Biden to tax away your guns

If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Dear God. You really are an imbecile.
When libs lose an argument count on them to hurl personal insults instead of reason

I proved my point with links. You denied the evidence. All that is left is insults. And I own guns. Idiot.

You confuse rules with laws. I explained the difference. You refused to acknowledge the facts. Now. Ignorant means you do not know. I am ignorant of many things. We all are. Stupid means you won’t or can’t learn. An individual who can learn, but won’t, is an idiot by definition.
Corporations cannot pass laws, dumb about being ignorant?

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

This can be appealed in would be like taxing books and magazines or newspapers to the point you invalidate the 1st Amendment...

Not really, since it is already done. Even Scalia admitted jurisdictions have the authority to tax guns. And that includes the federal government. It is actually a great idea, just make those "modern sporting rifles", that still cracks me up, like automatic weapons. Eliminating selling new by preventing their production, and then taxing the ones that are in private hands. Not really seeing a case here. You can still own your pistols, shotguns, and real rifles.

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?

Winston? Where'd you go? Since you're OK with taxing Constitutionally protected rights, so ...

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?​

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?​
Damn, you sick as fuck leftists still think guns are about sex, huh? Pervert

It wasn't Freud who said it, and I don't think it's ever been clear who really did say it, but we certainly see, often enough, proof of the truth in the saying that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity; don't we?

Pogo is certainly disturbed. When I go our shooting I sure am not thinking about sex like he does
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

To the militiamobile!
Its funny to you. Then we watch what happened in cities for several months and it is not that funny. When the Politicians turned away from taxpaying people living in their own governed areas. People rioting, politicians not doing a thing to defend their citizens and police neutered. The triple play of anarchy. And you continue the Prog agendas. Just a few nukes...a few nukes...

Don't feed that foreign troll. He literally posts the same statement verbatim in every gun thread, despite the fact that it's been repeatedly called out as unintelligible gibberish poorly translated from a foreign language.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
Wrong, dumb fuck.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
Wrong, dumb are a corporate entity and they accomplished that through the birth certificate fraud with your all caps name that was printed on bond paper. Corporations can only legally deal with other corporate entities. Ever heard of Colonel Edward Mandell House? aka "Phillip Dru"????? I seriously doubt it. I would also bet that you haven't the slightest clue on how to rectify your legal status either instead of being a de-facto employee of to be you.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

Ask the English how 'easy' it was to tax 'tea' and how that worked out for them.....

I find it so comical when people allude to the Boston Tea Party. Especially those on the right. The whole Tea Party movement, it was really ironic, I mean almost want to believe the powers that be did it on purpose just to be funny. And nothing else illustrates the way that the real "Deep State", or whatever you want to call it, manipulates the Trump supporters. But of course they were quite successful before Trump. But to call it a tea-party movement, in light of it's almost worshipfulness of corporate America, is the opposite of what the Boston Tea Party was all about.

Nope, the common view of the Boston Tea Party was that the colonists were against taxation without representation, that they, instead of paying the tax on the tea, dumped it in the harbor as a protest against that taxation. I mean, to be honest, it is hard to get further away from the truth.

The colonists dumped that tea in the harbor, not because of paying a tax, but because someone wasn't paying a tax. Matter of fact, Benjamin Franklin made sure every dime of the tax on that tea was paid. The colonists dumped the tea in the harbor because the East India Tea Company did not have to pay tax on their tea. Damn near all the members of the House of Lords owned stock in the East India Tea Company. And they had a warehouse full of some shitty ass, quickly rotting, India Tea. They excepted the East India Tea Company from paying the tax, the very tax the colonists called the "Tea Tax".

So here is the deal. The colonists could drink some cheap ass, terrible tea. Or pay the tax and drink some real damn tea that had not been sitting in a warehouse for a year or so. That shit pissed them off. Bad, and the Southerners had plenty of sugar to go with that tea, but that wasn't enough to cover up just how bad it was. Everyone was pissed. Sure, at the stockholding Lords, but more at the asshat company, seeking special privileges from a government that was bought and paid for.

