Biden; "The Great Real Estate Developer That Didn't Build A Damn Thing"

Until Trump got out of the construction business his father had to bail him out repeatedly. Trump is a marketing person. Nothing else. He lies and exaggerates for a living.
WTF? Every President lies and exaggerates. Biden claimed responsibility for job creation after Covid, he claimed he was responsible for a booming economy and it would have happened no matter who was in office. He didn’t take blame for high inflation but now takes credit for lowering inflation, both were expected to happen, so spare the implication that no other President lies or exaggerates, they all do and they are all about self promotion and marketing otherwise they would never had made it to the White House.
Well let's see. Forbes has him at 2.5 billion but they hate Trump and were trying to make the point he isn't as rich as people think. Of course they had him at 3 billion last year so it's probably somewhere between the two?
Great. You have Trump's income from a reliable source. But that is only part of the answer.

The next half of my question was - Prove that Fred Trump made less than his son. Go.
So show me a time when Fred Trump's net worth was anywhere near 3 billion, Magnus! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, one more time, retard. That's not the way it works in the real world. You make an assertion. It is up to you to prove it.

You claimed that Donald Trump made more than his dad. Well, prove that by quoting Fred Trump's income using reliable sources.

Get it now? Do you want me to dumb it down further? Now, your turn to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and Magnus? My first job after college was working as a copy editor. Reading, facts and comprehension is a good way to describe that job! Care to try again?
Ok, if you say so. Does not look like it since I had to explain the same question at least 4 times now.

Maybe time to take a refresher course? :itsok:
Again, one more time, retard. That's not the way it works in the real world. You make an assertion. It is up to you to prove it.

You claimed that Donald Trump made more than his dad. Well, prove that by quoting Fred Trump's income using reliable sources.

Get it now? Do you want me to dumb it down further? Now, your turn to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to prove all of MY assertions and you have to prove none of yours?

What I already provided states that Fred Trump's net worth when he died was in the neighborhood of 1 billion dollars. That was what he divided among his three children. If you think he was worth the two and a half to three billion that Donald Trump is estimated by Forbes to have...then kindly trot out that proof!
Ok, if you say so. Does not look like it since I had to explain the same question at least 4 times now.

Maybe time to take a refresher course? :itsok:
Where was it that I didn't understand you, Magnus? You claimed that Fred Trump was worth more than Donald Trump. I showed you that you were wrong. All of your "Go" nonsense doesn't change that!
And in 1990 he was worth less than 500 million.
With all due respect, Gator most people that were heavily invested in real estate in the late 80's took a beating. Trump was one of many. He rebounded nicely when the real estate market rebounded. You don't go from 500 million to the estimated 3 Billion he's worth now without being sharp. I know that's "heresy" to you on the left but when it comes to real estate development, Trump is a master. I have to prove all of MY assertions and you have to prove none of yours?

What I already provided states that Fred Trump's net worth when he died was in the neighborhood of 1 billion dollars. That was what he divided among his three children. If you think he was worth the two and a half to three billion that Donald Trump is estimated by Forbes to have...then kindly trot out that proof!
Retard. You really do need to work on reading and comprehension.

I have not asserted anything. YOU DID. So, the onerous is on you to prove it. What part of that is hard for you to understand?

Your specific claim was that Trump made more money than his dad. Ok, prove that. Prove with reliable facts that Donald Trump made more money than Fred Trump.

You made the assertion. Based on some sort of facts, right? Well, produce it.

NOTE: For those keeping track, this is post 4 or 5 where I had to explain to a trumptard his own assertion and why the onerous is on him to prove it.

Further Note: He is going to come back with the same lame excuse. LOL

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