Biden promises lower gas prices

I think it's you don't understand the process.

When you print fake money, the dollar loses value. It doesn't lose value in six months or a year, it loses value immediately. Why is that? Because of the international market.

If it took us 25 dollars to buy a bushel of corn from India, it now costs us 30 dollars since our dollars are worth less. That doesn't happen in months, it happens in days because the commodities market is what sets the value of that dollar, and speculators invest that money immediately upon hearing the news. And yes, the US dollar is a commodity as well.

A good example of what I'm talking about is gasoline. It dropped in price. How could it drop in price when we don't have any extra gasoline today than we did last month? The commodities market.

The speculators learned of the upcoming recession and started putting their money the other way. We don't have anymore gasoline than we did three months ago, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is how investors are responding to the news they hear. That's what actually sets the price.
Oh interesting . How about you show us a historical chart of the dollar index to show the numbers behind your claims…
Oh interesting . How about you show us a historical chart of the dollar index to show the numbers behind your claims…
Living with strict prudence by governments increases the chances of a good structural economic situation. A currency is a middleman and used as a means of barter. A currency that is fiat can fly off the handle if not controlled tightly. And even so, outside issues can affect it. We laugh it off because we are the reserve currency of the world. That is being reduced. So, in affect we are the reserve fiat currency of the world being reduced as a percentage and middleman with the currency ordered printed up by private bankers who own the currency and are middlemen.
Oh interesting . How about you show us a historical chart of the dollar index to show the numbers behind your claims…

Don't have any charts, but this article in May pretty much spells it out.

Don't have any charts, but this article in May pretty much spells it out.

Charts are pretty easy Ray. Just google search “dollar index chart” and it pops right up.

How do your statements about instant inflation match the stats in the chart. Can you explain?



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Charts are pretty easy Ray. Just google search “dollar index chart” and it pops right up.

How do your statements about instant inflation match the stats in the chart. Can you explain?

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The only point with the US dollar is it shrinks in value when you print phony money, but it's also rated against other currencies which may lose value at the same time as well.

The first sign of covid was in December of 2019. From there it spread like wildfire. Yet during that time, our inflation remained in the 1% to 2% range all the way to the end of the Trump presidency. It doesn't take a year for ramifications of anything to appear. One of the first things Dementia did was increase the price of gasoline by proving to investors he meant what he said during his campaign. He's not only talking the talk, he's walking the walk.

After he started to take his initiatives to cut our gasoline and fuel supplies, he signed legislation that paid people more to stay home than work thus the labor shortage. When employers have to compete with government to attract workers, that cost gets passed down to the consumer. Labor is the largest expenditure of most businesses.

The definition of inflation is having to pay more money for the same products or services than you did before, and that's exactly what started to happened under Dementia. His first two months he experienced the normal range of inflation. In March of 21, inflation went above normal range and has been rising ever since, and it had nothing to do with Trump who has been out of office now for 20 months.
The only point with the US dollar is it shrinks in value when you print phony money, but it's also rated against other currencies which may lose value at the same time as well.

The first sign of covid was in December of 2019. From there it spread like wildfire. Yet during that time, our inflation remained in the 1% to 2% range all the way to the end of the Trump presidency. It doesn't take a year for ramifications of anything to appear. One of the first things Dementia did was increase the price of gasoline by proving to investors he meant what he said during his campaign. He's not only talking the talk, he's walking the walk.

After he started to take his initiatives to cut our gasoline and fuel supplies, he signed legislation that paid people more to stay home than work thus the labor shortage. When employers have to compete with government to attract workers, that cost gets passed down to the consumer. Labor is the largest expenditure of most businesses.

