bullshit. It was the Democrats claiming Gore actually won where they admitted it was their cards that were likely not counted because of "hanging chads." They also admitted to not reading the signs at the polls that instructed all voters to wipe their card to make sure the chads fell off.

Then the country had to spend God knows how many hundreds of millions on new computerized machines. After GW beat Kerry, once again they were claiming foul stating (with no evidence whatsoever) that Dieblold, the manufacturer of the new voting machines were rigged so GW won. And once again, we had to spend hundreds of millions on new machines to replace the Diebold ones.
Gee! Sounds like a familiar strategy. Blame the machines, the other party etc etc. And that might actually have a slither of usefulness in a very close election but to force recounts of a 7 million vote loss and continue the sour grapes whining after 60 court decisions and recounts upon recounts and several lawsuits by the machine manufacturers, and an attempted coup, is just plain berserk. And to then deny the coup even existed after the loser lays out the plan on national TV, well, now we're into lunatic territory. And that's where the loser has resided for decades.
No there wasn't. Those cases where manufacturers were held responsible was under strict liabilty for manufacturers design flaws and/or faulty parts, not because of how people used them.

How so, the parents were responsible for failing to secure the firearm keeping it away from a minor child, that's not the fault of the manufacturer, the gun performed exactly as designed.
It certainly did. They are killing machines.
His parents were held responsible and so they should. Lock the idiots up and the kid.
Bullshit. It was the Democrats claiming Gore actually won where they admitted it was their cards that were likely not counted because of "hanging chads." They also admitted to not reading the signs at the polls that instructed all voters to wipe their card to make sure the chads fell off.

Then the country had to spend God knows how many hundreds of millions on new computerized machines. After GW beat Kerry, once again they were claiming foul stating (with no evidence whatsoever) that Dieblold, the manufacturer of the new voting machines were rigged so GW won. And once again, we had to spend hundreds of millions on new machines to replace the Diebold ones.
Reinventing history with the help of Fix News. Amazing.
Yeah, and no shortage of resources for the Benghazi investigation that, just like the Fraudits, showed no results. How long was that fuckin' fiasco? What a party these clowns have hitched their wagons to. The list of fools and nutjobs in the GOP of Trump and unfortunately even now, is as long as the list of conspiracy theories. It's fuckin' craz
Exactly. And no resources to check Obamas birth certificate. You had gop congress people climbing on the birtherism wagon without any proof whatsoever ever.

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