Biden to Netanyahu: The US won’t support Israel.

Are they wrong?

My father was a Vietnam veteran. His viewpoint was that in a conflict area, anyone who is not verifiably 100% on your side, must be assumed at all times to be the enemy; for security purposes. That makes perfect sense to me.
Yeah that worked so well in Vietnam. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
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Which is a war crime. Hamas is underground and Israel killed and destroyed everything above ground. Apparently this strategy is acceptable to many here who are unable to think for themselves.
I've said, this is the problem with urban warfare. It's very dangerous, which is why Israel IDF lost over 600 people. Add 3 more when they shot their own citizens, escaping from Hamas.
The problem is when you use that criteria, and take out the enemy
We will have to disagree on that. If you assist, hide, support, or even simply fail to report the activities of my enemy you have sufficiently signed your own death warrant so far as I’m concerned.

Ally or Enemy, there’s nothing inbetween
That mentality was never actually bought into by US military commanders. If it had there wouldn’t have been the restrictive ROEs and ridiculous belief in the capabilities of ARVN units.
Lol. Vietnam like all our wars was about enriching and empowering a select few. War is a racket. Learn it!!!
Exactly what? Iran is in no position to fight a war with Israel. The Sunni / Salafi Arab nations despise Shia Iran. Arabs are not going to put their necks on the line for Shia heretics.

Jordan assisted in downing Iranian drones. Lebanon will not allow "Hizzbollocks" to drag them onto another drubbing as they did in 2006.

Biden is simply a weak, vacillating old fool.
Exactly what? Iran is in no position to fight a war with Israel. The Sunni / Salafi Arab nations despise Shia Iran. Arabs are not going to put their necks on the line for Shia heretics.

Jordan assisted in downing Iranian drones. Lebanon will not allow "Hizzbollocks" to drag them onto another drubbing as they did in 2006.

Biden is simply a weak, vacillating old fool.
Exactly what our President did
War is a racket
War is REALITY. As much as we may dislike it, conflict and combat are a basic part of human nature. If we restrain those instincts too much, the result is far worse when they do end up being acted upon. Even more for males than women.
Exactly what our President did

What did the pretend-president do? He appeased the Mullahcrats by throwing money at them. He is weak and ineffective, so much so that his silly "don't" comment was met a day later by the Iranians committing an act of war.

The Mullocrats literally humiliated Biden on the world stage.
War is REALITY. As much as we may dislike it, conflict and combat are a basic part of human nature. If we restrain those instincts too much, the result is far worse when they do end up being acted upon. Even more for males than women.
No. This is exactly what the oligarchy wants you to believe. The people never want war. The elite love war. Stop believing the elite.
What did the pretend-president do? He appeased the Mullahcrats by throwing money at them. He is weak and ineffective, so much so that his silly "don't" comment was met a day later by the Iranians committing an act of war.

The Mullocrats literally humiliated Biden on the world stage.
We have attack them for years
No. This is exactly what the oligarchy wants you to believe. The people never want war. The elite love war. Stop believing the elite
LOL. I am fully on the side of the Elites and the Oligarchs. They provide me with work, income, and the basic needs of life. I’ve never seen a bum with a sign handing out money in the street corner.

War is necessary. It will always be until and unless there is a single culture that covers the entire world. I don’t see that happening any time soon.
Exactly what our President did
Everything they said would happen under Trump is happening under Biden. From prosecuting political opponents to criminalizing protesters, authoritarianism via lockdowns & mandated experimental medical treatments, a genocide of brown people in plain sight & now war with Iran & WW3

Anything they accuse Trump of doing is a confession of their own.

We are ruled by 100% corrupted enemies of the people and only a revolution can change how this ends. - Jimmy Dore
Exactly what? Iran is in no position to fight a war with Israel. The Sunni / Salafi Arab nations despise Shia Iran. Arabs are not going to put their necks on the line for Shia heretics.

Jordan assisted in downing Iranian drones. Lebanon will not allow "Hizzbollocks" to drag them onto another drubbing as they did in 2006.

Biden is simply a weak, vacillating old fool.
Low information voters upset about sanction waivers don’t know that Trump also gave Iran sanction waivers.

We will have to disagree on that. If you assist, hide, support, or even simply fail to report the activities of my enemy you have sufficiently signed your own death warrant so far as I’m concerned.

Ally or Enemy, there’s nothing inbetween
This is why Donald Rumsfeld questioned if we were creating terrorists faster than we could kill them.

Giver a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.
Kill his mother, father, sister, brother, and children, and you create an enemy for life.
That mentality was never actually bought into by US military commanders. If it had there wouldn’t have been the restrictive ROEs and ridiculous belief in the capabilities of ARVN units.
Had that mentality been implemented, a lot of American military would be in the Hague for war crimes.
Low information voters upset about sanction waivers don’t know that Trump also gave Iran sanction waivers.

The usual, "but... but... but what about Trump"

One can draw a direct connection between Biden's appeasement of the Mullocrats and their attack aimed at Israel.

"Don't" is hardly a tactic.

Low information posters can defend the humiliation of Biden.

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