Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Well, there's no question that BLM goons are bad news.

Those of us who live way out in the countryside can take care of ourselves if a BLM goon comes out here to attack us. And I assume that suburban police are gunning down any BLM goons that go out to the suburbs and attack the police. But I really feel for the people who live in inner cities where the police are being disarmed by leftist politicians and BLM goons are running rampant.

Because the right to keep and bear arms has specifically included people having guns for the private defense of their homes since at least 1541.

Need is irrelevant. I don't have to need them. I have the right to have them if I want to have them.
Well, that's adorable. Since your bolt is clear you could even make whoopee with them. Don't forget the safety.
Within ANY group there will be bad apples. But that doesn't negate what they are fighting for. There are just as many Blue Lives Matter goons who are the root of the problem. They earn the hate every day. A case of what is bound to happen when a group is given unlimited power with damn near total immunity. Police have become just another street gang who kill without fear of consequences. Overall, they have become more dangerous to the public than any terrorist organization. BY FAR!
I'm not so convinced that there are so many bad police officers (I do know there are some).

I do support changing qualified immunity so that police departments can be sued whenever someone's civil liberties are violated by the police.

That will allow people who have had their civil liberties violated to obtain redress, and it will pressure police departments to do more to ensure that they do not violate people's civil liberties in the first place.
It's obvious you're afraid of good Americans exercising their Constitutional rights. Why is that?
No. I'm afraid of the easy availability and the lack of mental health screening. And the worship of the NRA by those who deny and/or ignore all of these school shootings.
And the worship of the NRA by those who deny and/or ignore all of these school shootings.
It's not really worship. We just appreciate having our civil liberties protected.

(Since I like to deny and ignore schools shootings, I assume that I fall into the group that you were referring to.)
I'm not so convinced that there are so many bad police officers (I do know there are some).

I do support changing qualified immunity so that police departments can be sued whenever someone's civil liberties are violated by the police.

That will allow people who have had their civil liberties violated to obtain redress, and it will pressure police departments to do more to ensure that they do not violate people's civil liberties in the first place.
No! Suing a dept is a joke. Internal affairs will intimidate, cajole, ignore, flip the script and any other tactic to stop any investigation. And even in rare cases where guilt is undeniable and judges don't simply side with the Blue, whatever monies that are realized by the victims will come from taxpayers. Changing qualified immunity? What changes? Unless we get rid of QI altogether and hold officers accountable personally via civil action against the officer AND the dept, the shifting of bad cops from one dept to another will continue. Police and police unions have become far too out of control and powerful. And the way things are right now, new hires are increasingly bad cops from day one. A majority, not a few apples, are disdainful of those whom they are charged with serving. They are arrogant, aggressive, immature and ego driven. It has become an US vs Them atmosphere in far too many cases. Officers will not turn in the bad ones because those with balls enough to live up to their oath, will become Pariahs and will be drivin out. It's no longer just a few bad apples, it's the whole orchard.
No! Suing a dept is a joke. Internal affairs will intimidate, cajole, ignore, flip the script and any other tactic to stop any investigation. And even in rare cases where guilt is undeniable and judges don't simply side with the Blue, whatever monies that are realized by the victims will come from taxpayers. Changing qualified immunity? What changes? Unless we get rid of QI altogether and hold officers accountable personally via civil action against the officer AND the dept, the shifting of bad cops from one dept to another will continue.
Suing individual officers is no different from suing the department.

The department provides the police officers with lawyers for free if they are sued for their conduct on the job. And if the police officers lose the case, the taxpayers still pay the damages.

The point of changing or removing qualified immunity is that more victims will be able to receive damages. Currently because of qualified immunity many victims are never able to receive compensation for the harm that was done to them.

Also, if a police department is so bad that the taxpayers take a big hit, that will prompt the taxpayers to elect a government that will rein in that police department.
Suing individual officers is no different from suing the department.

The department provides the police officers with lawyers for free if they are sued for their conduct on the job. And if the police officers lose the case, the taxpayers still pay the damages.

The point of changing or removing qualified immunity is that more victims will be able to receive damages. Currently because of qualified immunity many victims are never able to receive compensation for the harm that was done to them.

