Biden to Netanyahu: The US won’t support Israel.

Come on man, enough is enough....It is clear throughout my lifetime that the Muslims will never allow Israel to live in peace...How many more Jews must die? How many more Muslims must die? Don't you want to see an end to this cycle?
Absolutely, an end is much to be desired. This is not the pathway. It will not be obtained by one military operation, or perhaps any.
In fairness, in all that is going on in the world right now, there is no president who would publicly suggest otherwise.

This isn't a game. IDF have already lost over 600 good sons in Gaza. 600 families having to mourn their losses while the nation was still mourning the horrible terror attack and deaths from Oct 7th.

Bibi can disagree with the U.S and go into southern Gaza to eliminate Hamas, no one will fault them for that. If they attack Iran directly, now the rest of the M.E will start feeling uncomfortable. Their own safety and mortality uncertain. Bibi has to be more logical as much as he has rightful disdain for Iran. This is not the time, there is too much going on globally.

He already lost many of the hearts and minds of the Palestinians which will take a generation to recapture. He can't do the same to Iranian citizens.
S O S Same Old Shit The Romans murdered left and right for centuries and managed to blame it all on DA JOOOS and the Muslims murdered left and
right for millennia and counting and are managing to blame it all on
Da JOOOS (with the help of the sons and daughters of Rome)
We really don't know what Biden and Netanyahu said to each other except for an unidentified unverified and anonymous source that Axios claims to be a "senior official". This isn't politics, it's B.S.,
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That sword cuts both ways.

Israel killed Iran's Generals and bombed their embassy..which is Iranian soil.

Technically, Israel attacked Iran first.

You bomb a foreign embassy and kill high ranking Iranian citizens...ya gotta take you lumps.
Never heard Israel claim that Iran has no right to exist.
The killing of those aid workers illustrates how widespread and callous the attacks are.

If the people trying to feed those displaced people are being killed… so obviously are the people being fed
So was it genocide when biden dronedthose seven children and two adults delivering water? Then knowingly lying to us, saying they were terrorists?
S O S Same Old Shit The Romans murdered left and right for centuries and managed to blame it all on DA JOOOS and the Muslims murdered left and
right for millennia and counting and are managing to blame it all on
Da JOOOS (with the help of the sons and daughters of Rome)
Iran isn't a friend of Israel. Israel is at war with Hamas at the moment, there are still hostages held. If there aren't, this situation becomes far more complicated and Bibis position could be short lived. There are some who believe this is why he attacked the Iranian embassy. No Israeli citizens were killed, he can claim victory. This should be enough at this juncture.

Biden has said he won't support an attack on Iran. Israels security is threatened far more by the loss of U.S support than it is of Irans drones. This is the time for logical people to get Bibis ear and for the adults in both nations to control the room.
Once again he is siding with the terrorists. What a feckless President he is. Worst ever.

President Biden told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a call on Saturday that the U.S. won't support any Israeli counterattack against Iran, a senior White House official told Axios.
Why it matters: Biden and his senior advisers are highly concerned an Israeli response to Iran's attack on Israel would lead to a regional war with catastrophic consequences, U.S. officials said.

  • Iran launched attack drones and missiles against Israel on Saturday night local time in retaliation for an airstrike in Syria that killed a top Iranian general.
  • "More than 200 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were fired from Iran," IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said. Most of the threats were intercepted outside of Israeli airspace, he said.
  • A U.S. defense official earlier said U.S. forces in the region shot down Iranian-launched drones targeting Israel.
Behind the scenes: Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to the White House official.

  • "You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.
  • The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood.
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke on Saturday with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant and asked that Israel notify the U.S. ahead of any response against Iran, a senior Israeli official said
Biden is not siding with terrorists. He's trying to avoid a conflict across the entire M.E., Beavis.
So kill every man woman and child in Iran.

Which is genocide.
They rant death to America, anyway when have you loons ever cared about women and children. You celebrate the killing of children in the womb, and if they are lucky enough to survive. Y'all use them as sex toys. Now you are letting men take away everything from women.
Iran isn't a friend of Israel. Israel is at war with Hamas at the moment, there are still hostages held. If there aren't, this situation becomes far more complicated and Bibis position could be short lived. There are some who believe this is why he attacked the Iranian embassy. No Israeli citizens were killed, he can claim victory. This should be enough at this juncture.

Biden has said he won't support an attack on Iran. Israels security is threatened far more by the loss of U.S support than it is of Irans drones. This is the time for logical people to get Bibis ear and for the adults in both nations to control the room.
it's a case of-----NOT FAIR
Never heard Israel claim that Iran has no right to exist.
We need some logical constancy here.

My support for Israel's attack on Hamas is underpinned by Hamas's October 7th attack on Israel.

You can't allow those terrorists to have a win. Israel must make the reprisal for such an attack on their territory so unbelievably and terribly costly that no sane person would ever advocate for any kind of incursion ever again.

But...using that same logic...Iran must attack Israel for bombing their embassy and killing their citizens.

And the attack should not be proportional but instead message sending. "Don't fuck with us."

When you look at it that's hard to be too upset with Iran's long as it ends here.

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