Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Gee! Sounds like a familiar strategy. Blame the machines, the other party etc etc. And that might actually have a slither of usefulness in a very close election but to force recounts of a 7 million vote loss and continue the sour grapes whining after 60 court decisions and recounts upon recounts and several lawsuits by the machine manufacturers, and an attempted coup, is just plain berserk. And to then deny the coup even existed after the loser lays out the plan on national TV, well, now we're into lunatic territory. And that's where the loser has resided for decades.

I'm not one of those people who contest the election. It's nearly impossible to prove. I laid the blame on mail-in ballots. The more lowlifes that vote, the more votes Democrats get.
I'm not one of those people who contest the election. It's nearly impossible to prove. I laid the blame on mail-in ballots. The more lowlifes that vote, the more votes Democrats get.
Define low-lifes. Actually, it's "the more educated people vote the more likely they are to be democrats." You blame the mail ins? Then void Trump's vote! You righties are just a bunch of cry babies who can't accept the fact that the people, en mass, rejected Trumpism and autocracy. They saw the madman and they were appalled by his behavior and his cruelty. They saw plainly that he was a crook, a liar and a fuckin' Narcissistic, mentally ill crackpot. In other words, they saw what every Republican saw and verbalized during the run up to 2016, before they became indoctrinated.
Define low-lifes. Actually, it's "the more educated people vote the more likely they are to be democrats." You blame the mail ins? Then void Trump's vote! You righties are just a bunch of cry babies who can't accept the fact that the people, en mass, rejected Trumpism and autocracy. They saw the madman and they were appalled by his behavior and his cruelty. They saw plainly that he was a crook, a liar and a fuckin' Narcissistic, mentally ill crackpot. In other words, they saw what every Republican saw and verbalized during the run up to 2016, before they became indoctrinated.

Lowlifes: People who are young, physically and mentally capable of working but stay on government programs to live on. People who are politically ignorant and are voting on candidates using the same criteria they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. People who would normally stay home on election day but had the government plop down a ballot on their kitchen table. Example of a politically ignorant lowlife:

Lowlifes: People who are young, physically and mentally capable of working but stay on government programs to live on. People who are politically ignorant and are voting on candidates using the same criteria they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. People who would normally stay home on election day but had the government plop down a ballot on their kitchen table. Example of a politically ignorant lowlife:

Great argument for the destruction of democracy, based solely on prejudice. You make the ideal soldier in the fight for autocracy. That's what indoctrination does to stupid people.
Especially when you can't prove me wrong.
Bullshit. It was the Democrats claiming Gore actually won where they admitted it was their cards that were likely not counted because of "hanging chads." They also admitted to not reading the signs at the polls that instructed all voters to wipe their card to make sure the chads fell off.

Then the country had to spend God knows how many hundreds of millions on new computerized machines. After GW beat Kerry, once again they were claiming foul stating (with no evidence whatsoever) that Dieblold, the manufacturer of the new voting machines were rigged so GW won. And once again, we had to spend hundreds of millions on new machines to replace the Diebold ones.
KInd of ridiculous argument. Democrats wanted all questionable votes to be recounted. Even those by wimpy fat old repugnants who didnt have the strength to prevent hanging chads.
Lowlifes: People who are young, physically and mentally capable of working but stay on government programs to live on. People who are politically ignorant and are voting on candidates using the same criteria they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. People who would normally stay home on election day but had the government plop down a ballot on their kitchen table. Example of a politically ignorant lowlife:

Spoken like the typical uninformed racist. There are far more whites getting unemployment benefits then non whites. There are far more lazy white fks who are politically ignorant. Look at all of Trump rallies.
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KInd of ridiculous argument. Democrats wanted all questionable votes to be recounted. Even those by wimpy fat old repugnants who didnt have the strength to prevent hanging chads.

But they were recounted, but not within law which is why the Supreme Court got involved.

The Florida law was all ballots had to be certified and turned in on 7 days. If you wanted a recount, fine, recount them and have them turned in by the 7th day. The Florida federal courts said "This is our buddy Al Gore, and he can recount the ballots as long as he likes!" When it got to the Supreme Court, the justices asked the Florida courts to explain their actions of judicial legislation. A court can't change law on the bench. That's when Gore had to give up.
Spoken like the typical uninformed racist. There are far more whites cole ring unemployment benefits then non whites. There are far more lazy white fks who are politically ignorant. Look at all of Trump rallies.

How rare that a population five times the size of another population have more people on unemployment.

I mentioned nothing about race. But I know how you leftists are programmed to use race anytime you're losing a debate.
How rare that a population five times the size of another population have more people on unemployment.

I mentioned nothing about race. But I know how you leftists are programmed to use race anytime you're losing a debate.
Then white unemployment due to being a lazy fk is far more of a problem.
How rare that a population five times the size of another population have more people on unemployment.

I mentioned nothing about race. But I know how you leftists are programmed to use race anytime you're losing a debate.

But, you chose to use a black man to buttress your case who does not represent the biggest problem by nearly a factor of four. Thats racism at its core.
Then white unemployment due to being a lazy fk is far more of a problem.

But, you chose to use a black man to buttress your case who does not represent the biggest problem by nearly a factor of four. Thats racism at its core.

Talk about racism. That's a woman, not a man, or do they all look alike to you?

Yes, there are lazy whites too. Never said there weren't. And yes, there are politically ignorant whites as well, never said there weren't.
Talk about racism. That's a woman, not a man, or do they all look alike to you?

