Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

There is only so much a US President can do amid a worldwide pandemic, one nobody alive in the US has ever seen before. And remember it was DumBama who emptied all our PPE shelves during H1N1 and never replaced it. The FDA only approved of one kind of test kit, and that was the ones made by the CDC. When we put them to use, they were found defective and Trump had to start from scratch to replace those as well amid a worldwide demand for them.

In spite of all that the US had the least GDP decline of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust their reporting. Trump spent 13 billion dollars on 8 potential vaccine companies with contracts that the US gets the first 200 million doses with a rider for an additional 500 million on demand so we Americans came first. They laughed at him when he stated we would have a vaccine by the end of the year, and we ended up with two of them.

If Trump was incompetent with the virus, Dementia is worse since more people died from Covid under him than Trump. When campaigning, Dementia stated (when we hit the 200,000 dead mark) that Trump should step down from office because of the deaths. Well Joe, when are you going to step down?

The hypocrisy of the Left is beyond astounding. And the media lets them get away with it. I don't know how anyone in their right mind can say this country isn't headed in the wrong direction.
That’s wrong. It depends upon the standard used. It was ultimate determined that Gore won In a follow up recount.

First off your sources are biased. I used a CNN source for that reason. Secondly your article talks about invalid ballots due to more than one hole punched or some other deformity. CNN got their reporting from the Miami Herald and USA Today which are far from any right-wing outlets. Then your source makes the claim that because some voters voted Republican for Congress, they must have really meant to vote for Gore as President. Your sources are assumption and not fact like mine are.
The hypocrisy of the Left is beyond astounding. And the media lets them get away with it. I don't know how anyone in their right mind can say this country isn't headed in the wrong direction.

They're not. All polls show that most Americans think the same way as we do. They are Fd come November, possibly even worse in 2024 depending on who is running. I don't think Dementia is going to make it a full term.
I don't think Dementia is going to make it a full term.

I agree with that, especially if the democrats lose the Senate, cuz then the tie-breaking vote by the VP as President of the Senate doesn't much matter. But in any case I believe there's a decent chance that Biden resigns at some point for health reasons that are very real. He don't look and sound like a healthy guy to me. And most days that he is the president are not good days for the democrats looking forward to 2024, so it could be that his own party will ask him to step down.

LOL, but then they have problem #2: if Biden resigns then Kamala Harris becomes the prez. Is that an improvement for them? Look, thanks to us we now have the first female president, vote for us! Will she get the same black turnout that Obama got? The possibility that she is every bit the same disaster that Biden is will be kinda glossed over if the GOP takes back the Senate and the House, cuz now the dems can revert to blaming the GOP for everything. I mean, after all that's what they do.
Climate change is a theory, not a reality. There is no proof that it actually exists, only that yes, the climate changes.
So it is true. That babble indicates… know nothing about science. There is NO other statement in science as definitive for understanding and meaningful as a “theory” in science. All summaries of consensus accepted understanding of any phenomenon in science is a “theory.“

You are science illiterate……there is no doubt. What were you doing in your science classes, sleeping ? Just stating that a theory is not reality when it is based upon evidence, trials, observations and experimentation makes you unqualified to even have anything you say in science taken seriously.

Read this carefully, I’ll not repeat it. There is no formal proof in science of any of its theories. ….none, nada nix. Go get a science dictionary pretender.


  • In science, a theory is an explanation of the natural world that has been repeatedly tested and verified using the scientific method.
  • In common usage, the word "theory" means something very different. ...
  • Scientific theories are testable and falsifiable. ...
  • Examples of theories include the theory of relativity and the theory of evolution.
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First off your sources are biased. I used a CNN source for that reason. Secondly your article talks about invalid ballots due to more than one hole punched or some other deformity. CNN got their reporting from the Miami Herald and USA Today which are far from any right-wing outlets. Then your source makes the claim that because some voters voted Republican for Congress, they must have really meant to vote for Gore as President. Your sources are assumption and not fact like mine are.
Burp. You’re as wrong as you are about the science of climate change and what a theory is in science.
There is only so much a US President can do amid a worldwide pandemic, one nobody alive in the US has ever seen before. And remember it was DumBama who emptied all our PPE shelves during H1N1 and never replaced it. The FDA only approved of one kind of test kit, and that was the ones made by the CDC. When we put them to use, they were found defective and Trump had to start from scratch to replace those as well amid a worldwide demand for them.

In spite of all that the US had the least GDP decline of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust their reporting. Trump spent 13 billion dollars on 8 potential vaccine companies with contracts that the US gets the first 200 million doses with a rider for an additional 500 million on demand so we Americans came first. They laughed at him when he stated we would have a vaccine by the end of the year, and we ended up with two of them.

