Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Only a handful eh? LOL There is a gang attitude that has festered and now the handful are the good ones.
That is incorrect. Most police officers are the good guys.

Look at the Floyd killing for instance. One cop is kneeling on the neck of someone who is begging for his life while 3 others are standing guard over the scene and their concerns are more about protecting the cop who is squeezing the very life out of a guy than protecting the victim from a sick fuck bent on torturing and killing Floyd.
That isn't true. They did protest to the officer in charge. They were overruled.

Also, he was hardly bent on killing the guy. He didn't realize that he was killing him.

And neither of the other three cops are saying or doing anything to stop the abuse.
Not true. They did say something.

Not a single good apple to be found. 100% of those who could have de-escalated the scene and saved a life did the cowardly thing for fear that their fellow officers would rat them out to the rest of the bad apples. The days of the friendly neighborhood cop and the dept that weeds out the bad ones are long gone!
That isn't true.

False equivalency. You are describing accidents.
False equivalency indeed.

Accidental bathtub deaths can actually be prevented by banning bathtubs.

Banning guns however will not stop a single murder. Murderers will just use other weapons to commit their killings.
That any would say it should be worrisome to any good American...


I own 47 firearms of various ilk. Only once has anyone been shot with one of them, and I was acting in self defense.

If morons like you had your way, I wouldn't have been able to defend myself and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend. Thankfully, though, cretins like you rarely get your way...

You'll never hear me say people shouldn't be trained, and you'll never hear me say that guns need to remain out of the hands of the dangerous or the mentally ill. However, my right to arm myself cannot be infringed to attain that goal. Sorry, that's just the way it works. If the only way to ensure that someone dangerous doesn't get a hold of a gun is to lock him up, then lock him up. Clearly he's unfit to be among society.

And, yes, guns get stolen and end up in the wrong hands. So do cars. Should we limit the number of cars people can have become someone could steal one, go on a drunken joy ride and kill someone?

And my question to you remains unanswered: How many NRA members have been responsible for how many school shootings?
Again with the strawman argument?
Apparently you're fine with being a subject as opposed to a citizen. I'm sure that works for you; some meek-minded sot, unaware and unsure of himself. You need to be ruled.

The 2nd Amendment ensures all of the other Amendments remain intact.

It's sad that you think a person who would willfully surrender his firearms is the only type of person who should have them.

You're a sad and stupid boy...
That's MR. Strawman to you.
That is incorrect. Most police officers are the good guys.

That isn't true. They did protest to the officer in charge. They were overruled.

Also, he was hardly bent on killing the guy. He didn't realize that he was killing him.

Not true. They did say something.

That isn't true.

False equivalency indeed.

Accidental bathtub deaths can actually be prevented by banning bathtubs.

Banning guns however will not stop a single murder. Murderers will just use other weapons to commit their killings.
Yeah, they could swing that ladder at ya. Or they could sic Bambi on ya! Or shit! Better still, they could unleash a militia of sheep on you. And we all know what that feels like. Last time I was surrounded by the wooly bullies, and I had no choice but to bathe them. Nothing more frightening than that except perhaps a bunny troup bent on your demise. The Horrwah, the horrwah! Sorry, I must stop. I see kittens on the horizon!
False equivalency. You are describing accidents. The day that lawn mowers attack a school or a mosque, you may have a point. Were those deer packin? See? this is a prime example of how conservatives lie or redirect in order to dismiss what's the real threat. Just 43? Well, shit! fuck those victims then right? I don't know why I bother trying to talk real world sense to you clowns. And, all of those crazy, violent ladders! We should place cuffs on the second rung and toss them in jail with the bathtubs and the deer. Even if I was to accept your point, those bathroom fixtures and ladders examples do not include innocent citizens shot by cops and other gang members. Or crimes committed with guns that have been stolen at burglaries at homes with entirely too many guns. After my stint in Vietnam, 53 years ago I've never felt a need to get an assault weapon or a gun that could be converted to an assault weapon. I wouldn't take a chance that the kids or grand kids could get their hands on them. I've both killed with those guns and I've been shot with them. They have no place in my world. If I felt threatened by Rogue bathtubs or a deer militia, I might get a handgun and stow it away from prying eyes. That was the pretty standard gun for personal protection. Now, we suddenly need an AR or an AK? It has everything to do with ego and nothing to do with common sense. But what it does do is encourage immature assholes to want to play war or impress the little woman. Now, there are so fuckin' many of those weapons of overkill that it rings insanity. But those who are in it for instant respect or fuckability will get neither. You just look silly and wanton. Just like I've seen on here, fools relate those types of guns to being seen as tough guys! They can strut their stuff and convince themselves that they are more than. They just look like the fools that they are. I despise those tough guys. In reality, If an armed deer tried to attack them they would jump on their lawn mower and be gone.

You moron....we have 330 million people and over 600 million do not take away Rights over 43 victims....when cars kill over 30,000 every single year, you dumb ass...

You really are a dipstick........time to go take your nap....
Canon shooter:
"That is incorrect. Most police officers are the good guys."