Yes, there are lazy whites too. Never said there weren't. And yes, there are politically ignorant whites as well, never said there weren't.
No, but your picture as it doesn’t represent the problem of of more whites being unemployed.
Talk about racism. That's a woman, not a man, or do they all look alike to you?

Yes, there are lazy whites too. Never said there weren't. And yes, there are politically ignorant whites as well, never said there weren't.
If we solved your problem with the non white unemployment and politically ignorance, we still would have the vast majority of people in your segment being * white. You act and post like this is a non white problem . It’s everyone’s problem. Really, how dumb does anyone have to be to not believe in climate change which is mostly a conservative ideology not based on evidence. With the vast majority of conservatives being white, that’s where most of the ignorance lies.
Spoken like the typical uninformed racist. There are far more whites getting unemployment benefits then non whites. There are far more lazy white fks who are politically ignorant. Look at all of Trump rallies.
Isn't it rich when these Trumpers call others politically ignorant? I love it. To support a madman with various ties to our enemy and who is still at it right now, right in their faces, is about as stone cold ignorant as it gets. Ray does this shit all of the time. Can't see how the GOP is leaning heavily toward autocracy and away from democracy with every move they make. Attacking voter's rights, electing one loony, racist idiot after another. Attending Racist conventions without a word from the rest of the party, and attacking the press and the JAN 6 committee or any entity that might have a hand in shining a light on criminal behavior. They know, or at least should know that the attack on the Capitol didn't just materialize from thin air. And despite all of the evidence right in their faces, much of it directly from the carp lips of the cultmaster himself, their ignorance still overshadows their sense of patriotism. It's all about avenging an election lost fair and square. Again, something that has been investigated by both sides and found to be a fantasy of Donald Trump. And, in their wisdom, they choose to remain deaf and blind to all of it. Now, THAT'S what I call IGNORANCE.
No, but your picture as it doesn’t represent the problem of of more whites being unemployed.

If we solved your problem with the non white unemployment and politically ignorance, we still would have the vast majority of people in your segment being * white. You act and post like this is a non white problem . It’s everyone’s problem. Really, how dumb does anyone have to be to not believe in climate change which is mostly a conservative ideology not based on evidence. With the vast majority of conservatives being white, that’s where most of the ignorance lies.

The climate has been changing since God made the place. How do you think the ice age ended? I don't know what unemployment has to do with my original comment when my comment was about welfare people and lazy people in general. Yes, we can curb the politically ignorant from voting by making people vote in person if possible. The only people that should be voting mail-in are people that can't possibly make it to the polls and that would reduce the amount of ignorant and stupid voters. Why do you suppose the Democrat party wants to make mail-in as a standard?
The climate has been changing since God made the place. How do you think the ice age ended?
Obviously you never had, remember or just choose Fix News over your natural science and math classes. There are no accredited schools in the entire US that use climate change denial crapolla like this. Seriously, you’ve just eliminated yourself as a believable poster.
Obviously you never had, remember or just choose Fix News over your natural science and math classes. There are no accredited schools in the entire US that use climate change denial crapolla like this. Seriously, you’ve just eliminated yourself as a believable poster.

Let me explain something to you: Politicians have wanted more and more control over us people, especially the Democrats. They've been pretty successful thus far, but never total control. The only way for them to have total control over us is to have total control over healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two entities, they will have total control over all of us.

In our system of government, they can't rush in with the military and takeover these things. So how can we get control over them? Simple, have the people beg you to take control over them.

Thanks to government, healthcare coverage for many is impossible to get due to costs. Scare the people that we are ending the world with our oil and they will cry for a savior. Forget that DumBama bought a mansion on the ocean right after he left the White House. Forget Al Gore and Kerry traveling all over the world in private planes, driving around in limos or SUV's. Just keep feeding people this climate change bullshit and they will eventually beg us to take care of the problem.
You must have him confused with Hillary.

Oh... and... Hunter Biden.

Democrats are world class hypocrites
Hillary and Hunter eh? That's two yeah buts in a row. The fact is that Trump has gotten richer by selling apartments etc to Russian mobsters, laundering Russian Kleptocratic loot, and sucking up to Putin, his oligarchs and the Russian mob.
Let me explain something to you: Politicians have wanted more and more control over us people, especially the Democrats. They've been pretty successful thus far, but never total control. The only way for them to have total control over us is to have total control over healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two entities, they will have total control over all of us.

In our system of government, they can't rush in with the military and takeover these things. So how can we get control over them? Simple, have the people beg you to take control over them.

Thanks to government, healthcare coverage for many is impossible to get due to costs. Scare the people that we are ending the world with our oil and they will cry for a savior. Forget that DumBama bought a mansion on the ocean right after he left the White House. Forget Al Gore and Kerry traveling all over the world in private planes, driving around in limos or SUV's. Just keep feeding people this climate change bullshit and they will eventually beg us to take care of the problem.
So every climate scientist in the western world have formed a gang to fool us all about global warming? Did they also get together to melt the polar ice caps? Make Hurricanes more violent and frequent? Now, you Trumpers have come up with some doozies of conspiracies before but, this is the best one yet. And I suppose we democrats are alone in taking graft and conspicuous consumption? You are a cultist of the first order. Getting sillier by the post.
So every climate scientist in the western world have formed a gang to fool us all about global warming? Did they also get together to melt the polar ice caps? Make Hurricanes more violent and frequent? Now, you Trumpers have come up with some doozies of conspiracies before but, this is the best one yet. And I suppose we democrats are alone in taking graft and conspicuous consumption? You are a cultist of the first order. Getting sillier by the post.

Yeah, every single scientist.


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