If Trump was incompetent with the virus, Dementia is worse since more people died from Covid under him than Trump. When campaigning, Dementia stated (when we hit the 200,000 dead mark) that Trump should step down from office because of the deaths. Well Joe, when are you going to step down?

You know nothing. If you can’t tell that Trump lies continuously, is ignorant and pretends he’s smart, including claiming he’s our savior, that’s no better. While you continue to call Biden senile, remember one thing. He beat Trump by seven million. If Biden died before any election with Trump, his corpse will beat him by ten million.
Doubtful though. Biden jogs, Trump shits his pants while he waddles. Trump is a loser. His supporters are losers.
You know nothing. If you can’t tell that Trump lies continuously, is ignorant and pretends he’s smart, including claiming he’s our savior, that’s no better. While you continue to call Biden senile, remember one thing. He beat Trump by seven million. If Biden died before any election with Trump, his corpse will beat him by ten million.
Doubtful though. Biden jogs, Trump shits his pants while he waddles. Trump is a loser. His supporters are losers.

Dementia can't even get out of the shower without hurting himself. I guess you never seen him trying to climb the stairs to Air Force 1. Trump lied? Tell me, who was the last President we had that didn't lie? It's not about lying so much as what they are lying about. Trump stating we have the best economy in history doesn't harm me at all. DumBama stating everybody will have affordable healthcare was nothing but a lie that hurt millions of us who lost their employer sponsored plans.

Dementia wouldn't have stood a chance in a normal election. Because of covid, the Communists were able to harness the lowlife vote; people who are generally politically ignorant. On the other hand Trump increased his voters by 7 million from his first election. The Communists are scared to death of him. They know if he comes back they are doomed. If you consider a multi-billionaire who rides around on his own jetliner and had the most beautiful women in the world a loser, I hope I become a loser real soon.
Dementia can't even get out of the shower without hurting himself. I guess you never seen him trying to climb the stairs to Air Force 1. Trump lied? Tell me, who was the last President we had that didn't lie? It's not about lying so much as what they are lying about. Trump stating we have the best economy in history doesn't harm me at all. DumBama stating everybody will have affordable healthcare was nothing but a lie that hurt millions of us who lost their employer sponsored plans.

Dementia wouldn't have stood a chance in a normal election. Because of covid, the Communists were able to harness the lowlife vote; people who are generally politically ignorant. On the other hand Trump increased his voters by 7 million from his first election. The Communists are scared to death of him. They know if he comes back they are doomed. If you consider a multi-billionaire who rides around on his own jetliner and had the most beautiful women in the world a loser, I hope I become a loser real soon.
Dementia can't even get out of the shower without hurting himself. I guess you never seen him trying to climb the stairs to Air Force 1. Trump lied? Tell me, who was the last President we had that didn't lie? It's not about lying so much as what they are lying about. Trump stating we have the best economy in history doesn't harm me at all. DumBama stating everybody will have affordable healthcare was nothing but a lie that hurt millions of us who lost their employer sponsored plans.

Dementia wouldn't have stood a chance in a normal election. Because of covid, the Communists were able to harness the lowlife vote; people who are generally politically ignorant. On the other hand Trump increased his voters by 7 million from his first election. The Communists are scared to death of him. They know if he comes back they are doomed. If you consider a multi-billionaire who rides around on his own jetliner and had the most beautiful women in the world a loser, I hope I become a loser real soon.
You don’t even know what a science theory represents. Why can anything you say be trusted.
Then maybe the government should stop giving subsidies to corporate America. See how that works? Can't have it both ways.
You won't find any conservatives who support subsidies to corporations. That's a prog thing. Progs are the ones who want subsidies for electric cars. Progs are the ones who want subsidies for ethanol.
You won't find any conservatives who support subsidies to corporations. That's a prog thing. Progs are the ones who want subsidies for electric cars. Progs are the ones who want subsidies for ethanol.

It's all brainwashing. The left thinks that "subsidies" are allowing a company to keep the money they created. They believe that all money you make belongs to government, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.
You don’t even know what a science theory represents. Why can anything you say be trusted.

noun, plural the·o·ries.
a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

noun, plural the·o·ries.
a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

Gee, you just said you expected science theories to be proven factual before they could be ” used”. Which is it.

Are you telling me we shouldn’t be using Newtonian physics and quantum theory. Answer that. After all, they are “ just” theories.

So, sailing which is based on theory, what ? Never happened ?

