Biden Says He'll Get Help From The Taliban.

The USS Liberty attack was ordered by LBJ, who was on the phone with IDF during the attack, and planes were ready to go to nuke Egypt once the Liberty was sunk, which it never did because decent lower ranking IDFs deliberately missed the target.
From what Jew hating website did you garner those bizarre lies? I have not encountered that level of nonsense on even Stormfront and The Daily Stormer.
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Your mind is a raw sewer of anti Jewish lies.

You are a Zionist Fascist Traitor and you cheer every time Israel murders Americans and then you lie about it because you love it. You do not care about America. You only care about Israel. You are a sick person, a liar, a bigot, a moron, and someone who should be deported or shot.
From what Jew hating website did you learn those bizarre lies? I have not even encountered that level of nonsense on Stormfront and The Daily Stormer.
He was on another thread saying that Jews have yet to be brought to Justice for killing Jesus - as if 14 million Jews today have anything to do with whatever involvement a small band of Jews may have had 2,000 years ago. He sounds like Hitler’s grandson.
From what Jew hating website did you learn those bizarre lies? I have not even encountered that level of nonsense on Stormfront and The Daily Stormer.

Always truth about Zionist Fascism is met by a card toss and a blizzard of lies. Most of the truth from the USS Liberty comes from the survivors of the Zionist Fascist attack on a US Naval vessel, and from those in the LBJ Administration... and Haaretz is of course an Israeli publication..

The USS Liberty was sent to investigate claims that Israel was exterminating the residents of the Heights, Bank, and Strip, just as Einstein predicted. Knowing that was the mission and that Israel was doing that, Zionist Fascism at work, LBJ set about to sink it, murder the crew, and hate hoax it into a US war with Egypt. The USS Liberty is the smoking gun for the motive to off JFK, Zionist Fascism, install a Zionist Fascist Traitor to start a war in 'nam to run US weapons factories and put those weapons on boats and sail them to Israel. Any US Marine or Army vet from 'nam will tell you that they were promised new weapons that never arrived, because they ended up in Israel.

And that is what happens when we elect supporters of Israel to office, or put them as "VP" only to watch the President assassinated and Zionist Fascism lie about it.

Indeed, another confession is the Atlanta Jewish Times editorial about homO and Traitor Joe about hate hoaxing a US war with Iran...

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Translation - we got away with it with JFK, let's do it again!!!
He was on another thread saying that Jews have yet to be brought to Justice for killing Jesus

Made up bullshit. Jesus was Jewish. Jews observed Jesus. That is why they think he was a total fraud.

You just parrot a book written by Jews that Jews reject.

That is the "paradox" of Christianity, that those who were actually there don't believe, and those who were not there are absolutely sure that the Chosen Jews there are wrong about what they observed because .... they parrot a 2000 year old book that states that stars are the same size as figs and "soon" means more than 2000 years from now...
He was on another thread saying that Jews have yet to be brought to Justice for killing Jesus - as if 14 million Jews today have anything to do with whatever involvement a small band of Jews may have had 2,000 years ago. He sounds like Hitler’s grandson.
Jesus and his disciples were Jews in a Jewish setting. Jesus was a Yiddish Mensch.
The Iranian people hated the United States for imposing the Shah on them.

Another exhibit of what happens when Americans elect supporters of Israel to high office...

We fucked Iran because Zionist Fascism wanted that.
The weapons abandoned in Afghanistan are now being used by Taliban fighters against the Iranian Government

Not new news. Iran was arming and funding The Northern Alliance, the group fighting the Taliban in Afghan in 2001 when our troops arrived. W flipped them off because Taliban leaders are really Jews, Zionist People Frauds, just like

This is why W and Traitor Joe love the Taliban and Col Tim Osman trusted the Taliban.

All of so called "radical Islam" is really Zionist Fascist fraud.
Always truth about Zionist Fascism is met by a card toss and a blizzard of lies. Most of the truth from the USS Liberty comes from the survivors of the Zionist Fascist attack on a US Naval vessel, and from those in the LBJ Administration... and Haaretz is of course an Israeli publication..

