Biden says again, “the wealthy need to pay their fair share”

What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

He is pandering to the masses
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Total taxes. You're thinking federal income tax. You have to include state, local and sales taxes too. When you do that, the wealthy pay a heck of a lot of taxes.
I see Democrats are blaming the 'rich' again. Do they have any new talking point that wasn't invented in 1972?
It's too bad the Forbes' flat tax was never adopted. That's the way to go.

What I think we need is a consumption tax in this country. The money will go strictly to our over spending and debt. People on the left love things like free college, paid time off, reparations, free medical care because they know they won't have to pay for it. If we all had to pay, you'd see how fast they'd realize nothing is free, and lose interest in having the federal government provide these things.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections.

It won't work because it doesn't address the underlying problem. No amount of tax revenue will stop these stupid shits in Washington from spending every last dime and continuing to borrow and spend more on top of that. And I have seen that 'dedicated to...' BS pulled at the state level. Oregon promised to dedicate lottery revenue to schools, which they did. Then they took all the money for schools that had been in the general budget and spent that on other crap. Hence the lottery revenue was a net new increase in overall taxation and spending, shocker.

My state did the exact same thing with the lottery.

Politicians spend nothing without the support of the people. Economist Walter E Williams put it best when he said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be that if elected, I will bring no money back to my state. Would you vote for me?"

People overwhelmingly support spending they don't have to pay for. With a consumption tax, everybody has a horse in the race. Our consumption tax will be 10% of every dollar spent. You want free college? It goes up to 11%. You want a greener country, it goes up to 12%. You want healthcare for all, it goes up to 20% and so on.

If we actually had to pay for all this spending, people would refuse to support the politicians that needlessly spend money and that would help solve our spending problem. Some people want stimulus checks and an extra 600 bucks for unemployment. If it raised our consumption tax another percent, you'd see how fast the public would turn against Piglosi on such matters.
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Funny how the rich pay the vast
majority of income taxes without paying taxes.

How does that work?

Dems keeping demonizing the 'rich' because it works. Millions of dumb ass rank and file Dems actually believe the 'rich' don't pay their fair share, what idiots.

It is funny how idiots always buy the richest elites telling them that rich people are evil.

Somehow they forgot to ask Burisma Biden what his net worth is - and how is it possibly tenable that a public servant ended up with so much pork.

So he''s rich. But not nearly as loaded as the Rump kids or even the Walmart Kids. There is point here.

The Rich DON'T pay their fair share and it doesn't matter their partisan backing. They are Capitalist first an everything else second. And unchecked Capitalism is not a good thing.
well the point genius is if he felt as if he wasn't paying his fair share, he should have been giving more at tax time. it's really that simple. so the question is, why hasn't he?
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Total taxes. You're thinking federal income tax. You have to include state, local and sales taxes too. When you do that, the wealthy pay a heck of a lot of taxes.
dude, they haven't a fking a clue how this all works. they have their heads so far up a demofk ass, they can't see daylight.

See they have no idea what income tax is. It's tax on earned income. if a wealthy guy has no income, he/she won't pay any income taxes. But what they do pay is capital gains taxes when they cash in their stocks and bonds.

You and I can't have a discussion with them since they refuse to understand the system in the USA.
I don't believe we need a huge discrepancy in tax rates to make our tax system fairer. I hear bogus arguments on both sides reflecting on making the tax laws either simpler (Republicans) or fairer (Democrats). I contend both parties are looking at the wrong end of the horse in simply discussing tax rates. What needs to be looked at is within the thousand upon thousand pages of tax code in defining "income" and what is and isn't included. Likewise with "deductions".

To my mind personal income is simply the difference between all the money one got during the year (no matter from where it came) minus any costs paid to earn any portion of that income. Heck put a healthy standard deduction on it to avoid folks having to track auto expenses for commuting, work clothes, etc. and slap on a single tax rate. Get rid of all other deductions. I highly doubt the rich in either party would go for it.
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Funny how the rich pay the vast
majority of income taxes without paying taxes.

How does that work?

Dems keeping demonizing the 'rich' because it works. Millions of dumb ass rank and file Dems actually believe the 'rich' don't pay their fair share, what idiots.

It is funny how idiots always buy the richest elites telling them that rich people are evil.

Somehow they forgot to ask Burisma Biden what his net worth is - and how is it possibly tenable that a public servant ended up with so much pork.

So he''s rich. But not nearly as loaded as the Rump kids or even the Walmart Kids. There is point here.

The Rich DON'T pay their fair share and it doesn't matter their partisan backing. They are Capitalist first an everything else second. And unchecked Capitalism is not a good thing.
well the point genius is if he felt as if he wasn't paying his fair share, he should have been giving more at tax time. it's really that simple. so the question is, why hasn't he?