Try making a citizen complaint report sometime. And documenting your encounter with the most senior officer there. Now start counting the reasonable cops who are comfortable with your attempt to make a record of the event. Now assert your 1st, 4th. and 5th Amendment guarantees when they try to toss your asses out and demand your personal information. And, while you're explaining to them that their office is under surveillance with multiple cameras and that it's only fair that you can request copies of that footage from them as well. Watch in sheer amazement as they snap to your request in a cordial, consentual and respectful manner. LOL
You moron....we have 330 million people and over 600 million do not take away Rights over 43 victims....when cars kill over 30,000 every single year, you dumb ass...

You really are a dipstick........time to go take your nap....
What do we have here? Another keyboard warrior? 2 1/2 guns per person in America. And that includes every man, woman and child. Hey! we must be slacking. It should be 5 per person. So, work on it!!
Funny, it’s you guys who lead the Dems in admin felony prosecutions and indictments. The only organized fraud during the last elections were REPUNANTS. Talk about stealing elections……you’ve trying for years.
There have been 317 criminal indictments under three recent Republican presidents and only three indictments under three recent Democratic presidents.
Notice how leftists repeat what they hear on CNN, MSNBC, PBS ? You'd think they'd question at least SOME of these babblings, but robots don't think for themselves
Of course your smarter than me. Thats why youvr got an arsenal of guns you never use.
Youre so smart you should grease your arse and slip into the next world , preferanle light years away.
Well, there's another proof of how much smarter I am than you. The "use" of a gun comes from shooting it (when need be), and having it (anytime). Besides shooting someone in self-defense, one of the prime uses of a gun is having it for deterrence against those who know you have it, as well as being prepared to deal with those you could be needing it for.

There is no such thing as "never use" a gun. It is used the second you possess it.
Canon shooter:
"That is incorrect. Most police officers are the good guys."

Try making a citizen complaint report sometime. And documenting your encounter with the most senior officer there. Now start counting the reasonable cops who are comfortable with your attempt to make a record of the event. Now assert your 1st, 4th. and 5th Amendment guarantees when they try to toss your asses out and demand your personal information. And, while you're explaining to them that their office is under surveillance with multiple cameras and that it's only fair that you can request copies of that footage from them as well. Watch in sheer amazement as they snap to your request in a cordial, consentual and respectful manner. LOL


You really are a lying little fuck, aren't you?

I never said what you've attributed to me, you lying piece of shit. It's clear you can't make an argument without lying.

You're a complete fucking scumbag...
And you're a wannabe tough guy who needs lots of guns to make up for some fuckin' thing that falls short. Is that what you're so afraid of? Probably paranoid and a sucker for all of the hate and fear mongering that was spread across the country to control you and others like you for 5 years. You believe the BS about bogeymen coming to rape and pillage and steal your children and eat them. LOL Stock up partner there's another caravan coming and the ghosts of Osama Bin Ladin and Elvis and JFK Jr. are leading them right to your door! Lock and load and no nodding on guard duty!
This coming after all the riots, arson, looting, and mayhem of the last 2 years. But if media masters order their DUPES to minimize crime threat, that is how the robots will respond. Put out a sign saying "Home Invaders Welcome"
And you're a wannabe tough guy who needs lots of guns to make up for some fuckin' thing that falls short. Is that what you're so afraid of? Probably paranoid and a sucker for all of the hate and fear mongering that was spread across the country to control you and others like you for 5 years. You believe the BS about bogeymen coming to rape and pillage and steal your children and eat them. LOL Stock up partner there's another caravan coming and the ghosts of Osama Bin Ladin and Elvis and JFK Jr. are leading them right to your door! Lock and load and no nodding on guard duty!
You're a lying scumbag...
You really are a lying little fuck, aren't you?
I never said what you've attributed to me, you lying piece of shit. It's clear you can't make an argument without lying.
You're a complete fucking scumbag...
I think it was an honest mistake. I was the one who said it.

Everyone here is way too quick to tear into each other.
Well, there's another proof of how much smarter I am than you.
this should be but don't get upset when i rip into you again.
The "use" of a gun comes from shooting it (when need be), and having it (anytime).

oh brilliant. You should be lecturing at university.
Besides shooting someone in self-defense, one of the prime uses of a gun is having it for deterrence against those who know you have it,
Is it really? And how many times have you flashed your gun down the street to make everyone aware you are a tough guy rambo?
I'll say never.
as well as being prepared to deal with those you could be needing it for.

You'd do society a favour if you sought medical treatment for your delusions.
There is no such thing as "never use" a gun. It is used the second you possess it.
What a pathetic justification. As before you have them for no reason whatsoever. You rarely take them out but brag how many you have to your rambo inspired mates, who are equally as pathetic as you.
You have them because you can. There will never be an opportunity to eradicate tyrannical govts because that chance has come and gone. You have never used it for self defence or hunting and you know it. Its pure tough guy ego.
It was me that said that.
Yes! And more truth has never been told! You and Donald, man! You've got it down.

You really are a lying little fuck, aren't you?

I never said what you've attributed to me, you lying piece of shit. It's clear you can't make an argument without lying.

You're a complete fucking scumbag...
Yeah, and those are just my redeeming qualities!
This coming after all the riots, arson, looting, and mayhem of the last 2 years. But if media masters order their DUPES to minimize crime threat, that is how the robots will respond. Put out a sign saying "Home Invaders Welcome"
You're getting sillier by the minute. But it is a hoot.

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