The USS Liberty was sent to investigate claims that Israel was exterminating the residents of the Heights, Bank, and Strip, just as Einstein predicted. Knowing that was the mission and that Israel was doing that, Zionist Fascism at work, LBJ set about to sink it, murder the crew, and hate hoax it into a US war with Egypt. The USS Liberty is the smoking gun for the motive to off JFK, Zionist Fascism, install a Zionist Fascist Traitor to start a war in 'nam to run US weapons factories and put those weapons on boats and sail them to Israel. Any US Marine or Army vet from 'nam will tell you that they were promised new weapons that never arrived, because they ended up in Israel.

And that is what happens when we elect supporters of Israel to office, or put them as "VP" only to watch the President assassinated and Zionist Fascism lie about it.

Indeed, another confession is the Atlanta Jewish Times editorial about homO and Traitor Joe about hate hoaxing a US war with Iran...

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Translation - we got away with it with JFK, let's do it again!!!
You have no concept of what is plausible. If there was any truth to your anti Jewish delusions it would have been published decades ago by credible sources the way The Pentagon Papers were. Conspiracies powerful enough to suppress your fantasies do not exist in the United States.
You have no concept of what is plausible. If there was any truth to your anti Jewish delusions it would have been published decades ago by credible sources the way The Pentagon Papers were. Conspiracies powerful enough to suppress your fantasies do not exist in the United States.

These are quotes from people THERE.




Jesus and his disciples were Jews in a Jewish setting. Jesus was a Yiddish Mensch.
Yes, I know. That’s how I know he never would have claimed to be the son of Gd. It is completely contrary to Jewish teachings.
So why did the disciples bolt on Jesus if they thought Jesus was really "Son of God?"
Those disciples faced persecution and were eventually martyred for spreading Christianity. Christianity began as a Jewish sect. The first leader of Christianity after the crucifixion was St. James, Jesus' next oldest brother. St. James obeyed Torah and worshiped at the Temple of Jerusalem until he was martyred.
These are quotes from people THERE.




I cheer when people like you are sued for slandering God's Chosen People.
Iran having a truly democratically elected leadership that doesn't engage in sponsoring terrorism would be nice. The Iran of the '60's was great and modernized. It was like a modern European nation in the middle East. Open and welcoming. But then the Shaw took over in the '70's and it's been an armpit of a nation ever since. The radical islamists spreading hate and totalitarian control really have done a number on the culture there.

I, personally, love the Saffron that is grown and processed there. It's still the best Saffron in the world. The stuff that comes from Spain and Afghanistan is OK but not up to the high quality that can come out of Iran. Saffron is expensive usually costs as much as Marijuana per ounce.
Iran doesn't sponsor terrorism any more than the USA does. I love the intent of the Founding Fathers, and I love the Constitution. I also loved the fact that Jefferson urged us to remain untangled with foreign interests or affairs.

But if we're honest with ourselves and if we're truly opposed to “terrorism” then we need to clean out the Swamp called Washington, D.C.

I wonder if Mideastern nations would be sponsoring as much terrorism as they do if the USA had sponsored so much terrorism in that region in the first place. Something to ponder.
I cheer when people like you are sued for slandering God's Chosen People.

More .... from the SURVIVORS...

IN JUNE 1967 jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats of the Defense Forces of the State of Israel brutally assaulted the American naval intelligence-gathering ship, USS Liberty, while in international waters off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The attack was preceded by more than six hours of intense low-level surveillance by Israeli photo reconnaissance aircraft, which buzzed the ship as low as 200 feet directly overhead. The carefully orchestrated assault that followed was initiated by high performance jet aircraft. This was followed by slower and more maneuverable jets carrying napalm, and was finally turned over to lethal torpedo boats, which blasted a forty-foot hole in the ship's side. The attack lasted more than two hours, deliberately killing 34 Americans and wounding at least 171 others. Over 821 rocket, cannon and machine gun holes were inflicted. When the Liberty stubbornly remained afloat despite her damage, Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts, firefighters, stretcher bearers, and sent troops carrying helicopters to finish the job, no survivors were to be taken. At this point, with Sixth Fleet rescue aircraft supposedly en route, the government of Israel apologized and the identity of the assailants became known. Details of the attack were hushed up in both countries. Israel claimed that her forces mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian ship, and our government quietly accepted that excuse despite evidence to the contrary. No ship in our history has ever received such damage and casualties by accident. Then our government downplayed the intensity of the surveillance and the severity of the attack, and imposed a news blackout on the crew to keep the story under control. The official version is that the Liberty was reconnoitered only three times and only from a great distance. The American people were told that the air attack lasted only five minutes and that it was followed by a single torpedo and an immediate apology and offer of assistance. Nothing could be further from the truth. In June 1982, fifteen years after the assault, crewmembers reunited for the first time in Washington, D.C. It was a tearful, joyful reunion in which the men not only released their pent up emotions and decided that the USS Liberty Veterans Association would be formed with the firm goals of finding all crew members, holding reunions, proper recognition of Captain and crew (in particular those who lost their lives), obtaining a Congressional investigation into the attack,
were eventually martyred

