Biden Says He'll Get Help From The Taliban.

You should. They are exhibit A of what happens when we elect Zionist Fascist "Pro Israel" candidates like W and Traitor Joe...
True. But still very little threat to the USA. The Bank owned Federal Government at the hands of the Dems/RINOs is a FAR, FAR bigger threat to our safety and freedom.
Bush attacked Afghanistan immediately after negotiations with the taliban broke down over. Enron's pipeline to Dabhol .
And Biden (and 100% of the other Demwits) voted FOR that attack.
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True. But still very little threat to the USA. The Bank owned Federal Government at the hands of the Dems/RINOs is a FAR, FAR bigger threat to our safety and freedom.

Yes, and that happened only because the GOP today is not the same GOP of the mid 1990s. Faux has much to do with it, the recruiting of the "pro Israel Christian" mongoloid MORON and hence the ditching of fiscal conservatism and the use of "faith" to deceive, sell out, and wreck America over exactly the FRAUD that is "The Taliban" because


The attack on the US Marines in 1983 Lebanon was another Zionist Fascist Hate Hoax designed to start a US war with Hezbo. The problem was they counted on Caspar Weinberger to be a traitor, and he wasn't one. He concluded Hezbo was not even a suspect.

Two weeks later, Mossad march out two "Islamic Jihad" representatives who claimed they did it...

All Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoaxed Bullshit that is 100% effective on SUBS
Yes, and that happened only because the GOP today is not the same GOP of the mid 1990s. Faux has much to do with it, the recruiting of the "pro Israel Christian" mongoloid MORON and hence the ditching of fiscal conservatism and the use of "faith" to deceive, sell out, and wreck America over exactly the FRAUD that is "The Taliban" because


The attack on the US Marines in 1983 Lebanon was another Zionist Fascist Hate Hoax designed to start a US war with Hezbo. The problem was they counted on Caspar Weinberger to be a traitor, and he wasn't one. He concluded Hezbo was not even a suspect.

Two weeks later, Mossad march out two "Islamic Jihad" representatives who claimed they did it...

All Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoaxed Bullshit that is 100% effective on SUBS
I gave up on the owned and operated Demtards, GOP, & FAUX many years ago. They haven't represented the USA for decades. They represent their own pocketbooks and foreign interests. Furthermore, they're drunk on power and money. Satan showed them riches, and they sold him their souls in trade.
Well … at least Biden ain't good buds with the Russians. Why should he be when he's got the Taliban on his side. In his usual, creepy whisper, he announced that he'd “get help from the Taliban.” You know, that horrible enemy that we were “at war” with for 20 years or more. Well, we sure as hell BETTER get help from the Taliban after we armed them to the teeth with American weapons. Oh yeah, let's ban AR-15s here in America. You know … to “save the children” and all.

Dividing the enemy and encouraging each division to fight the other seems like a good idea.
Yes, and that happened only because the GOP today is not the same GOP of the mid 1990s. Faux has much to do with it, the recruiting of the "pro Israel Christian" mongoloid MORON and hence the ditching of fiscal conservatism
The Republican Party ditched fiscal conservatism with the Reagan Administration. The GOP certainly lost its concern with balanced budgets back then.
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OK, CIA liar, what happened to Pat Tillman?
He was killed in 2004 b friendly fire. Some think he was murdered by his own men for being critical of the war with 2 headshots from 30 yards.
Dividing the enemy and encouraging each division to fight the other seems like a good idea.
Yeah … a tactic used by the D.C. Marxists for decades. Rich against poor; black against white; male vs. female; old against young; everyone vs. Christian; straight vs. “gay”; etc.

It's how the Dems & RINOs force their will upon us. We're so busy fighting each other that we didn't see that new law they just passed.
Yes, and that happened only because the GOP today is not the same GOP of the mid 1990s. Faux has much to do with it, the recruiting of the "pro Israel Christian" mongoloid MORON and hence the ditching of fiscal conservatism and the use of "faith" to deceive, sell out, and wreck America over exactly the FRAUD that is "The Taliban" because


The attack on the US Marines in 1983 Lebanon was another Zionist Fascist Hate Hoax designed to start a US war with Hezbo. The problem was they counted on Caspar Weinberger to be a traitor, and he wasn't one. He concluded Hezbo was not even a suspect.