See that tea at Boston, it was East India Tea, no tax. And the governor of Boston, well he was in on the deal as well. He had stock in the East India Tea Company too. See, what happened is the colonists refused the shipment. Said, nope, we don't want your shitty tea. And the governor, well he got pissed. He told them they would take that tea or be subject to cannon fire from the British Navy sitting in the harbor. So they threw the shitty tea in the harbor. And again, paid taxes on the tea that was not subject to taxes. Deyamm.

That is the history they don't teach you in elementary school. And if you want to start teaching history the way it really was, that is the tale you are going to have to deliver concerning the Boston Tea Party, in the first grade. Because here is the thing, it ain't good to be lied to, it ain't good to be mislead. And my story of the Boston Tea Party is exactly how it went down. From the literature, the press, and the testament of the time.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
Wrong, dumb fuck.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
If I was you, I would worry far more about the rule making ability of the ATF. Remember Bump Stocks were legal. Until they weren’t. No new legislation. No laws Were passed banning them. The ATF just decided that the rule changed. That’s the law now.
You obviously do not remember your argument in post #81 poo pooing the fear that a president biden - God forbid - would take away gun rights.

”Question. How does Biden do any of this without new legislation?”
Insist on faithful execution of the laws.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We don't have laws under this corporate construct but rather acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and what is known as "public policy" because we haven't been under "Common Law" since 1861. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services in a "for profit" venture via the act of 1871 and has been in a proverbial state of bankruptcy since the Act of 1871. we don't have rights per se but instead we have "privileges" as if we were children. The IMF took USA.INC into receivership in 1950. The IRS is simply the collection agency of the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Your labor was pledged as surety against their debts when USA.INC declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the people were forced to turn in their real money (gold) in exchange for notes of debt that we call Federal Reserve notes. The dollar is actually a unit of measurement as in so many grains of gold and or silver make up a dollar. Go into any court with a gold fringed flag and attempt to invoke the constitution and you will get fined for doing so with a 'contempt of court' charge.

My right to exist on this planet and defend myself doesn't hinge on the whims of those that believe that they have the right to rule others.
Sorry, I am a federalist and subscribe to our federal doctrine as a result. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.

This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You can claim to be one thing on one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. FDR changed a few lines in the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917" and made all of us "enemy combatants" as in we became a conquered people. When USA.INC went " belly up" in March of 1933 and the international bankers got the real species of money that has an intrinsic value, FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt. That is how the "New Deal" was an extension of credit when the foreign owned Federal Reserve stopped being a lender of last resort but the actual owner of USA.INC that has been in a perpetual state of bankruptcy since 1933. This bankrupted entity has been passed around like am crack whore ever since moving back and forth between the dummy banking corporations ever since. Why is it that the world is in debt to the tune of 262 trillion "dollars"? The real question that is never asked is to whom is this owed too?

When a country's monetary system is controlled by the system of a fiat currency with interest attached to every lira, dollar, ruble, etc, etc that is borrowed into existence, how can the debt ever be repaid? How do you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? The answer is obvious so the only way to pay interest on an un-repayable debt is to expand the monetary system exponentially to service them debt on "money' created by an extension of credit backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. I don't give a shit as to what you claim to be, the fact is that you are an indentured debt slave with an ever declining value.
Our legislators are merely slacking.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Look up the definition of "persons" in Black's Law Edition and let me know what you find. You are in over your head.
I looked it up. Here is what it means:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

A well regulated militia being Necessary not Optional to the security of our free States.
Dumb fuck, "persons" according to Black's Law dictionary denotes "corporate entity" or a subset thereof.........keep on stepping in it, dumb ass. I have been kicking your ass around for years.
i don't believe you. post your link.
Now, feel free to go fuck yourself, dipshit.....

lol. Proof right wingers don't care about true witness bearing nor the morals required for it. That definition supports my contention not yours.
Wrong, dumb are a corporate entity and they accomplished that through the birth certificate fraud with your all caps name that was printed on bond paper. Corporations can only legally deal with other corporate entities. Ever heard of Colonel Edward Mandell House? aka "Phillip Dru"????? I seriously doubt it. I would also bet that you haven't the slightest clue on how to rectify your legal status either instead of being a de-facto employee of to be you.

lol. Hoax is all you have. Is it Any wonder nobody takes right wingers like You seriously at all.