Also, if a police department is so bad that the taxpayers take a big hit, that will prompt the taxpayers to elect a government that will rein in that police department.
Wrong! Suing the individual officer civilly means going after his property. His car, his boat, his personal property. The Dept didn't shoot an innocent person, he did. What you are describing is just a bird by a different name. We have to stop depts from coming to the rescue of these scumbags with our money. The offender needs to feel the pain of his actions. A good idea from your perspective would be to understand what's being said before the knee-jerk 'I'm Right!" shit. What a piece of work you Trumpers are. LOL
Wrong! Suing the individual officer civilly means going after his property. His car, his boat, his personal property.
That is incorrect. The department will provide him with a lawyer, and the taxpayers will pay the damages if he loses.

The Dept didn't shoot an innocent person, he did.
That won't matter.

What you are describing is just a bird by a different name.
That's why such lawsuits may as well just be directed at the department itself.

We have to stop depts from coming to the rescue of these scumbags with our money.
You can't stop that.

The offender needs to feel the pain of his actions.
That pain will come from internal department disciplinary measures. Pressure the department to implement better oversight to discipline bad officers.
That is incorrect. The department will provide him with a lawyer, and the taxpayers will pay the damages if he loses.

That won't matter.

That's why such lawsuits may as well just be directed at the department itself.

You can't stop that.

That pain will come from internal department disciplinary measures. Pressure the department to implement better oversight to discipline bad officers.
WTF are you smokin'? Internal discipline measures? Internal Affairs depts are where citizen complaints go to die. Pressure IAs to provide better oversight? Who's gonna do that? We need to outlaw QI and criminalize the use of public money to defend these scoundrels. Leave it up to police to police the police? Only a fool would think that's possible. Police dept's are so corrupt across America that many have even discontinued Citizen Complaint forms altogether. They are in reality, uniformed Clansmen with licenses to kill. Statistics say that we are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a terrorist.
No. I'm afraid of the easy availability and the lack of mental health screening. And the worship of the NRA by those who deny and/or ignore all of these school shootings.

How many NRA members have been responsible for how many school shootings?

I don't disagree that there are things which need to be addressed. Disarming the citizenry is not one of those things...
Pressure IAs to provide better oversight? Who's gonna do that?
Perhaps communities that got sick of paying judgements (if we modified qualified immunity to allow lawsuits against police departments) would pressure their government into providing better oversight of the cops.

criminalize the use of public money to defend
That simply is not going to happen. The taxpayers will always pay the judgements when police officers are sued and lose.

Police dept's are so corrupt across America that many have even discontinued Citizen Complaint forms altogether. They are in reality, uniformed Clansmen with licenses to kill.
That isn't true at all. Only a handful of cops are bad.

Statistics say that we are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a terrorist.
I'm fine with changing qualified immunity to let police departments be sued for violations of civil liberties.

That will allow people to be compensated for the harm done to them, and it will pressure communities to reform bad police departments.
How many NRA members have been responsible for how many school shootings?

I don't disagree that there are things which need to be addressed. Disarming the citizenry is not one of those things...
And that's your opinion. There's that straw man argument again. Very few are saying disarm the citizenry. We are saying that the sheer numbers are almost pornographic. And that laws regarding training and availability to dangerous idiots are not adequate. Too many legally registered guns eventually end up in the wrong hands.
Perhaps communities that got sick of paying judgements (if we modified qualified immunity to allow lawsuits against police departments) would pressure their government into providing better oversight of the cops.

That simply is not going to happen. The taxpayers will always pay the judgements when police officers are sued and lose.

That isn't true at all. Only a handful of cops are bad.

I'm fine with changing qualified immunity to let police departments be sued for violations of civil liberties.

That will allow people to be compensated for the harm done to them, and it will pressure communities to reform bad police departments.
Only a handful eh? LOL There is a gang attitude that has festered and now the handful are the good ones. There's a saying that pretty much sums up what is happening in policing around the country and the world.,"Back the Blue until it happens to you!" Because there's a good chance that you may see first hand what I'm talking about. Look at the Floyd killing for instance. One cop is kneeling on the neck of someone who is begging for his life while 3 others are standing guard over the scene and their concerns are more about protecting the cop who is squeezing the very life out of a guy than protecting the victim from a sick fuck bent on torturing and killing Floyd. And as folks are filming the scene, some are yelling. "you're killing him! He can't breath! Is this necessary?!" And neither of the other three cops are saying or doing anything to stop the abuse. Not a single good apple to be found. 100% of those who could have de-escalated the scene and saved a life did the cowardly thing for fear that their fellow officers would rat them out to the rest of the bad apples. The days of the friendly neighborhood cop and the dept that weeds out the bad ones are long gone!
And that's your opinion. There's that straw man argument again. Very few are saying disarm the citizenry.

