Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

  • fair trade

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • US (Free World) got rolled

    Votes: 36 78.3%

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Who pulled the trigger on this shit bomb?

The same guy whose Party sent conolence messages to Iran after Trump ordered the strike that took out the #1 terrorist in the ME.
What does Iran have to do with Russia? Are we going to have to complain about you derailing threads..., AGAIN?!?!
Two second round draft picks and a player to be named later.
We traded an internationally most wanted "Merchant of Death" according to Morning Joe on MSNBC.

This is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Good she is released, but a poor trade again, at the same time.

State Dept is recommending Americans not travel to Russia, as they may be snatched and show trialed to get back, real assholes, as was done in this case. I second that.
It looks like Russia said that it's either "one or none," so they took the one who was clearly locked up for nothing but political reasons.

Clearly they got the goods on Whalen. Clearly.
One report had said that it was the United States that initially went to Russia to get this one for one deal. So that’s something to look into. If that’s the case that means that President Biden did a hell of a job.

I’ll explain something I voted for Mr. Trump in 2020 and I still disagree with President Biden on a number of his social justice views. But this is a tremendous victory ….a lot of the anchors on Fox News were saying Britney Griner‘s release is a victory for America. She’s a major American icon nobody knows Victor Bout.

I’ve heard one thing about Victor so far he sold a bunch of AK-47s. So there’s arms dealing going on all over the world what’s funny about that is the legal arms trade creates the most combat creates the most fighting if you will. So it’s a very interesting topic the way we approach it. And again somebody like Victor apparently about had a movie made about him there’s a whole side genre of people in the world who are interested in this man’s story.
I know that because it was widely reported when she was sentenced.
"Widely reported by whom?

"This sentence appears to be in accordance with an established Russian penal code outlining criminal punishments for people found guilty of violating the nation’s cannabis circulation laws. The code states that a person convicted of such a crime “may be sentenced to eight to twenty years of imprisonment, or even to a life sentence if the crime is committed on an especially large scale (for cannabis this means more than 10kg),” the international legal advisory service CMS observed in a recent article."
One report had said that it was the United States that initially went to Russia to get this one for one deal. So that’s something to look into. If that’s the case that means that President Biden did a hell of a job. And then explain something I voted for Mr. Trump in 2020 and I still disagree with President Biden on a number of his social justice views. But this is a tremendous victory in a lot of the anchors on Fox News even were saying Britney Griner‘s release is a victory for America. She’s a major source there a major American icon nobody knows Victor Bout is really everyone knows who Brittney Griner is.

I’ve heard one thing about Victor about so far he sold a bunch of AK-47s. So there’s arms dealing going on all over the world what’s funny about that is the legal arms trade creates the most combat creates the most fighting if you will. So it’s a very interesting topic the way we approach it. And again somebody like Victor apparently about had a movie made about him there’s a whole side genre of people in the world who are interested in this man’s story.
Huh? Poopeypants traded a mass murderer for a lesbian who hates our country. American icon, what are you snorting?
Huh? Poopeypants traded a mass murderer for a lesbian who hates our country. American icon, what are you snorting?
Not sure you read the whole thing that was made what one minute after I made my post.

I did not vote for President Biden in 2020. but I do like him getting Brittney Griner out of prison. It’s amazing and I was calling for this a few weeks ago. And guess what it happened all praise be to God praise Jesus !!!!

There’s a whole bunch of people on Fox News and a whole bunch of conservatives praising the release of Britney Griner.

Ok what do you know about Victor Bout what the mass media told you? What about the legal arms trade? Isn’t it the case that the legal arms trade could be just as brutal as the illegal legal arm straight?

I will be sure to see what the Russian people think about this I want to see what the Russian people also think about the release of one of their own Victor Bout
We got a HOF Basketball player back, they got an arms dealer
She is just a person that broke the law. Rae Caruth was an all star NFL star and killed his pregrant girlfriend, you want him released? He is a star athlete like Griner is.

I am glad she is coming home her sentence was way to harsh but to elevate her because she is an athlete is stupid on its face, what makes her more valuable than an arms dealer that also got caught breaking the law? Idolizing a person because they are athletic is wrong, we have police officers, fire fighters, teachers, doctors, nurses, caregivers that provide more to humans everyday in a day of their lives than self absorbed athletes will ever give in a lifetime.

Glad she is coming home, just don’t minimize the cost it took to get her back for her poor choices where she knew the laws and consequences. Russia treated her like everyone else, she didn’t expect that.
Worst people on the planet? Do you think hyperbole is going to make your case stronger? Do you think putting Bout in prison meant the end of arms dealing in the world?
Obviously, it wasn't an even trade given the nature of the crimes. But let's recognize the reality of the abuse Griner was being subjected to for a petty violation.
I find it telling that your first impulse is not to call Putin a monster but rather direct your ire at Biden.
Yes, one of the worst people on the planet. he armed terrorist cells, cartels etc. Sold guns, missiles etc to them. How many deaths is he responsible for? How much destruction is he resposible for?
She didnt deserve what she got, but what did she expect? We are in a proxy war with russia, and that dumb bitch tried to smuggle weed into russia? lol
Putin is a monster. You trying to gaslight your way out of not putting blame where it belongs is typical of your ilk.
One loves America and the other one hates America. Bring home the person that loves this country.
She is allowed by right to do that. We need to stop punishing people who do things we don't like.

All sides need to stop
Another win for the good guys.

The problem I have with it is this...what about other Americans held over there?
LibTarded as fuck logic:
”The good guys are the immoral drug using faggots whom hate America.”
hahahaha….can’t make this shit up.

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