A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes.--,1%20Bouv.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

This can be appealed in would be like taxing books and magazines or newspapers to the point you invalidate the 1st Amendment...

Not really, since it is already done. Even Scalia admitted jurisdictions have the authority to tax guns. And that includes the federal government. It is actually a great idea, just make those "modern sporting rifles", that still cracks me up, like automatic weapons. Eliminating selling new by preventing their production, and then taxing the ones that are in private hands. Not really seeing a case here. You can still own your pistols, shotguns, and real rifles.

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?

Winston? Where'd you go? Since you're OK with taxing Constitutionally protected rights, so ...

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?​

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?​

I don't know what is so hard to understand. You do not, I repeat, DO NOT, have a constitutional guaranteed right to own a modern sporting rifle. Now, when the second amendment was a collective right based on the arming of a militia, you could make the argument that you did have a constitutional right to modern sporting rifles. A really good argument. But that ship sailed away with the judicial activism, and creationism, of Heller. Now the second amendment is an individual right based on self-protection. Do you need a modern sporting rifle for self-protection. Why no, no you don't. Not only can we tax modern sporting rifles, we can ban their production for private use, we can even ban owning them. Because that ban would not significantly "infringe" upon someone's ability to have another type of gun for self-defense.

So fifty, maybe sixty years from now, you won't be able to own much more than a taser and some pepper spray. Hunting will die off, like it almost has. I mean there is more small game roaming around in the woods than there was when the colonists got here. Squirrels, Raccoons, Rabbits--hell, if it weren't for the cats the rabbits would have already taken us over. I mean how many people do you know that run a pack of beagles for rabbit hunting? Not near as many that have that beagle to primp and prune for the Westminister Dog Show. Poor fellas.

I guess what I am saying is that you gun nuts overplayed your hand. When the second amendment was a collective right, well when the Stormtroopers got them some laser fueled disrupters, well you could get one too. Now, tough shit. Some of us in this country warned you guys. We killed our NRA memberships and joined other outfits, like the Sportsman's Alliance. The NRA became nothing more than a Ponzi scam lobbying for the gun manufacturers. They don't give two shits if you lose your collective right to participate in a militia, they pursue the mighty dollar. When modern sporting rifles are outlawed they will just sell you tasers.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

This can be appealed in would be like taxing books and magazines or newspapers to the point you invalidate the 1st Amendment...

Not really, since it is already done. Even Scalia admitted jurisdictions have the authority to tax guns. And that includes the federal government. It is actually a great idea, just make those "modern sporting rifles", that still cracks me up, like automatic weapons. Eliminating selling new by preventing their production, and then taxing the ones that are in private hands. Not really seeing a case here. You can still own your pistols, shotguns, and real rifles.

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?

Winston? Where'd you go? Since you're OK with taxing Constitutionally protected rights, so ...

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?​

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?​

I don't know what is so hard to understand. You do not, I repeat, DO NOT, have a constitutional guaranteed right to own a modern sporting rifle. Now, when the second amendment was a collective right based on the arming of a militia, you could make the argument that you did have a constitutional right to modern sporting rifles. A really good argument. But that ship sailed away with the judicial activism, and creationism, of Heller. Now the second amendment is an individual right based on self-protection. Do you need a modern sporting rifle for self-protection. Why no, no you don't. Not only can we tax modern sporting rifles, we can ban their production for private use, we can even ban owning them. Because that ban would not significantly "infringe" upon someone's ability to have another type of gun for self-defense.

So fifty, maybe sixty years from now, you won't be able to own much more than a taser and some pepper spray. Hunting will die off, like it almost has. I mean there is more small game roaming around in the woods than there was when the colonists got here. Squirrels, Raccoons, Rabbits--hell, if it weren't for the cats the rabbits would have already taken us over. I mean how many people do you know that run a pack of beagles for rabbit hunting? Not near as many that have that beagle to primp and prune for the Westminister Dog Show. Poor fellas.