They were first hunted down and brutally murdered. And then the Jesus fraud sat dormant for decades until Jews fascinated with how many morons, 5k, were bilked by this guy, and tried to create a "religion for the unChosen controlled by the Chosen" and hence the New Testament was written.

The Jewish version of Jesus is that he was a preacher, a big liar, a drunk, and a whore house regular. He bilked 5k morons out of "everything," locked them up on a property, essentially made them slaves, and spent all the money he stole at the brothel. When "Son of God" ran out of food, the "loaves and fishes" part, Judas bolted and ratted him out, saying to the authorities that while he was part of the plot to bilk and enslave the morons, he was not a mass murderer, and hence would not participate in starving them. One ancient wicker basket of fish and a few loaves a bread feeds 200 max for one small meal (with no veggies).

The people who cheered Barrabas and the crucifixion were the original "Christians" who Jesus tried to starve...
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Yes, I know. That’s how I know he never would have claimed to be the son of Gd. It is completely contrary to Jewish teachings.
Claims of Jesus' Divinity are only found in the Gospel of St. John. Even there, Jesus is clearly subordinate to God the Father, who is the God of the New Testament.

Matthew 19:17 And [Jesus] said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God...

Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

Mark 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
More .... from the SURVIVORS...

IN JUNE 1967 jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats of the Defense Forces of the State of Israel brutally assaulted the American naval intelligence-gathering ship, USS Liberty, while in international waters off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The attack was preceded by more than six hours of intense low-level surveillance by Israeli photo reconnaissance aircraft, which buzzed the ship as low as 200 feet directly overhead. The carefully orchestrated assault that followed was initiated by high performance jet aircraft. This was followed by slower and more maneuverable jets carrying napalm, and was finally turned over to lethal torpedo boats, which blasted a forty-foot hole in the ship's side. The attack lasted more than two hours, deliberately killing 34 Americans and wounding at least 171 others. Over 821 rocket, cannon and machine gun holes were inflicted. When the Liberty stubbornly remained afloat despite her damage, Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts, firefighters, stretcher bearers, and sent troops carrying helicopters to finish the job, no survivors were to be taken. At this point, with Sixth Fleet rescue aircraft supposedly en route, the government of Israel apologized and the identity of the assailants became known. Details of the attack were hushed up in both countries. Israel claimed that her forces mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian ship, and our government quietly accepted that excuse despite evidence to the contrary. No ship in our history has ever received such damage and casualties by accident. Then our government downplayed the intensity of the surveillance and the severity of the attack, and imposed a news blackout on the crew to keep the story under control. The official version is that the Liberty was reconnoitered only three times and only from a great distance. The American people were told that the air attack lasted only five minutes and that it was followed by a single torpedo and an immediate apology and offer of assistance. Nothing could be further from the truth. In June 1982, fifteen years after the assault, crewmembers reunited for the first time in Washington, D.C. It was a tearful, joyful reunion in which the men not only released their pent up emotions and decided that the USS Liberty Veterans Association would be formed with the firm goals of finding all crew members, holding reunions, proper recognition of Captain and crew (in particular those who lost their lives), obtaining a Congressional investigation into the attack,
Those on the Liberty have emotional reasons to believe the worst about Israel. What's your excuse?
Those on the Liberty have emotional reasons to believe the worst about Israel. What's your excuse?

Dissing US military personnel again.

When Israel murders them, you cheer.

When Zionist Fascism lies about Israel murdering US military personnel, you cheer.

When Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ, you cheer.

As a patriotic American, I believe the survivors of the USS Liberty, and those who tell the truth about LBJ, Zionist Fascist Traitor, Mass Murderer, and completely sick person.

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