Two weeks later, Mossad march out two "Islamic Jihad" representatives who claimed they did it...

All Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoaxed Bullshit that is 100% effective on SUBS
Bin Laden didn't go to Oxford. Tim Osman was 5 inches shorter than OBL.

The bombing of the Marine baracks in Beirut was payback for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre when Ariel Sharon betrayed Reagan .
I gave up on the owned and operated Demtards, GOP, & FAUX many years ago. They haven't represented the USA for decades. They represent their own pocketbooks and foreign interests. Furthermore, they're drunk on power and money. Satan showed them riches, and they sold him their souls in trade.

To fail to ID them properly is to stick your head in the sand.

They are PRECISELY who Einstein warned us about...

They are Zionist Fascist Jews and faux Christians like Pentz. To call them RINOs, The Establishment, DEEP STATE is to chicken out from the card toss that you know follows IDing them as Zionists.
To fail to ID them properly is to stick your head in the sand.

They are PRECISELY who Einstein warned us about...

They are Zionist Fascist Jews and faux Christians like Pentz. To call them RINOs, The Establishment, DEEP STATE is to chicken out from the card toss that you know follows IDing them as Zionists.
Israel is an oases of civilization surrounded by a vast desert of primitive and horrifying barbarism. I want to increase our aid for Israel.
The bombing of the Marine baracks in Beirut was

another Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax MASS MURDER of AMERICANS for the purpose of starting a US war with an enemy of Israel just like

USS Liberty
To fail to ID them properly is to stick your head in the sand.

They are PRECISELY who Einstein warned us about...

They are Zionist Fascist Jews and faux Christians like Pentz. To call them RINOs, The Establishment, DEEP STATE is to chicken out from the card toss that you know follows IDing them as Zionists.
Zionists are a part of the bigger picture. Jewish bankers were running the show long before Zionism showed up on the scene.

another Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax MASS MURDER of AMERICANS for the purpose of starting a US war with an enemy of Israel just like

USS Liberty
You have no evidence for that at all.

Israel was fighting to avoid the annihilation of its Jewish population. Israel had no incentive to attack a ship it knew was American.
He was killed in 2004 b friendly fire. Some think he was murdered by his own men for being critical of the war with 2 headshots from 30 yards.

Version 1 = AQ killed him in a firefight

Version 2 = he was killed by mistake at 250 yards away during the firefight

Version 3 =

"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor who examined Tillman's body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.

it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away

Pat Tillman had been telling Americans he and his Army Ranger unit were "just sitting there" with "no target" and "something was wrong" with the narrative. A group of hand picked Jewish Army Rangers took Pat out, offed him in cold blood, laughed their Chosen rears off, and hate hoaxed it to AQ.
Zionists are a part of the bigger picture. Jewish bankers were running the show long before Zionism showed up on the scene.

The average Jewish IQ is 115. We need more Jews to fill well paying jobs that require their superior intelligence.
Version 1 = AQ killed him in a firefight

Version 2 = he was killed by mistake at 250 yards away during the firefight

Version 3 =

"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor who examined Tillman's body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.

it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away

Pat Tillman had been telling Americans he and his Army Ranger unit were "just sitting there" with "no target" and "something was wrong" with the narrative. A group of hand picked Jewish Army Rangers took Pat out, offed him in cold blood, laughed their Chosen rears off, and hate hoaxed it to AQ.
Jewish Army Rangers would never do something like that.
Version 1 = AQ killed him in a firefight

Version 2 = he was killed by mistake at 250 yards away during the firefight

Version 3 =

"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor who examined Tillman's body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.

it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away

Pat Tillman had been telling Americans he and his Army Ranger unit were "just sitting there" with "no target" and "something was wrong" with the narrative. A group of hand picked Jewish Army Rangers took Pat out, offed him in cold blood, laughed their Chosen rears off, and hate hoaxed it to AQ.
The medical experts think the two headshots were from 30 to 50 yards away.

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