I guess what I am saying is that you gun nuts overplayed your hand. When the second amendment was a collective right, well when the Stormtroopers got them some laser fueled disrupters, well you could get one too. Now, tough shit. Some of us in this country warned you guys. We killed our NRA memberships and joined other outfits, like the Sportsman's Alliance. The NRA became nothing more than a Ponzi scam lobbying for the gun manufacturers. They don't give two shits if you lose your collective right to participate in a militia, they pursue the mighty dollar. When modern sporting rifles are outlawed they will just sell you tasers.

Heller did not eradicate the Militia argument. It was in addition to. Not in lieu of. In fact. Now challenges to many of the gun laws, including the ATF requirement for serial numbers on Lower Receivers of your hated AR platform have been challenged and most of the challenges have been successful.

Heller and other decisions have shown that the Second does not just come into play when the Enemy is marching over the hill. It is always in play, and always in force.

I reckon it is far easier than flat out banning them.

This can be appealed in would be like taxing books and magazines or newspapers to the point you invalidate the 1st Amendment...

Not really, since it is already done. Even Scalia admitted jurisdictions have the authority to tax guns. And that includes the federal government. It is actually a great idea, just make those "modern sporting rifles", that still cracks me up, like automatic weapons. Eliminating selling new by preventing their production, and then taxing the ones that are in private hands. Not really seeing a case here. You can still own your pistols, shotguns, and real rifles.

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?

Winston? Where'd you go? Since you're OK with taxing Constitutionally protected rights, so ...

Cool. So you'd be behind that taxing free speech and the press as well as going to church are all perfectly valid as well?​

What about protection from illegal search and seizure only being available to people who pay their tax for it?​

I don't know what is so hard to understand. You do not, I repeat, DO NOT, have a constitutional guaranteed right to own a modern sporting rifle. Now, when the second amendment was a collective right based on the arming of a militia, you could make the argument that you did have a constitutional right to modern sporting rifles. A really good argument. But that ship sailed away with the judicial activism, and creationism, of Heller. Now the second amendment is an individual right based on self-protection. Do you need a modern sporting rifle for self-protection. Why no, no you don't. Not only can we tax modern sporting rifles, we can ban their production for private use, we can even ban owning them. Because that ban would not significantly "infringe" upon someone's ability to have another type of gun for self-defense.

So fifty, maybe sixty years from now, you won't be able to own much more than a taser and some pepper spray. Hunting will die off, like it almost has. I mean there is more small game roaming around in the woods than there was when the colonists got here. Squirrels, Raccoons, Rabbits--hell, if it weren't for the cats the rabbits would have already taken us over. I mean how many people do you know that run a pack of beagles for rabbit hunting? Not near as many that have that beagle to primp and prune for the Westminister Dog Show. Poor fellas.

I guess what I am saying is that you gun nuts overplayed your hand. When the second amendment was a collective right, well when the Stormtroopers got them some laser fueled disrupters, well you could get one too. Now, tough shit. Some of us in this country warned you guys. We killed our NRA memberships and joined other outfits, like the Sportsman's Alliance. The NRA became nothing more than a Ponzi scam lobbying for the gun manufacturers. They don't give two shits if you lose your collective right to participate in a militia, they pursue the mighty dollar. When modern sporting rifles are outlawed they will just sell you tasers.

Winston: You see kaz, when the Constitution said the right to keep and bear arms shall be infringed, it was merely a suggestion, not really a protected right. The founding fathers were telling the government they need to decide what the right means. Not like freedom of the press, which is actually a right. See how that works?

Yes, Winston, I see how that works. You're full of shit. If government can decide what right you have, then it's not really a right, is it? The Constitution protects our rights FROM GOVERNMENT.

If you want limits, do it Constitutionally. 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. 5/9 is not in the Constitution
State legislators are not doing their job.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

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