I bring this up timeafter time after time.


There is no maximum tax, only a minimum tax. Lead by example and pay what you think is fair! I am talking to Hillary, Joe,and every other liberal politician.

They arent lying frauds, are they? Why not lead by example?
I see Democrats are blaming the 'rich' again. Do they have any new talking point that wasn't invented in 1972?
It's too bad the Forbes' flat tax was never adopted. That's the way to go.

What I think we need is a consumption tax in this country. The money will go strictly to our over spending and debt. People on the left love things like free college, paid time off, reparations, free medical care because they know they won't have to pay for it. If we all had to pay, you'd see how fast they'd realize nothing is free, and lose interest in having the federal government provide these things.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections.

It won't work because it doesn't address the underlying problem. No amount of tax revenue will stop these stupid shits in Washington from spending every last dime and continuing to borrow and spend more on top of that. And I have seen that 'dedicated to...' BS pulled at the state level. Oregon promised to dedicate lottery revenue to schools, which they did. Then they took all the money for schools that had been in the general budget and spent that on other crap. Hence the lottery revenue was a net new increase in overall taxation and spending, shocker.

My state did the exact same thing with the lottery.

Politicians spend nothing without the support of the people. Economist Walter E Williams put it best when he said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be that if elected, I will bring no money back to my state. Would you vote for me?"

People overwhelmingly support spending they don't have to pay for. With a consumption tax, everybody has a horse in the race. Our consumption tax will be 10% of every dollar spent. You want free college? It goes up to 11%. You want a greener country, it goes up to 12%. You want healthcare for all, it goes up to 20% and so on.

If we actually had to pay for all this spending, people would refuse to support the politicians that needlessly spend money and that would help solve our spending problem. Some people want stimulus checks and an extra 600 bucks for unemployment. If it raised our consumption tax another percent, you'd see how fast the public would turn against Piglosi on such matters.
If we made two changes, there would be immediate and strident demands for spending reform:

1. Eliminate payroll tax withholding.
2. One of the tax payment deadlines falls the week before election day.

If everyone had to make those payments personally instead of just seeing their take home pay, they would realize how much they're really paying in taxes, even at minimum wage, and then a week after being required to make one of those payments they get to vote for or against the guys who decide how much that payment is.
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Funny how the rich pay the vast
majority of income taxes without paying taxes.

How does that work?

Dems keeping demonizing the 'rich' because it works. Millions of dumb ass rank and file Dems actually believe the 'rich' don't pay their fair share, what idiots.

It is funny how idiots always buy the richest elites telling them that rich people are evil.

Somehow they forgot to ask Burisma Biden what his net worth is - and how is it possibly tenable that a public servant ended up with so much pork.

So he''s rich. But not nearly as loaded as the Rump kids or even the Walmart Kids. There is point here.

The Rich DON'T pay their fair share and it doesn't matter their partisan backing. They are Capitalist first an everything else second. And unchecked Capitalism is not a good thing.
well the point genius is if he felt as if he wasn't paying his fair share, he should have been giving more at tax time. it's really that simple. so the question is, why hasn't he?

I bring this up timeafter time after time.


There is no maximum tax, only a minimum tax. Lead by example and pay what you think is fair! I am talking to Hillary, Joe,and every other liberal politician.

They arent lying frauds, are they? Why not lead by example?
When someone complains that they're not paying enough in taxes, then hires an army of tax attorneys to find them the lowest payment possible, it's very hard to believe they're sincere.
Another the wealthy have it tough post. How dumb. The wealthy are doing better than ever. The rest.....meh.
Any time a marxist democrat says "fair share" it really means "we will tax some people much more than others and use a tiny portion of it to buy your vote".
Another the wealthy have it tough post. How dumb. The wealthy are doing better than ever. The rest.....meh.
how do you know what they pay in taxes? I'm curious, you have all the rich people accounts to know their actual tax spenditures? Can you explain what 'fair share' means? please, I'm listening.
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Funny how the rich pay the vast
majority of income taxes without paying taxes.

How does that work?

Dems keeping demonizing the 'rich' because it works. Millions of dumb ass rank and file Dems actually believe the 'rich' don't pay their fair share, what idiots.

It is funny how idiots always buy the richest elites telling them that rich people are evil.

Somehow they forgot to ask Burisma Biden what his net worth is - and how is it possibly tenable that a public servant ended up with so much pork.

So he''s rich. But not nearly as loaded as the Rump kids or even the Walmart Kids. There is point here.

The Rich DON'T pay their fair share and it doesn't matter their partisan backing. They are Capitalist first an everything else second. And unchecked Capitalism is not a good thing.
well the point genius is if he felt as if he wasn't paying his fair share, he should have been giving more at tax time. it's really that simple. so the question is, why hasn't he?

