Biden slaps taxpayers in the face again with another $1.2 billion of student loans cancelled

It's the Democrat way. Teaching Americans that the government is your god, and your own bills, are all of our bills.

Biden administration to cancel another $1.2 billion of student loans​

I'm a taxpayer.
In fact, most likely way more taxpayer than you'd ever hope to be.
I'm not feeling slapped.
In fact i'm happy that Biden is taking action to increase economic growth.
Which will result in more tax revenues
Far offsetting this cost.
It's the Democrat way. Teaching Americans that the government is your god, and your own bills, are all of our bills.

Biden administration to cancel another $1.2 billion of student loans​

Payoff Student Loans by Confiscating Trust Funds

While Preppy parasites believe Sugardaddy is their god who pays all their bills and sets them up in high positions in the government and business, where with little effort they can make more money than they will inherit.
Nothing but a scheme to buy votes when his numbers are in the toilet. Who the hell is going to pay for this grandstand play? On 2nd thought I might vote for old Brandon if he forgives my car loan.
It's the Democrat way. Teaching Americans that the government is your god, and your own bills, are all of our bills.

Biden administration to cancel another $1.2 billion of student loans​

Nah, this did not cost the taxpayers that amount of money.

Most student loans are negatively amortizing. Most studet loans will NEVER get paid off. These two facts go hand in hand.

Yet the government must pay to service this bad debt indefinitely.

And when people deduct their student loan interest, the government gets less revenue.

When the borrowers spend their money in the economy instead, the government sees increased revenue and economic growth.

So the number you threw out just isn't real.
No. They are deadbeats. Anyone who can't pay back a loan should not borrow. Biden should be impeached for this.
You're a troglodyte.

Here you go...

You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.

Therefore, make peace with your god,
Whatever you perceive him to be - hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.
With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal,
The world continues to deteriorate.
Give up!

You're a troglodyte.

Here you go...

You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.

Therefore, make peace with your god,
Whatever you perceive him to be - hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.
With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal,
The world continues to deteriorate.
Give up!

I Won't. And I could buy and sell your fag ass,.
I'm a taxpayer.
In fact, most likely way more taxpayer than you'd ever hope to be.
I'm not feeling slapped.
In fact i'm happy that Biden is taking action to increase economic growth.
Which will result in more tax revenues
Far offsetting this cost.

I SINCERELY doubt you pay more taxes than I do, but if you want your tax dollars thrown away like this, then by all means, send your money in. Just don't expect other people to feel the same way.
As opposed to building a pointless wall with tax payers money?

The wall, or 'a wall' constructed properly and completed would benefit all Americans.
Just ask some of the residents of places like NYC, Chicago, DC, etc, and I bet a lot of them wish we had a wall and border security right now.

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