Biden: ‘There’s Nothing We Can Do To Change The Trajectory Of The Pandemic In The Next Several Months’

Joe Biden, quitter gives up after only 2 days in office.

What did "give up"??

Working to deliver 100 million vaccinations in 100 days maybe? Nope.
EO on mask and social distancing on all federal property? Nope.

So what is it you think he gave up?
We are already vaccinating around 1 million per day, so Pedo Joe is saying he can't improve anything for the next 100 days.

Pedo Joe ignored his own EO on masks, along with his minions.

Pedo Joe ran on ending the virus, then said nothing can be done about it. What a clown.
Nobody who isn't a complete tool is shocked by this revelation. The man's focal point of his campaign was a lie.

Biden’s remarks during the press conference quickly caused a stir online with people expressing frustration and anger over what he said.

Former Congressman Justin Amash wrote: “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?”

CNN commentator Scott Jennings wrote: “His entire campaign was that he had the plan to end the pandemic.”

"Sleepy Joe " is nor fucking around

Vaccine update: Biden announces purchase of 200M vaccine doses - CNNPolitics
400,000 Americans dead on his watch.
Because you’re on the left, I realize that you don’t understand the US Constitution. But the federal government doesn’t have authority over pandemics, snowflake.

Now let’s see how the Dumbocrats who did have authority reacted:

Nobody who isn't a complete tool is shocked by this revelation. The man's focal point of his campaign was a lie.

Biden’s remarks during the press conference quickly caused a stir online with people expressing frustration and anger over what he said.

Former Congressman Justin Amash wrote: “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?”

CNN commentator Scott Jennings wrote: “His entire campaign was that he had the plan to end the pandemic.”

Do you somehow doubt Biden's admin will better allocate vaccine than would Trump's?
Seriously, if the Biden admin can find a way to get 1/3 of us vaccinated by the end of March, it'll be a miracle. We should all be grateful America turned away from a conman in favor of a moderately competent public servant with some understanding of govt.
Pedo Joe's China Virus Plan: Eliminate 3.7 MILLION American jobs.
Trumps plan: Eliminate 3.7 MILLION American lives.
Trump saved 2 million lives.
:abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :ahole-1:

Pedo Joe's China Virus Plan: Eliminate 3.7 MILLION American jobs.
Trumps plan: Eliminate 3.7 MILLION American lives.
Trump saved 2 million lives.
:abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :ahole-1:

Oopsn what? Did you notice the date of March 2020? Covid was just emerging and was a projection, which turned out to be wrong. Are yoy stupidly trying to say that Trump did something to keep the prediction down? Look at the recomendations to slow the spread. He didn't do shit. He held rallies to spread it.
Pedo Joe's China Virus Plan: Eliminate 3.7 MILLION American jobs.
Trumps plan: Eliminate 3.7 MILLION American lives.
Trump saved 2 million lives.
:abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :ahole-1:

Oopsn what? Did you notice the date of March 2020? Covid was just emerging and was a projection, which turned out to be wrong. Are yoy stupidly trying to say that Trump did something to keep the prediction down? Look at the recomendations to slow the spread. He didn't do shit. He held rallies to spread it.
Proves Trump saved 2 million lives.
400,000 Americans dead on his watch.
Because you’re on the left, I realize that you don’t understand the US Constitution. But the federal government doesn’t have authority over pandemics, snowflake.

Now let’s see how the Dumbocrats who did have authority reacted:

View attachment 449980
Baby Jesus help us. You people Pigeon Hole folks like there is no tomorrow. And are Suckers for DJT and his PAC money.
Nobody who isn't a complete tool is shocked by this revelation. The man's focal point of his campaign was a lie.

Biden’s remarks during the press conference quickly caused a stir online with people expressing frustration and anger over what he said.

Former Congressman Justin Amash wrote: “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?”

CNN commentator Scott Jennings wrote: “His entire campaign was that he had the plan to end the pandemic.”

Yeah, sorry, you'll have to point out where Biden said that the pandemic was going to be fixed quickly. I mean, there were lots of people on these boards who claimed that the virus
would magically disappear the day he was elected..which it didn't. Then it was going to disappear the day he was inaugurated..which it didn't. It looks like he has a plan whereas it
looks like the last guy didn't. I'm not sure what it is you were expecting. The last guy was incompetent and didn't want to hear bad news or hard words. At least you're hearing the
truth now.
Here's the truth. Finger Rapin Joe has murdered over 8,000 Americans in just 3 days.
Is that all you Twitter Deprived Trump Withdrawal Zealots Have?

Count the deaths on DJTs watch. 400,000

And keep posting like this is a fucking game.

Bunch of fucking Pricks, just like Donnie.

Over 8,000 in 3 days. Do the math. What a murdering POS .
Real funny. Talk to your Orange God about that.

DJT is a Disgrace. Own him.

400,000 Americans dead on his watch.

