Biden Says Nato Will Respond if Russia Uses Chemical Weapons.

I just bought 6 more months of long shelf life food...things are going to get really bad folks....
Same here. Basement is well stocked with canned goods and survival food. I live on a lake and have a special water purification system that doesn’t require electricity too. If you don’t, store and rotate water jugs because that’s going down too.

Of all the stories at today, this one stands out as the most threatening by far!

In fact, what it is really saying is that Russia 'will' resort to chemical warfare. America under Biden may have already decided! Are there any of America's war in which the decision was made where the enemy didn't resort to chem/bio warfare?

And then of course, Nato will have the long sought after reason for intervening. But that's not the important and ominously worrying factor at all.

The response by Russia is what makes this one particular story so important!

It's just become more urgent to end this war and allow both sides to claim some portion of winning through political spin!
So, NATO won't get involved unless one of it's member countries is attacked directly, but now they will if Putin uses chemical munitions.

And people wonder why Putin thinks the West is a bunch of liars.
So, NATO won't get involved unless one of it's member countries is attacked directly, but now they will if Putin uses chemical munitions.

And people wonder why Putin thinks the West is a bunch of liars.
It's only important that most will read the OP and understand the significance of Biden bringing up the suggestion.

The status quo of the war in which mutually agreed upon rules of war is holding, makes it very, very unlikely that Russia would reneg and resort to outlawed weaponry.

Russia's first move would almost certainly be in bombing Kiev and other cities back to the stone age, as is used in American talking point parlance. Ths in itself would be at least adhering to rules that Russia might be able to argue are legitimate, in comparison to Iraq.

We all need to stay focused on the threat that is being suggested here with Biden's referencing the possibility.

The suggestion is registered in everybody's head and now it can sit and fester for a few weeks or so, while America's media carries the ball.

Will the media even mention the consequences that are the unspeakable?

For now at lest: Recognize and accept that this is America's war against Russia. Biden is starting to suggest that it could come home to America soon!
Trump would not have said what he would do and kept the russians guessing

but senile old joe will have to put up or shut up now
Do you people never come to understand that the affairs on the US foreign policy scene is far, far outweighing the foolish domestic politics scrapping?
Putin and XI don't believe a word Biden says. Biden doesn't instill fear in anyone. He's a confused, old pussy. It's sad that the Ukraine had to be completely destroyed and its people killed or scattered all over the world, before our dipshit in chief finally draws a line in the sand.
I wouldn't put it past this administration to do something to frame the Russians. This was almost certainly done by the West a few years ago to that ex double agent living on British soil. Russia is NOWHERE near stupid enough to use a 60 year old weapons grade nerve toxin in another country that would lead right to their door. That's insane. They've done nothing like that before and would have nothing to gain by killing that guy except hurt themselves. He had already been established there in the UK for years. It was an inside job done to frame Russia, plain and simple.
Do you people never come to understand that the affairs on the US foreign policy scene is far, far outweighing the foolish domestic politics scrapping?
Then why are you here scrapping with us when you arent an American?

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