Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

First ray, post the transcript of the phone call.

That should be a good start to rudy heading over there.

When you call somebody out they are the ones that are to provide evidence of their lie, not the person calling out. I know what the transcript said, and I'll bet your dime to my dollars you won't find once where Trump threatened to not send aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky investigated the Biden's. What Trump asked for was a favor. Need the definition of what a favor means, just ask.
So you’re living under a rock. Trump couldn’t get the evidence when he was president, commander and chief with the DOJ, FBI and CIA appointees under his wing. What, are you nuts ? He’s now hounding Putin while Putin is busy orchestrating genocide. By Humpers will continue to hang with the dufus delux.

How is Trump supposed to get evidence of anything happening in another country? That's why he asked Zelensky to see if he could find out anything about it. It's Zelensky's country.
How is Trump supposed to get evidence of anything happening in another country? That's why he asked Zelensky to see if he could find out anything about it. It's Zelensky's country.
It’s a U.S. citizens. Dah. You guys can’t be that naive. I think you’re just pretending so you can keep supporting a criminal.
Trump is corrupt, but in this case, he is not asking for "help", but just asking for the truth, which is that the Bidens were taking kickbacks for illegally bribing bureaucrats in the Ukraine to murder and steal.
Hilarious. Who in their right mind would expect the truth from Putin ? Trump and his Humpers.
It’s a U.S. citizens. Dah. You guys can’t be that naive. I think you’re just pretending so you can keep supporting a criminal.

Trump never did anything criminal. That's the communists making false claims. The first impeachment from your Holy Bible, 1984, with the thought police.
Facts ? Really ? There are thousands of websites that give you all the evidence any literate science person needs. You have to be shitting me if you think I’m going to debate by copy paste climate change evidence which is in abundance….literally everywhere people don’t have their head up their ass. I find it really silly to debate the weather with my dog as it would be to debate climate change with a denier.

I think there is absolute evidence of climate change caused by fossil fuel combustion emissions, but that is because I have a degree in physics and have done the research.
It is not unreasonable for those without the background and insight to be unable to understand how vehicle emissions, which are fairly small compared to normal and natural carbon emissions, could have such an impact.
For anyone to understand that, they have to realize it is not the total emissions that count, but only the emissions that are in excess of the natural and normal means by which carbon is reabsorbed by plants, minerals, etc.
Once you have an imbalance, with more being created than can be absorbed, then you have an accumulation problem.
This is actually rather subtle and not intuitive, so it is not appropriate to try to slander those who do not get it.
Instead it is better to try to just explain it to them better, with the assumption they can and will understand, if explained properly.
Hilarious. Who in their right mind would expect the truth from Putin ? Trump and his Humpers.

Burisma Holdings was about oil corporations in the Ukraine, and the oil corporations in the Ukraine were the ones illegal siphoning off billions worth of Russian oil.
For example, the world court rules against the Ukraine for stealing oil in 2012.
Burisma Holdings was about oil corporations in the Ukraine, and the oil corporations in the Ukraine were the ones illegal siphoning off billions worth of Russian oil.
For example, the world court rules against the Ukraine for stealing oil in 2012.
Your reason to commit genocide. Thought so. Siding with Putin. Sounds like more Putin / Trump butt kissing ? Stealing oil in 2012. Wow. Guess carrying grudge for ten years makes it all worth while.
think there is absolute evidence of climate change caused by fossil fuel combustion emissions, but that is because I have a degree in physics and have done the research.
Here we go. Another self proclaimed expert. A degree in physics. I wonder where that’s from. Hmmm. There isn’t one institute that awards degrees in physics that doesn’t support global warming. So much for physics degrees. You just decreed they are useless.

I’m a nuclear physicist on week ends around my my day job as a brain surgeon. Need help ? Everyone is an expert….on the net. Go ahead. Find one accredited university in science that doesn’t buy in AGW. Just one.
Your reason to commit genocide. Thought so. Siding with Putin. Sounds like more Putin / Trump butt kissing ? Stealing oil in 2012. Wow. Guess carrying grudge for ten years makes it all worth while.

That particular conviction in the World Court was in 2012, but the Ukraine has always been stealing oil and gas, because the Russian pipelines were built through the Ukraine, as the shortest distance.
The only reason why the world court ruled in Russia's favor in this one case, is because Russia got Switzerland in as partners on that 2012 deal. Otherwise it would be just their word against the Ukraine's.