Over 8,000 dead on Quid Pro Pedo Joe's and counting. What a miserable failure.
How fucking stupid! He has been President for 4 days. This thing is out of controll. What EXACTLY should he or could he have done in that amount of time? Spell it out. I don't think that you believe your own bullshit. It is a pathetic attempt to smear Biden.
He shouldn't have promised that he could cure it. He's on the hook for the promises he made.
He Will.
"He will" what?
Aparently you need help.
"help" with what, translating your idiocies into English?
You need help getting a fucking job. Go paint an outhouse that you aspire to live in.
The Worst Grandpa Ever. You can't even buy shitty plastic shoes made in China for your grand kids.
And while you are at being a filthy, stupid drunk, buy some bus tickets to take your sorry ass to the morgue. Fuck Face.

Here's some suggestions for your outhouse, bitch.
Assume if you will that trump was completely inept at getting out the vaccine (ignore the facts) and left biden no plans..........why the fuck wouldn't any sane incoming president still have HIS OWN DAMN PLAN to get the vaccines out? Biden claimed that Trump was doing an awful job --so why would biden even want Trumps plan unless Trump was doing a great job and how exactly would Trump be able to keep his "plan" secret.....Trump wasn't having any issues getting the vaccines invented and out----------now biden can't even just get the vaccine out without "losing" it---via giving it terrorists in Gitmo and others?

Next you are going to claim that its Trumps fault that Biden has a dirty ass because Trump didn't wipe it for him.
Nobody who isn't a complete tool is shocked by this revelation. The man's focal point of his campaign was a lie.

Biden’s remarks during the press conference quickly caused a stir online with people expressing frustration and anger over what he said.

Former Congressman Justin Amash wrote: “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?”

CNN commentator Scott Jennings wrote: “His entire campaign was that he had the plan to end the pandemic.”

Yeah, sorry, you'll have to point out where Biden said that the pandemic was going to be fixed quickly. I mean, there were lots of people on these boards who claimed that the virus
would magically disappear the day he was elected..which it didn't. Then it was going to disappear the day he was inaugurated..which it didn't. It looks like he has a plan whereas it
looks like the last guy didn't. I'm not sure what it is you were expecting. The last guy was incompetent and didn't want to hear bad news or hard words. At least you're hearing the
truth now.
Here's the truth. Finger Rapin Joe has murdered over 8,000 Americans in just 3 days.
Is that all you Twitter Deprived Trump Withdrawal Zealots Have?

Count the deaths on DJTs watch. 400,000

And keep posting like this is a fucking game.

Bunch of fucking Pricks, just like Donnie.

Over 8,000 in 3 days. Do the math. What a murdering POS .
Real funny. Talk to your Orange God about that.

DJT is a Disgrace. Own him.

400,000 Americans dead on his watch.

Over 8,000 dead on Quid Pro Pedo Joe's and counting. What a miserable failure.
How fucking stupid! He has been President for 4 days. This thing is out of controll. What EXACTLY should he or could he have done in that amount of time? Spell it out. I don't think that you believe your own bullshit. It is a pathetic attempt to smear Biden.
He shouldn't have promised that he could cure it. He's on the hook for the promises he made.
He Will.
"He will" what?
Aparently you need help.
"help" with what, translating your idiocies into English?
You need help getting a fucking job. Go paint an outhouse that you aspire to live in.
The Worst Grandpa Ever. You can't even buy shitty plastic shoes made in China for your grand kids.
And while you are at being a filthy, stupid drunk, buy some bus tickets to take your sorry ass to the morgue. Fuck Face.

Here's some suggestions for your outhouse, bitch.
Assume if you will that trump was completely inept at getting out the vaccine (ignore the facts) and left biden no plans..........why the fuck wouldn't any sane incoming president still have HIS OWN DAMN PLAN to get the vaccines out? Biden claimed that Trump was doing an awful job --so why would biden even want Trumps plan unless Trump was doing a great job and how exactly would Trump be able to keep his "plan" secret.....Trump wasn't having any issues getting the vaccines invented and out----------now biden can't even just get the vaccine out without "losing" it---via giving it terrorists in Gitmo and others?

Next you are going to claim that its Trumps fault that Biden has a dirty ass because Trump didn't wipe it for him.
Nope. Sucker. DJT loves your 20 buck contributions to his PAC.
Joe Biden, quitter gives up after only 2 days in office.

What did "give up"??

Working to deliver 100 million vaccinations in 100 days maybe? Nope.
EO on mask and social distancing on all federal property? Nope.

So what is it you think he gave up?
We are already vaccinating around 1 million per day, so Pedo Joe is saying he can't improve anything for the next 100 days.

Pedo Joe ignored his own EO on masks, along with his minions.

Pedo Joe ran on ending the virus, then said nothing can be done about it. What a clown.
When do you fucking USMB Trolls stop being do Idiotic?

Nobody who isn't a complete tool is shocked by this revelation. The man's focal point of his campaign was a lie.

Biden’s remarks during the press conference quickly caused a stir online with people expressing frustration and anger over what he said.

Former Congressman Justin Amash wrote: “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?”

CNN commentator Scott Jennings wrote: “His entire campaign was that he had the plan to end the pandemic.”

Do you somehow doubt Biden's admin will better allocate vaccine than would Trump's?
Every sane person doubts it.

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