Biden to campaign on “restoring” ROE V WADE.

It is pretty simple...
Biden is going to point out that Trump brought you the solution you got today and if you vote for him he wants it even more restrictive and looking at Federal Ban...
Anyone who understands the holding in Dobbs also understands there can be no federal ban.
You're preying upon the emotions on the ignorant.

Sure there is.
Overturning jurisprudence which has no relationship to the text of the constitution is as moderate as it gets.
Partisan bigot that you are, you simply don't have the capacity to see it.
Dobbs overturned 50 years of precedence.

That’s radical whether you agree or not.

We need to change the make up of the Court and that happens with a Dem Senate and. Dem President.

There’s a fair likelihood that at least 3 of the nine Justices will be replaced in the coming 5 years.

That makes THIS election damn important
Nominate moderate SCOTUS Justices

Propose legislation upholding Roe in Congress.

Of course he would need Congressional help there.

Vote Dem . House and Senate

Vote Dem in local elections so your state doesn’t restrict abortion rights

Vote Dem in local elections to get those state laws restricting abortion rights removed
All great reasons not to vote for Potato.
I would be curious to hear how he is planning on restoring Roe V Wade. It will be interesting to see where he believes he has the legal and constitutional authority to do this.
As noted earlier (try and keep up) … by changing the make up of the Court or an act of Congress.

That would require us to VOTE… so it’s a must
As noted earlier (try and keep up) … by changing the make up of the Court or an act of Congress.

That would require us to VOTE… so it’s a must
He would have a very tough near impossible time selling court packing given his previous stances against it good luck getting that through Congress. You should really spend more time in the world of reality.
He would have a very tough near impossible time selling court packing given his previous stances against it good luck getting that through Congress. You should really spend more time in the world of reality.
I’m not talking about Court packing although that is a possibility .

I’m saying that as many as three Justice vacancies may occur in the next five years (those fuckers are OLD) and if Dems control the WH and Senate , the new holders of those seats would likely review Dobbs and reinstate Roe.

Congress could also make law codifying the protections of Roe IF we vote Dem for House and Senate and Biden is President
Dimocrats know they suck at everything else, so this will be the entire Dimocrat agenda for this year leading up to the election.
I’m not talking about Court packing although that is a possibility .

I’m saying that as many as three Justice vacancies may occur in the next five years (those fuckers are OLD) and of Dems control the WH and SenTe the new holders of those seats would likely review Dobbs and reinstate Roe.

Congress could also make law codifying the protections of Roe IF we vote Dem for House and Senate and Biden is President
That is a whole lotta if’s and a guarantee of nothing. Even the Supreme Court is a stretch given the two oldest justices are Thomas and Alito at 74 and 72 the odds enough of the Justices would retire or die within the next four years to swing the balance of the court is highly unlikely.

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