The definition of inflation is having to pay more money for the same products or services than you did before, and that's exactly what started to happened under Dementia. His first two months he experienced the normal range of inflation. In March of 21, inflation went above normal range and has been rising ever since, and it had nothing to do with Trump who has been out of office now for 20 months.
It doesn’t work that way Ray, you need to study up a lot more. Inflation is largely due to supply and demand and the circulation of currency. Washington doesn’t pass a spending bill and immediately see the effects through inflation. The stats I posted don’t back the things you claim
It doesn’t work that way Ray, you need to study up a lot more. Inflation is largely due to supply and demand and the circulation of currency. Washington doesn’t pass a spending bill and immediately see the effects through inflation. The stats I posted don’t back the things you claim

I just said much of it was due to the government paying people to stay home, which in turn gave us a labor shortage, which in turn gave us a supply chain shortage. Prices didn't increase because of demand, I believe that's against the law anyway. Prices increased due to employers having to pay much more to attract labor.
I just said much of it was due to the government paying people to stay home, which in turn gave us a labor shortage, which in turn gave us a supply chain shortage. Prices didn't increase because of demand, I believe that's against the law anyway. Prices increased due to employers having to pay much more to attract labor.

Not just labor either, we saw the increase in the producer price index which means the costs of materials and needed commodities went up too, as did the shipping and delivery charges. And in the case of the oil industry, the costs of everything from leasing to permits, to drilling to refining to delivery all increased; Biden made it more expensive and more difficult to do business in that sector and so the price of gas was negatively affected. True, it was not the only factor but it wasn't an insignificant one either. And I for one hold Biden accountable for his part, his politically motivated words and actions cost us all more at the pump than it should have.
I just said much of it was due to the government paying people to stay home, which in turn gave us a labor shortage, which in turn gave us a supply chain shortage. Prices didn't increase because of demand, I believe that's against the law anyway. Prices increased due to employers having to pay much more to attract labor.
Wrong again Ray. Supply chain shortages from factories all over the world effected supply which raised prices. That was compounded by trillions more dollars circulating in our economy which lead to heavy investments driving housing prices and the stock market up. That is now being curbed by interest rate hikes. True shut downs and labor shortages also played a roll. Russian sanctions have also further effected oil and gas prices which make the cost of production and delivery of good higher.

All of these things plus more show why inflation is at the end of the domino line not an immediate effect of a policy being signed. Economic effects take time to matriculate but smart and honest people can trace the causes and effects. Not just blame Joe Biden for everything.
Not just labor either, we saw the increase in the producer price index which means the costs of materials and needed commodities went up too, as did the shipping and delivery charges. And in the case of the oil industry, the costs of everything from leasing to permits, to drilling to refining to delivery all increased; Biden made it more expensive and more difficult to do business in that sector and so the price of gas was negatively affected. True, it was not the only factor but it wasn't an insignificant one either. And I for one hold Biden accountable for his part, his politically motivated words and actions cost us all more at the pump than it should have.

Without a doubt. I know what I paid to stay warm this winter. I used to budget myself at $50.00 a month. By the time I needed to use gas, I had several hundred dollars in my account so I could continue paying $50.00 a month all winter. I had to double that this past winter just to break even come spring. Then imagine what it must cost an industry that employs 150 people to stay warm.

As you stated, it's not just one or two things, it's a lot of things mostly because Biden is in the White House.
Wrong again Ray. Supply chain shortages from factories all over the world effected supply which raised prices. That was compounded by trillions more dollars circulating in our economy which lead to heavy investments driving housing prices and the stock market up. That is now being curbed by interest rate hikes. True shut downs and labor shortages also played a roll. Russian sanctions have also further effected oil and gas prices which make the cost of production and delivery of good higher.

All of these things plus more show why inflation is at the end of the domino line not an immediate effect of a policy being signed. Economic effects take time to matriculate but smart and honest people can trace the causes and effects. Not just blame Joe Biden for everything.

Sure you can blame him if you can point to the policies responsible, which I did. Don't you find it incredibly coincidental that Dementia came in with a goal to do everything opposite of Trump, and now we have opposite results? There is nothing made overseas that can't be made here; a little more expensive, sure. But producers would much rather pay a higher price for parts or material than they would waiting weeks or months for it.