And it is stupid to claim Russia is the one guilty of attempted genocide, when it is the Ukraine who deliberately murder 14k ethnic Russian civilians.
Here we go. Another self proclaimed expert. A degree in physics. I wonder where that’s from. Hmmm. There isn’t one institute that awards degrees in physics that doesn’t support global warming. So much for physics degrees. You just decreed they are useless.

I’m a nuclear physicist on week ends around my my day job as a brain surgeon. Need help ? Everyone is an expert….on the net. Go ahead. Find one accredited university in science that doesn’t buy in AGW. Just one.

You really need to read better.
I was agreeing with you about global warming.
I was just trying to get you to be less obnoxious in your use of language so there are greater chances of actually convincing someone else.
You really need to read better.
I was agreeing with you about global warming.
I was just trying to get you to be less obnoxious in your use of language so there are greater chances of actually convincing someone else.
Global warming (AGW) is as verifiable as as anything in science. Anyone can go on line and find the answers to inane questions from deniers about it. Seriously, why should anyone waste their time debating it . Their comments continually reveal their science illiteracy. You think anyone is going to convince a science illiterate person who gets his ideas from Tucker ? That’s funny.
That particular conviction in the World Court was in 2012, but the Ukraine has always been stealing oil and gas, because the Russian pipelines were built through the Ukraine, as the shortest distance.
The only reason why the world court ruled in Russia's favor in this one case, is because Russia got Switzerland in as partners on that 2012 deal. Otherwise it would be just their word against the Ukraine's.

And it is stupid to claim Russia is the one guilty of attempted genocide, when it is the Ukraine who deliberately murder 14k ethnic Russian civilians.
Keep drinking the cool aid. That claimed degree in physics doesn’t cut it for rationalizing what’s going on in Ukraine. Maybe a geography lesson would help. It’s not the other way around…..oh, someone stole oil 10 years ago.
Russian is bombing the shit out of a Ukraine. Did your get your degree from Putin U or Trump U.
is not unreasonable for those without the background and insight to be unable to understand how vehicle emissions, which are fairly small compared to normal and natural carbon emissions, could have such an impact.
Haha ? Really ? You need a degree to figure out when someone else is bonkers ?
You really need to read better.
I was agreeing with you about global warming.
I was just trying to get you to be less obnoxious in your use of language so there are greater chances of actually convincing someone else.
You have a “degree“ in physics. You should know then that AGW is directly related to evolution……right ?
Global warming (AGW) is as verifiable as as anything in science. Anyone can go on line and find the answers to inane questions from deniers about it. Seriously, why should anyone waste their time debating it . Their comments continually reveal their science illiteracy. You think anyone is going to convince a science illiterate person who gets his ideas from Tucker ? That’s funny.

Are you reading anything at all?
This twice now that I am forced to tell you we AGREE that man made global warming is real.
Again, the point of my post was NOT to argue about global warming, but to tell you that your posts are so obnoxious as to be extremely counter productive.
Keep drinking the cool aid. That claimed degree in physics doesn’t cut it for rationalizing what’s going on in Ukraine. Maybe a geography lesson would help. It’s not the other way around…..oh, someone stole oil 10 years ago.
Russian is bombing the shit out of a Ukraine. Did your get your degree from Putin U or Trump U.

No, the CONVICTION proving theft of oil by the Ukraine was 10 years ago.
The Ukraine was stealing oil before and after the conviction.
They are still stealing oil right now.

And you are totally ignorant of the war in the Ukraine.
For example, you claim, "Russian is bombing the shit out of a Ukraine".
And that is totally false.
Due to the stinger missiles, Russian has not use their air force in the Ukraine, at all.
There is NO bombing going on.
It is all artillery.
When you call somebody out they are the ones that are to provide evidence of their lie, not the person calling out. I know what the transcript said, and I'll bet your dime to my dollars you won't find once where Trump threatened to not send aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky investigated the Biden's. What Trump asked for was a favor. Need the definition of what a favor means, just ask.
Was the military aid to Ukraine being held up at the time of the orange call?

Yes or no?
Haha ? Really ? You need a degree to figure out when someone else is bonkers ?

You again clearly have not read anything I wrote.
If you had, you would have understood why so many get it wrong and do not understand why human emissions have caused global warming.
The point is that while human carbon emissions are less than 10% of the gross carbon emissions, they are 100% of the carbon emissions that can not be processed by nature and accumulate.
Again, you probably are not reading and won't get this, but I will keep trying to explain it to you anyway.

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