Biden to Netanyahu: The US won’t support Israel.

Iran is on its way to replacing Russia as a leading arms exporter.

The latest reports regarding the sale of Iran’s Mohajer-6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

The economic profit Iran receives in this regard is clear. It is estimated that the cost of the popular Shahed-136 is $20,000-$40,000 for one unit. This fact, together with the reports that Iran sold more than two thousand drones to Russia alone,

No, it’s my own.

You know without a doubt where you stand when someone fears or hates you. There’s no subtlety or question about what they might do.

And they'll say "I came to bury Ceasar, not to praise him."
And they'll say "I came to bury Ceasar, not to praise him."
That’s fine. I would rather be killed by a mob in front of me than a coward behind me. Of course Caesar didn’t even get that minimal respect.

Which is why I don’t even trust those who are supposed to be my friends.
I learned the blackness of the human heart before I even got to kindergarten. Regardless of race, gender, religion, etc…
You must have had a very bitter childhood.

Having only friends who could prove themselves 100%, and everybody else the enemy.
You must have had a very bitter childhood.

Having only friends who could prove themselves 100%, and everybody else the enemy
I’ve never had many close friends. I found I rarely need them. I have books. I have my writing. I have my career. Even my relationship with my wife is far more mechanical and businesslike than most other people.,
Over 30,000 is so few deaths?

That's more than we lost in Vietnam under Johnson, or under Nixon.
There were over 880k Vietnamese that were killed…I don’t recall anyone saying LBJ was committing genocide
Yes, after 6 months, 30,000 dead (according to the terrorists) is few.
If it was genocide, or indiscriminate, it would be much, much higher.
That's more than the equivalent Japanese causalities in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
There were over 880k Vietnamese that were killed…I don’t recall anyone saying LBJ was committing genocide

And if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last.

The final question put before the Tribunal was: "Do the combination of crimes imputed to the Government of the United States in its war in Vietnam constitute the crime of genocide?" The Tribunal voted unanimously that "the United States Government [is] guilty of geno- cide against the people in Vietnam."

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