Biden Says He'll Get Help From The Taliban.

Israel had no incentive to attack a ship it knew was American

Zionist Fascist LIE from a TRAITOR

You have no evidence for that at all.

Israel was fighting to avoid the annihilation of its Jewish population. Israel had no incentive to attack a ship it knew was American.
Unfortunately, the pilots of those Israeli airplanes had to see the American flag as they were dive bombing the USS Liberty. They knew!
Unfortunately, the pilots of those Israeli airplanes had to see the American flag as they were dive bombing the USS Liberty. They knew!

And a good number deliberately missed. 5 of 6 torpedoes fired missed. The IDF rank and file couldn't believe their superiors wanted to hit the Liberty, so they missed.


That shows that while the leadership of IDF at the time was Zionist Fascist, the rank and file IDF wasn't....
Reagan/Bush hired the Taliban and they have been laughing all the way to their banks ever since.
That was like 40 years ago, so what you gonna compare the billions of dollars Biden gave the Taliban to that? Not to mention he gave them the military equipment to fight us and the money. Plus we have transgendered running our military, because of pedo Joe. So you're more worried about 2 dead president's? You're an idiot.
Zionist Fascist Traitor you are...
I am a Christian Zionist. I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel. Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence. They deserve the best we can offer them. I want people like you to be fired from your jobs, and replaced with more intelligent, better paid Jews who can perform your jobs faster, better, and with less effort.

As our economy and our technology become more complex, we need more Jews because the Ashkenazim is biologically superior.
And a good number deliberately missed. 5 of 6 torpedoes fired missed. The IDF rank and file couldn't believe their superiors wanted to hit the Liberty, so they missed.


That shows that while the leadership of IDF at the time was Zionist Fascist, the rank and file IDF wasn't....
That's sorta like saying the rank and file FBI are fine dudes, but the leadership sucks. Unfortunately, the rank & file generally do what they're told, so I trust none of them. As for the missing torpedoes? They could have been horrible shots.
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AH, the MASTER RACE theory of the FASCIST....
Jew haters like you spend your lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. Now you fear being replaced by Jews because you cannot compete with them.

Jew haters like you spend your lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. Now you fear being replaced by Jews because you cannot compete with them.

View attachment 800590

Their asses are being whoopped in Environment section daily... by an unChosen "inferior"

And here is your "hero"

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

you "conservative" "Republican..."
So a "superior" people must rely on an "inferior" people in order to survive? Got it!

What is Christianity in the South and Midwest

A means by which Judaism manipulates and controls the "minds" of UNIMAGINABLE MORONS!!!
Because they are greatly out numbered by subhuman barbarians.

And if all those "subhuman barbarians" were wiped out and that land was given to Israel, would jesus finally float down from the clouds???
What is Christianity in the South and Midwest

A means by which Judaism manipulates and controls the "minds" of UNIMAGINABLE MORONS!!!
A tainted version of Christianity, perhaps. Not factual or actual Christianity. For instance, I don't believe that the people who call themselves “Jews” today have any connection whatsoever to biblical Israel. Two, very different peoples altogether.

Revelation 2:9,”I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Revelation 3:9, “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
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