Biden said the 30% not vaccinated are inclined to get the shot because of the Omicron variant

I was already vaccinated, of course, but got the booster today, Moderna lot 030H21B. Guess I'll go ahead and linger. For all the anti-vax people holding out for political reasons or to show somebody they won't be pushed into taking a vaccine they don't want, even if for their own good, and that get the disease and die,... Bye.
Virtue Signaling award. lol
Yes we do.

Now put your 7 face diapers back on and go get your 374th booster.
no...we don't. There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that but that COULD because most of those infected have been vaccinated.
Over a virus that has a 99+% recovery rate....And the mutations even less life threatening.

Yeah....Fuck off, pious, self-righteous peckerhead.
What is so special about this post? Biden is not in sync with reality. We already know it.

Biden thinks the BBB legislation will not increase inflation and in fact reduce it
Biden thinks shutting down pipelines and slowing down permits for oil exploration on federal lands won't have an effect on gas prices.
Biden thinks releasing a two day oil supply will reduce gas prices 18 cents.
Biden thinks a two cent drop in gas prices is a major accomplishment.
Biden thinks January 6th was an insurrection.
Biden thinks Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist.
Biden thinks a 3TUSD BBB plan won't affect inflation.

I could go on all day with this shit.
Caught it on TV today. He wouldn't commit to a number but his point was basically he's getting his way toward a vaccinated country.
Except so far there have been no deaths to report, anywhere. Can't both be right.

They're also reporting due to the Omicron variant the medical field is now recommending booster shots.
Except so far there have been no deaths to report, anywhere. Can't both be right.
as Usual Joe is WRONG..
No shots for me .. sorry.
So the Fucktard thinks natural immunity from a pretty benign variety won't cut it, so we should all rush out to get an experimental vaccine that WON'T protect us from the virus (and has POTENTIALLY DEADLY side effects)....

Dementia Joe seems to be losing it more every day!!!!!
So the Fucktard thinks natural immunity from a pretty benign variety won't cut it, so we should all rush out to get an experimental vaccine that WON'T protect us from the virus (and has POTENTIALLY DEADLY side effects)....

Dementia Joe seems to be losing it more every day!!!!!
They did studies on those who had SARs in 2003 and they had T Cell memory 17 years later. That is why they stay away from it.

The researchers gathered blood samples from 36 people who’d recently recovered from mild to severe COVID-19. They focused their attention on T cells (including CD4 helper and CD8 cytotoxic, both of which can function as memory T cells). They identified T cells that respond to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid, which is a structural protein inside the virus. They also detected T cell responses to two non-structural proteins that SARS-CoV-2 needs to make additional copies of its genome and spread. The team found that all those recently recovered from COVID-19 produced T cells that recognize multiple parts of SARS-CoV-2.

Next, they looked at blood samples from 23 people who’d survived SARS. Their studies showed that those individuals still had lasting memory T cells today, 17 years after the outbreak. Those memory T cells, acquired in response to SARS-CoV-1, also recognized parts of SARS-CoV-2.
Caught it on TV today. He wouldn't commit to a number but his point was basically he's getting his way toward a vaccinated country.
Except so far there have been no deaths to report, anywhere. Can't both be right.

They're also reporting due to the Omicron variant the medical field is now recommending booster shots.
Except so far there have been no deaths to report, anywhere. Can't both be right.
Who said anything about 99.9% of anything? Not me. I mentioned no percentages or made projections. I took it and don't care if you take it. some people can't safely take it and I feel sorry for them and regret their loss, if they succumb to the disease. If you are a holdout for political reasons or personal liberty reasons, at least I got to say...Bye.
I feel bad for the vaxxed. Seriously. When you get the side effects...Bye.
We all thought The Worthless Negro was the Worst President Ever but Potatohead is giving him a run for the money.

Dat Boy ain't right in the head.

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