Copy paste makes you even more ignorant about science.
So it is true. That babble indicates… know nothing about science. There is NO other statement in science as definitive for understanding and meaningful as a “theory” in science. All summaries of consensus accepted understanding of any phenomenon in science is a “theory.“

You are science illiterate……there is no doubt. What were you doing in your science classes, sleeping ? Just stating that a theory is not reality when it is based upon evidence, trials, observations and experimentation makes you unqualified to even have anything you say in science taken seriously.

Read this carefully, I’ll not repeat it. There is no formal proof in science of any of its theories. ….none, nada nix. Go get a science dictionary pretender.


  • In science, a theory is an explanation of the natural world that has been repeatedly tested and verified using the scientific method.
  • In common usage, the word "theory" means something very different. ...
  • Scientific theories are testable and falsifiable. ...
  • Examples of theories include the theory of relativity and the theory of evolution.

Show us scientific evidence that we can reverse any climate change that may be occurring to the extent that it would make a difference. Also, provide evidence that the current level of climate change is caused by humans and not part of a larger cycle that we are unable to observe. If you can’t, then we are all wasting our time, well, not all of us, just the affluent countries like the US who are just dumb enough to go along with the idea of hamstringing our economy. China and Russia are more than happy to oblige our ignorance and even support it tounge in cheek, all the while continuing to burn fossil fuels as needed to take over world economic dominance.

I have a slew of old National Geograhic magazines claiming that we should have had a catastrophic outcome by now. It seems as though they conveniently push back these horrible outcomes a decade at a time. Current science is largely fueled by money. They can surmise virtually any outcome desired if given enough funding. The few scientists that buck the system(money) are quickly dismissed and ostracized by the masses.
Show us scientific evidence that we can reverse any climate change that may be occurring to the extent that it would make a difference.
So, what’s your argument now.
Here is the litany of deniers.
1. climate change doesn’t exist.
2 if it does exist, it’s too expensive to deal with.
3 if it’s not too expensive, which mitigation methods aren’t, than they won’t work anyway.
4 if they do work, it’s too late.

So at which step are you denier ?

The biggest joke is, now you’re asking for scientific evidence. Hilarious. Deniers are incapable of understanding the scientific evidence which till now you argued against. Geesus, you don’t even know what climate change is about.

The evidence is found at every climate research facility in the world. Anyone who was actually interested in science, would go to the over 3400 sources and answer that one for yourself. That you don’t, means you’re a science illiterate.
The evidence on line outnumbers the bullshit by a factor of 100 to 1. So stop the bullshitting.
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have a slew of old National Geograhic magazines claiming that we should have had a catastrophic outcome by now.
That’s stupid. The have them all the time. You live under a rock.
I have a slew of old National Geograhic magazines claiming that we should have had a catastrophic outcome by now.

You mean like these?

There is only so much a US President can do amid a worldwide pandemic, one nobody alive in the US has ever seen before. And remember it was DumBama who emptied all our PPE shelves during H1N1 and never replaced it. The FDA only approved of one kind of test kit, and that was the ones made by the CDC. When we put them to use, they were found defective and Trump had to start from scratch to replace those as well amid a worldwide demand for them.

In spite of all that the US had the least GDP decline of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust their reporting. Trump spent 13 billion dollars on 8 potential vaccine companies with contracts that the US gets the first 200 million doses with a rider for an additional 500 million on demand so we Americans came first. They laughed at him when he stated we would have a vaccine by the end of the year, and we ended up with two of them.

If Trump was incompetent with the virus, Dementia is worse since more people died from Covid under him than Trump. When campaigning, Dementia stated (when we hit the 200,000 dead mark) that Trump should step down from office because of the deaths. Well Joe, when are you going to step down?

Actually the covid pandemic is exactly like all other corona virus colds and flues.
The problem that cause it to stay forever and kill so many people, was the deliberate strategy of the CDC.
Which was attempting to "flatten the curve".

There are 2 main epidemic strategies, based on how lethal it is.

If very lethal, like Ebola, then you do full quarantine, which includes things like contract tracing, masks, social distancing, isolation, etc.
That costs a lot, but ends lethal epidemics in less than 2 weeks.

If not very lethal, like flu, then you instead encourage the initial spike, in order to cause all the easy hosts to be used up quickly, preventing the virus from being able to easily find news hosts, to sustain itself. That is the herd immunity approach, and also ends epidemics in less than 2 weeks.

What you NEVER want to do is "flatten the curve".
That is not full quarantine, because you do not shut down everything, and you do not bother with contact tracing.
That is not herd immunity because by cutting the infection and death rate in half, you conserve easy hosts, ensuring the epidemic can NEVER end.
Flattening the curve has a low daily death rate, but the highest possible death total, because instead of ending in 2 weeks, it goes on FOREVER.

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