Biden to undo sanctions on Iran, world’s leading financier of terrorism

What happens when you elect a feeble, senile gentleman who spent his life as a chameleon, and as Obama's lapdog, a position he still fills.

The Trump sanctions have had a tremendous impact on Iran, tanking their economy, currency, oil exports and increasing the cost of living inside the country. This is absolutely something the Biden administration should continue, but of course they want to reinstate the phony Iran nuclear deal and repeal all sanctions that Trump has since imposed.

Which will just makes the world’s largest state sponsor of terror much richer. How is that even close to a good idea? It’s utterly irresponsible, but that’s what Teleprompter Joe is best known for these days…

Man, some people just won’t stop until we are fighting a war with Iran. Give it up.
Iran will fight a war with Russia and Turkey as their allies, and all three will invade Israel from Syria. Teleprompter Joe will probably cause this war on his watch or allow it to occur.

Ezekiel 38 war.

Bull......... That's more Scofield crap.
Iran isn't going to bomb anyone regardless of what Netanyahu has been saying for 25 years.
Forgive me if I refuse to take your word for that

the irans are deadly serious about destroying Israel

as well as their 1000 year feud with the Sunni arabs who they hate almost as much as the Jews

Iran will NEVER bomb Israel... Bibi uses that "existential threat".
Ayatollah loves the Jews!

About 40 years ago there were still about 200,000 Jews in Iran. They'd been there some 2,000 years.
Scofield was a convicted felon
Thats a damn lie.
But it is yrue y
Just another reason why Iran undermined the 2020 election for Xiden.
Iran, China, and Russia and The DemNazi Party all worked together not just to undermine the 2020 election but they tried to steal it for Hillary Clinton in 2016 too.
Ironically everything godless libs do inadvertently leads to the Last Days

The last days were in 70 AD.. with the destruction of the Temple and Temple Judaism.
Wrong. The Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation states that there is a 7 year period called Jacob's Trouble in Daniel, and The Tribulation in The Book of Revelation that is the last 7 years of prophecy that need to be fulfilled before Messiah, God the Son of God, Yeshua-Jesus is to come back and crush all Evil, restore the Earth, throw all the unbelievers, AntiChrist, and False Prophet in Hell, and begin His Kingdom.

Those only 483 years of those prophecies were fulfilled. The Prophecies were put on pause when Christ left Heaven and His throne and volunteered to be crucified for mankind's sins, and then the Church Age began and is still going on, but is about to come to an end along with The Time of The Gentiles simultaneously.

Gentile Power and influence will wane, just like Joe Biden is doing with America (weakening it) and then all eyes will turn to The Middle East and Israel.

When the Church Age and Time of The Gentiles Ends with The Rapture, the Prophecy Clock for the last 7 years begins, and then we are talking Hell on Earth for you heathens during The Reign of The Son of Satan, The Son of Perdition, The AntiChrist.

It is this AntiChrist and False Prophet all those who reject The Son of God Jesus, will worship and damn their souls forever during that time, and many will take his mark. The Mark of the Beast.

The AntiChrist is called the Mufti in Islam. Allah is Satan: From The Quran "Who can deceive like Allah"

God does not lie. Satan was a liar from the beginning. Don't you have a meteor to worship in Mecca?

The Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is only for 7 years. The reason that it is so short is because if it were allowed to continue longer all life on Earth would become extinct.

70% if Earth's population is wiped out in 7 years due to the 21 Curses that occur during that time. Most likely, you will be there to endure that, and then be cast to Hell as you and many like you reject the gift of salvation won for you and paid for you by Yeshua, Messiah, The Christ, known in The Greek as Jesus Christ.

Fuck your fucking non-existent magic sky man.

Fuck his son.

Fucking sky man is figment of your weak minded lack of thinking.

Fuck god.

Mother fuck god.
Me thinks you dost protest too much

raging at God won't solve your problem

Samuel Untermyer is the guy who declared war on all things German in 1933 from Madison Square Garden. He hired Scofield and paid to have the Bible published.
Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible ...

Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible:A Lesson for NNIV Bible Fantasies. Wikipedia: Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures.

Cyrus I. Scofield -- A "Christian" Disgrace!
He was one of the most famous ministers of the turn of the century in the USA -- Cyrus I. Scofield. We will see how he defrauded his mother-in-law out her life savings and how he was convicted of forgery. In another case, he was sent off to prison. You will learn how he openly carried on with other women, and abandoned his wife and family.
Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible ...

Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible:A Lesson for NNIV Bible Fantasies. Wikipedia: Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures.

Cyrus I. Scofield -- A "Christian" Disgrace!
He was one of the most famous ministers of the turn of the century in the USA -- Cyrus I. Scofield. We will see how he defrauded his mother-in-law out her life savings and how he was convicted of forgery. In another case, he was sent off to prison. You will learn how he openly carried on with other women, and abandoned his wife and family.
Samuel Untermyer is the guy who declared war on all things German in 1933 from Madison Square Garden. He hired Scofield and paid to have the Bible published.
I can't tell what your point is now

C.I. Schofield died in 1921

Next is The Mark of The Beast
Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible ...

Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible:A Lesson for NNIV Bible Fantasies. Wikipedia: Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures.

Cyrus I. Scofield -- A "Christian" Disgrace!
He was one of the most famous ministers of the turn of the century in the USA -- Cyrus I. Scofield. We will see how he defrauded his mother-in-law out her life savings and how he was convicted of forgery. In another case, he was sent off to prison. You will learn how he openly carried on with other women, and abandoned his wife and family.
Paul persecuted and murdered Christians before his encounter with the resurrected Yeshua. This is why you heathens do not understand the concept of Salvation, Restoration and Forgiveness.

Legalistic False Religion does not save, it condemns, and since all men are sinners, all men are condemned to Hell. The only way out is through Yeshua, The Messiah, The Sacrificial Lamb of God who paid the penalty for Sin through His Perfect Voluntary Sacrifice. He was fully God, and Fully Man, and His human Lineage goes all the way through David, Abraham & Adam.

As the 2nd Adam He was able to Right pay for the sins of the 1st Adam, and put in motion The Redemption and eventual Restoration of us all, and He will come again as was foretold. On that day you are either fully with Him or against Him. His Wrath will be justified because He is fully Holy and fully loving. No other god, or false religion has ever shown that God was willing to sacrifice Himself for man.

All other false religions and false gods ask man to sacrifice themselves for their false gods. This is works righteousness or self righteousness thinking you can earn your way to paradise, when sinners can never enter in to paradise unless the righteousness of Yeshua - Messiah covers them and transforms them in to the righteousness of Christ.

If Christ does not know you, then you will be separated on Judgment Day from The Righteous and thrown in to the Eternal Lake of Fire which was meant for Lucifer-Satan-Allah and the angels who rebelled with him and the men who foolishly follow The Father or Lies.

May you come to your senses before you come to your bitter eternal end.
Didn't Trump rip up the Iran nuclear deal, allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons? Brilliant. LOL
Sorry, but The Iran Nuclear Deal was a damnable lie, and was nothing but cover created by Obama Bin Lying to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Obama Bin Spying even helped Iran pay for centrifuges, nuclear materials and Russian Scientists, when he broke international law, and American treaties by flying pallets of Billions of Dollars in to Iran without the consent of Congress.

Obama Bin Lying should not only have been impeached for that, he should have been tried for treason.

President Trump placed sanctions on Iran, to cripple their ability to afford to further develop nuclear weapons which they have stated they want to use in the Middle East to start WWIII.

Now you have the Faux Xiden Administration helping China and Iran work together to destroy Israel with Nukes. The purpose of any deal created by The Satanic Obiden-Obama Administration is not to slow Iran down from creating Nukes, but to give them the very cover and appearance of legitimacy they need to do that very thing.

This was the goal of the first corrupt deal they made with The Satanic State of Iran.

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