*Biden Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo*

If you can abuse former presidents, that allows sitting presidents to be extorted.

And clearly former presidents are NOT "just citizens" because they were given personal, private copies of classified docs at one time.
That can never happen with "just citizens".
Only ex-presidents can have copies of classified docs in their possession, with even having a security clearance.

The FBI is not capable of making "independent judgement" as to what the intent of the law was, and the potential future political ramifications.
It really should have been the judiciary who was consulted.
But I would bet 100% it was the oval office instead.
They’re not abusing him by investigating serious breaches of national security. Former presidents are not above the law. They do not get to retain highly classified information for personal reasons.
Whether or not classified docs are to be kept secret, is totally up to the president, and ex-president after their term is up.
Presidents can and often do reveal classified information when it is to the benefit of the country.
For example, you could intimidate a threatening country with your knowledge of their capabilities.
No one else gets any say.
Only presidents, VPs, and ex-presidents.
If the president chose to make the information public, then the current administration has a right to know what information is no longer secret so they can mitigate any threats to national security.

And that’s a huge “if”.

Until the DoJ is informed that the information is no longer deemed classified, they will treat it as classified. The DoJ has to this day never been told any of the documents in Trump’s possession were ever declassified by him.
Care4all , wrong.
All the records were available to Biden, at their sources, like the Pentagon, FBI, etc.
Trump only had personal copies, with private annotations no one else is supposed to see.
So it was totally illegal for the FBI to break into Mar-a-lago illegally and steal personal papers.
The laws all allow presidents to do whatever they want with classified docs.

I agree the transition was not well done, but that likely is due to the fact votes did not reflect what the polls had predicted.
The polls predicted a Biden win by a landslide, from the beginning to election day.
The ex-president can’t use executive privilege against the sitting president.

It would be insane to think otherwise.
never said he could. you should learn to comprehend.
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It’s not ignored. We’ve explained in great detail how this story is bullshit and hype.

You won’t listen to facts.
no you didn't. There isn't one post that said what that was.
A "document retrieval" goes to the source, like Pentagon, CIA, FBI, etc.
It does not go to the DOJ in order to get a warrant to conduct a raid to steal private annotated copies.
it was illegal anyway, that raid isn't legal. nor was removing the documents.

There is only one individual with executive privilege. Trump
never said he could. I said only sitting president could ok any action on former president. you should learn to comprehend.
Where is it written that only a sitting president could okay “any action” on a former president?

Because that is clearly made up.
The document request was for NARA to give documents to the DoJ to proceed with an investigation of the mishandling of classified information.
they don't have security clearance above executive privilege, so Trump was well within his legal right to have them. No one can tell him otherwise.
Where is it written that only a sitting president could okay “any action” on a former president?

Because that is clearly made up.
The fact that Trump had executive privilege to hold his documents.
If the president chose to make the information public, then the current administration has a right to know what information is no longer secret so they can mitigate any threats to national security.
post that statute.
they don't have security clearance above executive privilege, so Trump was well within his legal right to have them. No one can tell him otherwise.
Executive privilege isn’t a security clearance.

Trump does not have any security clearance. He had no legal right to have them. There not his. They’re the government’s. The documents were prepared by the government for use in the government with government funds. They contain state secrets which are important to national security.

This isn’t a game.
You clearly have no idea what executive privilege means.
educate me, let's see the definition for the president. Can't wait for this one.

Let me know if the internet is too tough for you to find it.

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