Biden to demonize Trump

If Biden wanted to really rattle Dotard's cage all he has to do is bring up those 91 felonies he's going on trial for.

Or refer to him as "Spanky".

If Trump responds in kind?

Bidum is going to get shellacked.... pedophilia, incest, pay for play, crackhead kid, ....Bidum probably shouldn't go there
I hope he uses the red background again.....Hey, with that sunburn all you have to do is hand him a hay fork.
It was dystopian. Surreal. Completely appropriate.

Biden has not a single accomplishment in his entire career. All he has is "kill all the white people.".
Yes he does. He accomplished opening the border. He accomplished having a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan which also armed terrorists and cost American lives. He created record inflation. The FBI under Biden succeeded in going after soccer moms and concerned parents who dared to disagree with schools. He succeeded in appointing a justice who doesn’t know what a woman is. He accomplished making the U.S. more energy dependent on other countries. He succeeded in hiding classified documents in his garage. He accomplished record violent crime surges. He succeeded in getting record low approval ratings. He succeeded in learning the language of babble, how to poop his pants, how to fall, and how wreck a bike.

He did fail in his authoritarian attempt to force an untested vaccine on the masses.

His tenure is filled with “accomplishments” ;).
In today's speech Biden will talk about Trump leading an insurrection on 1/6/2021. This is all Biden has as he has not accomplished anything positive to talk about.

So, you're complaining about Biden because he's using Trump's tactics against him?

I mean, I'd be worried that US politics is turning into kids fighting each other with verbal insults, but this is why people have been worried about Trump for a long time. Trump will force politics down to his level.
So, you're complaining about Biden because he's using Trump's tactics against him?

I mean, I'd be worried that US politics is turning into kids fighting each other with verbal insults, but this is why people have been worried about Trump for a long time. Trump will force politics down to his level.
Yeah I remember when Trump tried to keep Biden off the ballot, said nobody. Yeah I remember when Trump filed 91 political persecution charges against Biden, said nobody. Try again
Yeah I remember when Trump tried to keep Biden off the ballot, said nobody. Yeah I remember when Trump filed 91 political persecution charges against Biden, said nobody. Try again
Can you imagine the uproar the Dems and leftist media would have if republicans removed democrats from a presidential ballot.

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