Biden said he would end the Nordstream Pipeline. Other admin officials and allies admit U.S. blew it up.

It was a corrupt company with ties to the's why they decided getting Xiden on the payroll was a benefit.
It is amazing how you clowns accuse Biden of all kind of treason with NO proof of it, but they have your Orange God dead to rights with the goods and you clowns claim it isn't true. Is that how bullshit works in Trumpland.
Right. Because things are going so well for the Russian takeover of Ukraine.
If the Russian military had been well trained and equipped they would have been able to roll over Ukraine. Joe did his best to help Putin win.

It is amazing how you clowns accuse Biden of all kind of treason with NO proof of it, but they have your Orange God dead to rights with the goods and you clowns claim it isn't true. Is that how bullshit works in Trumpland.
Reread what you just wrote.
Reread what you just wrote.

He can't. The terminally braindead & brainwashed are oblivious
to their own contradictions.
Is it any wonder the Left are so lost and utterly clueless?
Not even the massacre in 40 days can wake them up.
If I show you a picture of someone, can you tell me with 100% certainty if they’re a girl or a boy?
That's the beauty of stealing an election with vote flipping machines and fake mail-in's, Biden can lose 30% of his voters in WWIII without losing a single living voter!
You didn't watch the video.
Of course I did. Did you?

Did any of you?

Almost none of you can answer such a simple question. A child could do it. You don’t because you won’t admit that you’ve been all lying about the content of the video for years.
Post an actual link to what you found. I never said Bobulinski dealt directly with Ukraine.
You brought up Bobulinski claiming Biden needed plausible deniability of “the scheme”.

Remember Hunter's own CEO Bobulinski, said he was told by Biden's brother that Joe had 'plausible deniability' of the scheme. He was told in his meeting with Joe not to go into any details. Joe used U.S. tax payer dollars to bribe the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor on Hunter's tail claiming that the prosecutor was 'corrupt' when the prosecutor (Shokin) was actually investigating Burisma corruption.

Bobulinski wasn’t anywhere near Ukraine.

What really happened in Ukraine.

That's not even Joe Biden! It's an actor wearing a mask with his voice dubbed in, right?! :auiqs.jpg:

Betcha it was one of those MAGA people who did it. :71:
You see what you’re told to see. You have abandoned your ability for independent thought.

Every one of you will say that Biden admitted to getting a prosecutor fired to save his son, but he makes no mention of Burisma, Hunter or an investigation.

You guys instantly connect Shokin to a supposed investigation into Hunter. But you guys have never tired to figure out if there was even an investigation to begin with.

Not only that, but you immediately reject and ridicule the most plausible alternative explanation that Shokin was quite corrupt and impeding our goals in the country.
It is amazing how you clowns accuse Biden of all kind of treason with NO proof of it, but they have your Orange God dead to rights with the goods and you clowns claim it isn't true. Is that how bullshit works in Trumpland.
I didn't accuse him of treason.

I did however mention that his son worked for a corrupt company with ties to Russia...

Proof? Have you been on your master's plantation so long you didn't know that he worked for a company called Burisma? The US Senate did a long report on this, and the massive conflicts of interest your Master had...
I didn't accuse him of treason.

I did however mention that his son worked for a corrupt company with ties to Russia...

Proof? Have you been on your master's plantation so long you didn't know that he worked for a company called Burisma? The US Senate did a long report on this, and the massive conflicts of interest your Master had...
What public office does Hunter Biden hold again? I don't give a damn about Hunter Biden, but we know you will lie no matter what for your Orange God.
What public office does Hunter Biden hold again? I don't give a damn about Hunter Biden, but we know you will lie no matter what for your Orange God.
the problem was he had none...but Xiden flew him on Air Force 2 to meet with China, and other foreign officials to get paid....that 10 percent kick back to sell off America.

I get that doesn't bother long as Master Xiden keeps telling you you are just a poor victim
Oh God, it is back, like a headache.

You see what you’re told to see.
No one tells me to "see" anything, egghead.

You have abandoned your ability for independent thought.
My whole life is nothing BUT independent thought, Petunia, that's why I'm not a democrat any more.

Every one of you will say that Biden admitted to getting a prosecutor fired to save his son, but he makes no mention of Burisma, Hunter or an investigation.
No, he just says on camera that in six hours he leaves, with the money, unless they fire the guy looking into Hunter.

You guys instantly connect Shokin to a supposed investigation into Hunter. But you guys have never tired to figure out---
Not only that, but you immediately reject and ridicule the most plausible alternative---
Look, I'm tired of you. You are stupid, boring, and monolithic. Maybe if you applied some of your methods above to your conclusions about the other side of the political aisle too, I could take you seriously.
You see what you’re told to see. You have abandoned your ability for independent thought.

Every one of you will say that Biden admitted to getting a prosecutor fired to save his son, but he makes no mention of Burisma, Hunter or an investigation.
He bragged about using U S funds to coerce Ukraine into firing a prosecutor.
You guys instantly connect Shokin to a supposed investigation into Hunter. But you guys have never tired to figure out if there was even an investigation to begin with.

Not only that, but you immediately reject and ridicule the most plausible alternative explanation that Shokin was quite corrupt and impeding our goals in the country.
I don't remember much talk about Shop in until the Dems started impeachment talk for Trump being accused of using U S funds to coerce Ukraine into investigating Hunter.

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