Biden says your children belong to the State

You should be old enough to know better than.
You are reading nonsense into Biden's statement because you rage hate democrats. Years of a.m. radio and faux lies has corrupted your brain.
You are now a hate soldier.
If you see a child in danger feel free to not help. I'm with Biden on this though, if I see a youth in danger I will react appropriately to protect that youth. I guess you can help best by staying out of the way and keep crying about black father's and teachers and all the other enemies of Trump that drive your rage.
1. I speak and comprehend spoken English. Biden said what he said. So did Terry McAuliffe in the VA governor's race. Parents should butt-out of what the union teachers want to teach or show your kids. There are no "parental rights".
2. I am a successful parent, I don't hate, I pity those with low IQs. Democrats hate.
3. I was a lifeguard, I saved many kids in danger of drowning. Have you actually saved any lives, or are you just a bullshitter?
4. You obviously didn't understand my prior post. You need to prove that the "state" or "teachers" can do a better job raising successful kids than two parents. You have NOT proven anything yet. You just keep spewing disproven talking points like a retarded parrott. WTF does Trump have to do with this discussion about WHO HAS THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR CHILDREN? Does the state have ANY ownership rights?
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“I could shoot someone on fifth avenue” - no problem to right wingers

”Teachers care about the kids they teach” - right wingers blow up in anger

Republicans are talking to themselves.. they are not talking to normal people.
Was the first one alec baldwin?
Do you have any actual response besides deflecting?

Why isn't the left able to stand proudly behind it's positions? Why does it always have to deflect, dodge, or outright lie about them.

My position is these sports organizations should decide who plays and doesn't; not the government.

Also, I am not a lefty.

The organization was bullied into doing it by people who believe women can have penises, people you support, and thus a position you support.
Who said women can have penises? You still haven't shown a link.

How were they bullied? Was someone going to beat them up and take their lunch money?
1. I speak and comprehend spoken English. Biden said what he said. So did Terry McAuliffe in the VA governor's race. Parents should butt-out of what the union teachers want to teach or show your kids. There are no "parental rights".

Yeah, he didn't say children belong to the state.

Parents shouldn't but out. They should participate in local government and endeavor to make those changes.

2. I am a successful parent, I don't hate, I pity those with low IQs. Democrats hate.

I'm a successful parent as well. Good for us.

3. I was a lifeguard, I saved many kids in danger of drowning. Have you actually saved any lives, or are you just a bullshitter?

So why do you have a problem with what Biden said.

A bullshitter? I never claimed I had saved lives but I am a veteran so does that count?

4. You obviously didn't understand my prior post. you need to prove that the "state" or "teachers" can do a better job raising successful kids than two parents.

Why do I need to prove that? What does that have to do with anything? Who made that claim?

You have NOT proven anything yet. You just keep spewing disproven talking points like a retarded parrott. WTF does Trump have to do with this discussion about WHO HAS THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR CHILDREN? Does the state have ANY ownership rights?
Trump? When did I bring up Trump?

Parents have ultimate responsibility for their children. Duh. Who said otherwise?
My position is these sports organizations should decide who plays and doesn't; not the government.

Also, I am not a lefty.

Who said women can have penises? You still haven't shown a link.

How were they bullied? Was someone going to beat them up and take their lunch money?

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.


More denial of reality, typical leftist.

Biden says your children belong to the State​

I say that Biden belongs in a State Mental Institution.
Same with Hillary’s “It takes a village“ comment

Conservatives are outraged
Government is trying to take my children

So if your child becomes lost or injured….it is nobody’s business
If your child is a bully or is stealing…..It is nobody’s business
If your child does something nice…..It is nobody‘d business to complement them
Mind your own damn business. I'll decide who, what, where and when regarding my kids.
Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.


More denial of reality, typical leftist.
What did I dodge?

Ironically, it is you who is dodging considering you can't link what leftist said a woman can have a penis.

Just man up and down your false claim and move on. It's not a big enough deal to spend 3 pages of thread to deflect from.

So Joe Biden and Democrats want 'YOUR' kids...

...but they can't keep track of the ones they have already.


Where are the 85,000 children Biden / Democrats have 'LOST'?


What did I dodge?

Ironically, it is you who is dodging considering you can't link what leftist said a woman can have a penis.

Just man up and down your false claim and move on. It's not a big enough deal to spend 3 pages of thread to deflect from.

Again, google is your friend. It's out there, you just don't want to admit it.

I am not giving up, because you know it's out there, you know it's the lefts position, and you refuse to accept it.

Now go play in fucking traffic, or keep this up, I CAN KEEP THIS UP FORVER if I choose to, you twat.

So Joe Biden and Democrats want 'YOUR' kids...

...but they can't keep track of the ones they have already.


Where are the 85,000 children Biden / Democrats have 'LOST'?


The main reason they want YOUR kids is to supply their Pedo friends in high places. Just because Epstein was "suicided" doesn't mean that the Pedo business ain't booming these days.
Yeah, he didn't say children belong to the state.
Parents shouldn't but out. They should participate in local government and endeavor to make those changes.
I'm a successful parent as well. Good for us.
So why do you have a problem with what Biden said.
A bullshitter? I never claimed I had saved lives but I am a veteran so does that count?
Why do I need to prove that? What does that have to do with anything? Who made that claim?

Trump? When did I bring up Trump?

Parents have ultimate responsibility for their children. Duh. Who said otherwise?
1. Re-read the thread Title and the OP. We're debating parental rights vs Biden's "your children belong to the state"
2. The state and teachers should butt-out. The children belong to their parents, no one else.
3. Biden basically said that there are no parental rights. See the OP again.
4. Thank you for your service, yes that counts.
5. Maybe you haven't been following the "parental rights v teacher's and state's rights" regarding children. The teachers, with state encouragement have been promoting offensive activities to some parents, such as "Drag Shows for grade schoolers", teaching CRT, where some kids are oppressors and some are oppressed, providing gay reading material when parents are opposed, in Washington State a kid can leave home and request a sex change, and the State will make that happen without parental approval. There are many more religious and social things that many parents oppose. Such as trannys going into the locker room they "identify with" instead of the plumbing they have. Whereby in several schools girls were raped by the trannys.
6. Where did you bring up Trump? Copied from your post "keep crying about black father's and teachers and all the other enemies of Trump that drive your rage."

Trump has zero to do with my values. You keep spewing bullshit talking points instead of facts.

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