Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

  • fair trade

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • US (Free World) got rolled

    Votes: 36 78.3%

  • Total voters
Meanwhile the white dude has been in Russia since 2018 and his ass still sits there.

Yea, and who did we trade for this gay negro woman? Someone who was convicted of really bad crimes, he was a Russian terrorist basically. He was the most wanted man in 2008.

Biden got played.
It's a cinch. :wink:

Republicans the nation over are seething w/hatred and jealousy over Biden and his winning...


So, if we had a choice of one of the two citizens', the marine is the one screwed over. Expected.
/——-/ We care so much about Ukraine that we’re going to let the “merchant of death” back as an asset for Russia.
Meanwhile the white dude has been in Russia since 2018 and his ass still sits there.

Yea, and who did we trade for this gay negro woman? Someone who was convicted of really bad crimes, he was a Russian terrorist basically. He was the most wanted man in 2008.

Biden got played.
What did you say about it then bastard?

Russia =/= America

When in Rome she actually doesn't do as Romans do. That's why she had to stay with Russian cockroaches or rats in prison. Fortunately, she's still alive and comes back to America. Now she probably hates Russia so much! lol. :)

She thought she was above it I guess! Griner got a rude awakening! This was a "no-win" situation; either her release by way of this criminal trade or to make her a matyr when this was nothing but a money grab! She didn't need to expose herself in this way! She was far from being broke! True enough the entaglement of Ukraine was a week off, but I doubt she thought anything of it! Now a country's fate hangs in the balance as Russia now has someone to help re-fortify their arms! "Thanks Britney! You'll be home for Xmas as a country sits in darkness and winter cold after their power stations attacked by Putin last week! Your comfort was worth it I'm sure to some around here, but I'd be embarrassed to be associated with them and I'm a liberal!" :heehee: :rolleyes::dunno:
There are many Americans doing time in the Russian Federation- as well as other nations- and to those folks Sleepy Joe says "Tough Excrement".

But Ms. Griner is a black lesbian celebrity dame who is Woke.

So Brandon released the Merchant of Fucking Death to get her back.

All these little, insignificant libs- Sleepy Joe would let you rot.
I called it, White House is propping her up as the “best of America”:

The same thing goes on if a conservative admin. does this! It has t/b justified! They can't have any regrets after such a mismatch'd trade! They needed to add a couple more of our people as now Russia's officially screw'd us yet again! Putin's suckered "W," Obama, esp. Trump, & now Biden trying to pacify the masses! :heehee: :rolleyes::dunno::stir:
This is similar to the Fuckup of B. Hussein O., who traded numerous terrorists to the Islamic State for the return of one Army deserter who he lionized as a hero, Bowe Bergdahl.
So we got back the America hating lezbo for an arms dealer. Wonderful. Let's celebrate by shooting up a gay bar.
This is similar to the Fuckup of B. Hussein O., who traded numerous terrorists to the Islamic State for the return of one Army deserter who he lionized as a hero, Bowe Bergdahl.
That one made me vomit. These people are very sick and evil.

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