Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

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It's not like the Lord of War ever helped kill tens of thousands.....
Why do you fuckers love pootin so much that you let his beast go?
Just how fucked in the head are you?

Pretty hard to take someone reviling about how much they are for
Ukraine or against Russia while celebrating Biden
gifting Pootin one of the greatest gifts he could ever hope to get!

And making America looking limper than a wet dish rag.

There is simply almost NO ONE in this world SO IMPORTANT as to
give a guy the likes of Viktor Bout his freedom and send him
back to surely murder many more people, much less for
some basketball player! If they had Mahatma Gandhi
himself and were whipping him, it still wouldn't
be worth setting this killer free.

Not only was this a slap in the face by the POSUS Biden to every family
of the thousands of Americans murdered by this guy,
but to the ACTUAL FUCKING MARINE there
now in prison four years that

But the kicker was when Biden railed about the terrible time this Brittany
was having in Russian prison serving time for an actual crime
she COMMITTED, but that there are Americans in
prison FAR LONGER right down the street
from him suffering FAR WORSE
in his DC Gulag, for years
now in inhumane conditions
without a trail,
many of whom did no worse
than walk through the Capitol carrying a flag
harming nothing after being peacefully let in by some of the Capitol Police!

Meantime, just like this POS Biden, years ago when Obumma was in the WH,
he let another Marine by the name of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who
accidentally got directed into Mexico while on his way moving
rot in a prison down there FOR A YEAR arrested because
he had his guns in his car, never even lifting a finger
to help the guy to where he almost committed
suicide. Interestingly, when he was finally
released, it was DONALD TRUMP that
sent the guy a nice fat check out
of his own compassion to help
the guy get back on his feet.

If you're too fucking stupid or dishonest to either tell the difference between Whelan or his brother, and too dishonest to correct it (and no mod apparently concerned about bait threads), then there is no point in reading your thread because obviously no good can come from something that starts out a lie.

Obviously, the only POINT here is to try to direct blame at Trump for something likely not even true to deflect from and try to help cover for the latest, gutless, shameful, incompetent act of Joe Biden, the most harmful, vindictive, anti-American, hating president of my lifetime.

View attachment 737124
Why didn't Trump do anything? Do you remember when that SOB Trump wanted to trade some innocent US citizens for Whelan?
Why didn't Trump do anything?

Pathetic car mechanic deflection #3A. Lessee, how about:
  1. The guy was arrested in Russia near the end of Trump's term.
  2. Trump was tied up with the fake RussiaRussiaRussia investigation that the fed knew was fake.
  3. Then Trump was thrust in the middle of a bogus impeachment for calling a world leader to ask if Biden was really the crook everyone said he was!
  4. Then Trump had the China Virus thrust on him.
  5. The BLM/Floyd rioting in 350 cities.
  6. And trying to warn the GOP that the democrats were setting up to steal the election.
  7. Meantime, Trump wasn't ALREADY RIGHT THERE negotiating to get some basketball skank out when he had Putin by the balls over a Ukraine war, sanctions, and blockades where all he had to do is tell him to throw the Marine in and we might have a deal.
Actually, knowing Trump, he would have NEVER released the russian mass-murderer under ANY conditions, gotten the marine out anyway, and left the basketball skank there to cool for actually committing a legit drug crime there and being a whiny anti-American brat while at it.
If any of you Trump/Putin lovers had a memory, you would have remembered what Trump said in Helsinki about trading Michael Mcfaul and Bill Browder for political prisoners.
Pathetic car mechanic deflection #3A. Lessee, how about:
  1. The guy was arrested in Russia near the end of Trump's term.
  2. Trump was tied up with the fake RussiaRussiaRussia investigation that the fed knew was fake.
  3. Then Trump was thrust in the middle of a bogus impeachment for calling a world leader to ask if Biden was really the crook everyone said he was!
  4. Then Trump had the China Virus thrust on him.
  5. The BLM/Floyd rioting in 350 cities.
  6. And trying to warn the GOP that the democrats were setting up to steal the election.
  7. Meantime, Trump wasn't ALREADY RIGHT THERE negotiating to get some basketball skank out when he had Putin by the balls over a Ukraine war, sanctions, and blockades where all he had to do is tell him to throw the Marine in and we might have a seal.
Actually, knowing Trump, he would have NEVER released the russian mass-murderer under ANY conditions, gotten the marine out anyway, and left the basketball skank there to cool for actually committing a legit drug crime there and being a whiny anti-American brat.
Fuck you you anti-American POS
Fuck you you anti-American POS

Putin offered Whelan to trump and trump refused to swap the arms dealer for Paul. Ask trump. He will be on his golf course tomorrow morning.
Yea…because Trump wasn’t about to free a Russian arms dealer who armed genocidal West Africans.

If President Trump did do that, you all would had been screaming he is “Putin’s puppet”.

But he didn’t.

Biden did free Putin’s guy though. So tell us again how Biden isn’t Putin’s stooge, but Trump was?
So you want more dead Americans? You do know he has American blood on his hands?

He must have killed only white people or something, or that's what the Democrats base believe. Terrorists to Democrats are white parents who speak up at PTA meetings and white police officers.
Actually, knowing Trump, he would have NEVER released the russian mass-murderer under ANY conditions, gotten the marine out anyway, and left the basketball skank there to cool for actually committing a legit drug crime there and being a whiny anti-American brat while at it.

^^^ This.

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