I bring this up timeafter time after time.


There is no maximum tax, only a minimum tax. Lead by example and pay what you think is fair! I am talking to Hillary, Joe,and every other liberal politician.

They arent lying frauds, are they? Why not lead by example?
I've been on that same page for years now in here. As of this moment, not one demofk on here has explained 'fair share' Not a fking one of em. They know it's a bullshit line. means absolutely nothing except to wip up hate at people who make money. I challenge again, any mther fking demofk on here to explain 'fair share'?

BTW, there will be a mass exodus of them commenting in here due to that challenge. happens every time. they have no fking guts to take on a subject.
Another the wealthy have it tough post. How dumb. The wealthy are doing better than ever. The rest.....meh.

No, its a “Dims speak in bumper sticker talk” post. Its a “Dims are hypocritical liars” post.

You are really fucking tone deaf!
I see Democrats are blaming the 'rich' again. Do they have any new talking point that wasn't invented in 1972?
It's too bad the Forbes' flat tax was never adopted. That's the way to go.

What I think we need is a consumption tax in this country. The money will go strictly to our over spending and debt. People on the left love things like free college, paid time off, reparations, free medical care because they know they won't have to pay for it. If we all had to pay, you'd see how fast they'd realize nothing is free, and lose interest in having the federal government provide these things.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections.

It won't work because it doesn't address the underlying problem. No amount of tax revenue will stop these stupid shits in Washington from spending every last dime and continuing to borrow and spend more on top of that. And I have seen that 'dedicated to...' BS pulled at the state level. Oregon promised to dedicate lottery revenue to schools, which they did. Then they took all the money for schools that had been in the general budget and spent that on other crap. Hence the lottery revenue was a net new increase in overall taxation and spending, shocker.

My state did the exact same thing with the lottery.

Politicians spend nothing without the support of the people. Economist Walter E Williams put it best when he said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be that if elected, I will bring no money back to my state. Would you vote for me?"

People overwhelmingly support spending they don't have to pay for. With a consumption tax, everybody has a horse in the race. Our consumption tax will be 10% of every dollar spent. You want free college? It goes up to 11%. You want a greener country, it goes up to 12%. You want healthcare for all, it goes up to 20% and so on.

If we actually had to pay for all this spending, people would refuse to support the politicians that needlessly spend money and that would help solve our spending problem. Some people want stimulus checks and an extra 600 bucks for unemployment. If it raised our consumption tax another percent, you'd see how fast the public would turn against Piglosi on such matters.
If we made two changes, there would be immediate and strident demands for spending reform:

1. Eliminate payroll tax withholding.
2. One of the tax payment deadlines falls the week before election day.

If everyone had to make those payments personally instead of just seeing their take home pay, they would realize how much they're really paying in taxes, even at minimum wage, and then a week after being required to make one of those payments they get to vote for or against the guys who decide how much that payment is.

That might have worked at one time, but based on what I see in stores, nobody pays cash or writes checks anymore except us older people. Everything is electronic and people just take those debit receipts and throw them in the garbage can on the way out of the store. If people had to pay the IRS directly because of no deductions, they would put an automatic transfer from their checking or savings account.
In other words, "We will keep you poor and dependent on the government while blaming others so you continue to vote for us!"
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.
I think we should start with rich democratic politicians and go from there.
What the hell does that mean? Is that actionable legislation?

Who is WEALTHY? What is their FAIR SHARE?

Millionaires living in California and New York pay nearly 60% of their earnings in taxes.

If thats not enough...what is enough?

Who is wealthy and what should they be taxed?

What Joe is saying is fucking meaningless drivel.

Except they don't pay 60%. The pay anywhere from 19 to zero.
Funny how the rich pay the vast
majority of income taxes without paying taxes.

How does that work?

Dems keeping demonizing the 'rich' because it works. Millions of dumb ass rank and file Dems actually believe the 'rich' don't pay their fair share, what idiots.

It is funny how idiots always buy the richest elites telling them that rich people are evil.

Somehow they forgot to ask Burisma Biden what his net worth is - and how is it possibly tenable that a public servant ended up with so much pork.

So he''s rich. But not nearly as loaded as the Rump kids or even the Walmart Kids. There is point here.

The Rich DON'T pay their fair share and it doesn't matter their partisan backing. They are Capitalist first an everything else second. And unchecked Capitalism is not a good thing.
well the point genius is if he felt as if he wasn't paying his fair share, he should have been giving more at tax time. it's really that simple. so the question is, why hasn't he?
Several in the Democratic Party owe back taxes. Really they are just full of shit.

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