China is eating our lunch and we are just placing the bib around their neck. Its like e didn't learn anything from covid.
Sure you can blame him if you can point to the policies responsible, which I did. Don't you find it incredibly coincidental that Dementia came in with a goal to do everything opposite of Trump, and now we have opposite results? There is nothing made overseas that can't be made here; a little more expensive, sure. But producers would much rather pay a higher price for parts or material than they would waiting weeks or months for it.

China is eating our lunch and we are just placing the bib around their neck. Its like e didn't learn anything from covid.
Biden came in right in the middle of a worldwide pandemic that was effecting the entire world. No matter who was president there were going to be effects from that. Inflation being one of them. It is an ignorant statement to say it was all caused by Joe Bidens policies.
Biden came in right in the middle of a worldwide pandemic that was effecting the entire world. No matter who was president there were going to be effects from that. Inflation being one of them. It is an ignorant statement to say it was all caused by Joe Bidens policies.

Not all but most of it.

Dementia took over at the ending of Covid where he had two vaccines and one that got approval right after he took office. It's Trump that was there in the beginning and middle of it.
Not all but most of it.

Dementia took over at the ending of Covid where he had two vaccines and one that got approval right after he took office. It's Trump that was there in the beginning and middle of it.
No not even most of it. Your partisan hate is blinding you. Biden is responsible for some of it, Trump is responsible for some of it. Congress some of it. And External conditions is responsible for most of it
No not even most of it. Your partisan hate is blinding you. Biden is responsible for some of it, Trump is responsible for some of it. Congress some of it. And External conditions is responsible for most of it
Us not drilling at home is an external condition?
No not even most of it. Your partisan hate is blinding you. Biden is responsible for some of it, Trump is responsible for some of it. Congress some of it. And External conditions is responsible for most of it

Trump is not responsible for any of it because we didn't have all these problems when he was leading the country. We didn't start having problems until three months after Dementia took over. The tactic you're trying to use is called blame shifting. It would be like I bought a used car from you, and then I come back later and blame you for the three accidents I got in. It defies common sense.

Two years ago my washing machine broke. It was old so I decided to buy a new one. Couldn't be done. Home Depot told me I'd be on a waiting list for at least a month. During Dementia's term I could buy any washing machine I wanted and have it delivered and setup in less than three days.

Bottom line is that these external conditions you speak of was much worse under Trump than Dementia. Yet our inflation rate was in the normal range the entire time.
Trump is not responsible for any of it because we didn't have all these problems when he was leading the country. We didn't start having problems until three months after Dementia took over. The tactic you're trying to use is called blame shifting. It would be like I bought a used car from you, and then I come back later and blame you for the three accidents I got in. It defies common sense.

Two years ago my washing machine broke. It was old so I decided to buy a new one. Couldn't be done. Home Depot told me I'd be on a waiting list for at least a month. During Dementia's term I could buy any washing machine I wanted and have it delivered and setup in less than three days.

Bottom line is that these external conditions you speak of was much worse under Trump than Dementia. Yet our inflation rate was in the normal range the entire time.
So you don't think shutting down the country for a year and spending Trillions in stimulus contributed to inflation? Cause all that happened under Trump. And I just showed you that the economic effects that cause inflation take time, they don't happen immediately. You tried to say otherwise but the numbers don't back your argument.

So at this point you need a new argument. The one you've been using was debunked. Do better
Trump is not responsible for any of it because we didn't have all these problems when he was leading the country. We didn't start having problems until three months after Dementia took over. The tactic you're trying to use is called blame shifting. It would be like I bought a used car from you, and then I come back later and blame you for the three accidents I got in. It defies common sense.

Two years ago my washing machine broke. It was old so I decided to buy a new one. Couldn't be done. Home Depot told me I'd be on a waiting list for at least a month. During Dementia's term I could buy any washing machine I wanted and have it delivered and setup in less than three days.

Bottom line is that these external conditions you speak of was much worse under Trump than Dementia. Yet our inflation rate was in the normal range the entire time.
Didn't dementia joe(democrats) have all his dementia friends(democrats) at local and state government shut down everything during Covid. It was proven to be a huge failure to do so. Predicted by most non retards (non democrats)

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