Biden Says He'll Get Help From The Taliban.

omg that image with big mike and the other warmonger there....:confused-84:

The supporters of W cannot answer basic questions like why W sided with Taliban.

They do not care.

It takes patriotism to America and an IQ over 5 to care, and they have NEITHER
Notice this is the biggest Zionist Fascist here, and he LOVES TRAITOR JOE.



Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
^^^ Antisemite alert.

And they still claim that being against Israel is unrelated to antisemitism.
After Israel's glorious victory in the Six Day War I would have allowed the Christian Palestinians to stay. The rest should have been deported.
Of course it was an accident. The Israelis had no credible motive for attacking the only country that was protecting them from annihilation.

The USS Liberty attack was ordered by LBJ, who was on the phone with IDF during the attack, and planes were ready to go to nuke Egypt once the Liberty was sunk, which it never did because decent lower ranking IDFs deliberately missed the target.
omg that image with big mike and the other warmonger there....:confused-84:

If anyone is still confused about W and claims to be a "Republican" make sure they see that, and ask why they are so so so wonderfully close, with MIKE HOLDING W....
^^^ Antisemite alert.

And they still claim that being against Israel is unrelated to antisemitism.
I have read the Bible, including the Apocrypha in eight English translations. Anyone who reads the Old Testament (AKA, the Jewish Bible) and the Apocrypha knows that for the Jews the possession of the land of Israel has for them the same importance personal salvation has for the Christians.

All of Israel, plus Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights is less than one percent of Arab land. Let the Jews have it and settle the Palestinians elsewhere in the Arab world.

This is what the Koran says about the right of the Children of Israel to the land of Israel:


Surah V:20 And (remember) when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Remember Allah’s favoour unto you, how he placed among you Prophets, and He made you kings, and gave you that (which) He gave not to any (other) creatures. O my people! Go into the holy land which Allah hath ordained for you. Turn not in flight, for surely ye turn back as losers.

Surah XVII:104 And we said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass, we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.


The British government decided to endorse the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine. After discussions within the cabinet and consultations with Jewish leaders, the decision was made public in a letter from British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild. The contents of this letter became known as the Balfour Declaration.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Arthur James Balfour
The USS Liberty attack was ordered by LBJ, who was on the phone with IDF during the attack, and planes were ready to go to nuke Egypt once the Liberty was sunk, which it never did because decent lower ranking IDFs deliberately missed the target.
That is too bizarre for me to believe it. What you find on anti Jewish websites is almost certainly lies.
Especially when you start them with false flag hate hoaxes like 911, the Marines in Lebanon 1983, and the USS Liberty (a Zionist Fascist attempt to start a US war with Egypt)
Your mind is a raw sewer of anti Jewish lies.
Well … at least Biden ain't good buds with the Russians. Why should he be when he's got the Taliban on his side. In his usual, creepy whisper, he announced that he'd “get help from the Taliban.” You know, that horrible enemy that we were “at war” with for 20 years or more. Well, we sure as hell BETTER get help from the Taliban after we armed them to the teeth with American weapons. Oh yeah, let's ban AR-15s here in America. You know … to “save the children” and all.

Now what is the most whacked thing of all....

Is that The weapons abandoned in Afghanistan are now being used by Taliban fighters against the Iranian Government along side of the insurgents who wish to bring democratic reforms to Iran. And these insurgents aren't too thrilled with Russians either at the moment....and the Russians got a mess going on in needing troops....which has spread to Syria and their troubled airbase in Syria.

Nothing ends as you think it will....and EVERY THING is global.
Now what is the most whacked thing of all....

Is that The weapons abandoned in Afghanistan are now being used by Taliban fighters against the Iranian Government along side of the insurgents who wish to bring democratic reforms to Iran. And these insurgents aren't too thrilled with Russians either at the moment....and the Russians got a mess going on in needing troops....which has spread to Syria and their troubled airbase in Syria.

Nothing ends as you think it will....and EVERY THING is global.
Endless war is lucrative!! I was born in 1960 and can't remember a time when one Party or the other didn't have the USA in one war or another. For some odd reason, the D.C. Swamp decided that America should be the global police department.
Endless war is lucrative!! I was born in 1960 and can't remember a time when one Party or the other didn't have the USA in one war or another. For some odd reason, the D.C. Swamp decided that America should be the global police department.
Well we abandoned the equipment....we knew that part and didn't think we would be back in the neighborhood soon enough for any of it to still function.

But low and's actually being used to benefit the USA. Who would think that?
Well we abandoned the equipment....we knew that part and didn't think we would be back in the neighborhood soon enough for any of it to still function.

But low and's actually being used to benefit the USA. Who would think that?
That depends on who in the USA is actually benefitting. I'm sure someone is, but so is anyone else in any other nation who's in the “war business.” I'm 99.9999% certain it isn't me or any other average American.
That depends on who in the USA is actually benefitting. I'm sure someone is, but so is anyone else in any other nation who's in the “war business.” I'm 99.9999% certain it isn't me or any other average American.
Iran having a truly democratically elected leadership that doesn't engage in sponsoring terrorism would be nice. The Iran of the '60's was great and modernized. It was like a modern European nation in the middle East. Open and welcoming. But then the Shaw took over in the '70's and it's been an armpit of a nation ever since. The radical islamists spreading hate and totalitarian control really have done a number on the culture there.

I, personally, love the Saffron that is grown and processed there. It's still the best Saffron in the world. The stuff that comes from Spain and Afghanistan is OK but not up to the high quality that can come out of Iran. Saffron is expensive usually costs as much as Marijuana per ounce.
The Taliban obviously has popular support in Afghanistan. They could not have survived for twenty years against the best equipped, best financed military in the world otherwise.

The only people I care about in the Near East are the Christians and the Jews. The only country I care about is Israel. If we can get Muslims to fight Muslims I think that is a wonderful idea.

The fact that President Biden is orchestrating this is one more reason I will vote for him in 2024.
The Taliban obviously has popular support in Afghanistan. They could not have survived for twenty years against the best equipped, best financed military in the world otherwise.

The only people I care about in the Near East are the Christians and the Jews. The only country I care about is Israel. If we can get Muslims to fight Muslims I think that is a wonderful idea.

The fact that President Biden is orchestrating this is one more reason I will vote for him in 2024.
Taliban is a democratically elected form of government. That's why it's held up against us. We just have a bunch of cowboys in our state department that aren't exactly the brightest bulbs on the tree. It's a brutal form of democracy, but it works for them. (Whiyners get removed from society)
And "states" rights trump federal government rights.
Often these regional leaders are indeed oppressive but its Afghanistan....goats and sheep will walk out if it gets too bad...or begin a fight if they think they can win. Afghans are extremely comfortable with asymmetrical warfare. They have been doing it for centuries.
Iran having a truly democratically elected leadership that doesn't engage in sponsoring terrorism would be nice. The Iran of the '60's was great and modernized. It was like a modern European nation in the middle East. Open and welcoming. But then the Shaw took over in the '70's and it's been an armpit of a nation ever since.
Actually, Mohammad Reza Shah took over in 1953. The Iranian military, MI6 of Great Britain, and our own CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran and installed the Shah as absolute monarch.

Our CIA helped set up SAVAK, which was the Shah's secret police. The Iranian people hated the United States for imposing the Shah on them. They expressed that hatred when they overthrew him in 1979.

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