That any would say it should be worrisome to any good American...

We are saying that the sheer numbers are almost pornographic.


I own 47 firearms of various ilk. Only once has anyone been shot with one of them, and I was acting in self defense.

If morons like you had your way, I wouldn't have been able to defend myself and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend. Thankfully, though, cretins like you rarely get your way...

And that laws regarding training and availability to dangerous idiots are not adequate. Too many legally registered guns eventually end up in the wrong hands.

You'll never hear me say people shouldn't be trained, and you'll never hear me say that guns need to remain out of the hands of the dangerous or the mentally ill. However, my right to arm myself cannot be infringed to attain that goal. Sorry, that's just the way it works. If the only way to ensure that someone dangerous doesn't get a hold of a gun is to lock him up, then lock him up. Clearly he's unfit to be among society.

And, yes, guns get stolen and end up in the wrong hands. So do cars. Should we limit the number of cars people can have become someone could steal one, go on a drunken joy ride and kill someone?

And my question to you remains unanswered: How many NRA members have been responsible for how many school shootings?
How do you know they were talking about Firearms? Maybe they were referring to just your arms. Both of them. That, I would agree with. Every human needs to have two arms. Otherwise how will they hug Mommy? BTW. You don't need guns. Mommy has your back and she has a rolling pin.
Thank you for further demonstrating your ignorance, bigotry and irrational fear.
WTF are you smokin'? Internal discipline measures? Internal Affairs depts are where citizen complaints go to die. Pressure IAs to provide better oversight? Who's gonna do that? We need to outlaw QI and criminalize the use of public money to defend these scoundrels. Leave it up to police to police the police? Only a fool would think that's possible. Police dept's are so corrupt across America that many have even discontinued Citizen Complaint forms altogether. They are in reality, uniformed Clansmen with licenses to kill. Statistics say that we are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a terrorist.

School shootings?

We had 6 mass public shootings in 2021.......

6 individuals out of over 330 million people committed mass public shootings.....

Number of schools shootings?


How many people did they kill in all 6 events combined?

Total, 43.

Lawnmowers kill between 90-100 every year.

Deer kill 200 people every year.

Ladders kill 300 people every year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people every year.

Cars kill over 39,000...
School shootings?

We had 6 mass public shootings in 2021.......

6 individuals out of over 330 million people committed mass public shootings.....

Number of schools shootings?


How many people did they kill in all 6 events combined?

Total, 43.

Lawnmowers kill between 90-100 every year.

Deer kill 200 people every year.

Ladders kill 300 people every year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people every year.

Cars kill over 39,000...
False equivalency. You are describing accidents. The day that lawn mowers attack a school or a mosque, you may have a point. Were those deer packin? See? this is a prime example of how conservatives lie or redirect in order to dismiss what's the real threat. Just 43? Well, shit! fuck those victims then right? I don't know why I bother trying to talk real world sense to you clowns. And, all of those crazy, violent ladders! We should place cuffs on the second rung and toss them in jail with the bathtubs and the deer. Even if I was to accept your point, those bathroom fixtures and ladders examples do not include innocent citizens shot by cops and other gang members. Or crimes committed with guns that have been stolen at burglaries at homes with entirely too many guns. After my stint in Vietnam, 53 years ago I've never felt a need to get an assault weapon or a gun that could be converted to an assault weapon. I wouldn't take a chance that the kids or grand kids could get their hands on them. I've both killed with those guns and I've been shot with them. They have no place in my world. If I felt threatened by Rogue bathtubs or a deer militia, I might get a handgun and stow it away from prying eyes. That was the pretty standard gun for personal protection. Now, we suddenly need an AR or an AK? It has everything to do with ego and nothing to do with common sense. But what it does do is encourage immature assholes to want to play war or impress the little woman. Now, there are so fuckin' many of those weapons of overkill that it rings insanity. But those who are in it for instant respect or fuckability will get neither. You just look silly and wanton. Just like I've seen on here, fools relate those types of guns to being seen as tough guys! They can strut their stuff and convince themselves that they are more than. They just look like the fools that they are. I despise those tough guys. In reality, If an armed deer tried to attack them they would jump on their lawn mower and be gone.

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