Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

  • fair trade

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • US (Free World) got rolled

    Votes: 36 78.3%

  • Total voters
Usually there's nothing an ambassador can do. Americans don't realize that.

They can make their case, and usually in things like this, if the US pushes, the person gets banned, dumped at the airport and told never to come back, especially with something as simple as possession, not like having 5 lbs of heroin hidden in your luggage or 2 lbs in baggies in your anus.
Swapping a notorious arms dealer for an American hating lesbian just goes to show what a disaster senile Joe has been as President.
I don't care what her politics are. I care she's American.

That said, I care about the marine also. He should already be out or the first to come home in this deal.
Doesn't erase the fact that Biden felt getting that lesbian out was more important than a former Marine who's been locked up in Russia for a couple of years.
Russia is demanding they get a spy in return for Whelan. The US says we don't have any Russian spies in custody.
They can make their case, and usually in things like this, if the US pushes, the person gets banned, dumped at the airport and told never to come back, especially with something as simple as possession, not like having 5 lbs of heroin hidden in your luggage or 2 lbs in baggies in your anus.

Don't count on the US ambassador to save your skin.
I am curious on the Russia said "this is a one for one" trade. Did Biden have the opportunity to bring Whelan home and leave BG behind?
Not at all.

I just don't think that she should be rewarded for her radical politics.

Would Sleepy Joe make this deal if it was Alex Jones sitting in a Russian prison camp?
I think we all know he wouldn't and the left would say he deserves it.

Again, don't care about your politics. If American your views are your right. I only wish we would all get back to protecting that vs individual ideals.
Doesn't erase the fact that Biden felt getting that lesbian out was more important than a former Marine who's been locked up in Russia for a couple of years. Democrats clearly think the LGBTQ community is more important to this nation than military veterans.

Our President wasn’t given a choice of who gets released.

Getting a wrongly accused Basketball Star was a major diplomatic accomplishment given our current relationship with Putin
Doesn't erase the fact that Biden felt getting that lesbian out was more important than a former Marine who's been locked up in Russia for a couple of years. Democrats clearly think the LGBTQ community is more important to this nation than military veterans.

Paul Whelan is a Canadian-born ex-United States Marine with U.S., British, and Irish citizenship. He is described as a corporate security director. He is a captured spy. He wasn’t on the table. Sad but a reality.

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