Biden Uses Juneteenth to Push His Federal Takeover of Elections and the Suburbs

No matter how you slice it, this is grotesque patronization of Negroes.

Depending on your preferences, slavery either ended in January1863 with the signing of the Proclamation, or when the 13th Amendment was ratified. Juneteenth is nothing more than the day when some "enslaved persons" in Texas found out about the Emancipation Proclamation. No doubt it made them happy, but its relevance to anyone living today is non-existent.
Sounds like some Shitty Texas slave owners refused to accept they were on the wrong side of history. The right has been making the same mistake over and over and over again acting like they have lost something if a black man gets the same thing they have.
Those Democrats didn't want to give up their "property". Today if a Black person doesn't toe the Democratic party line you tards loose your shit.
The only people I see losing their shit is the right.
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

Wow, you’re really confused about this aren’t you?! That’s just sad
Joe Biden is the one who confused me.

He said slavery continues to take a toll on the US....

There is no one who is a slave right now.
There is no one who used to be a slave.
There are no parents who used to be slaves.
There are no grandparents who used to be slaves.

The truth is the only slaves in America right now are the illegals brought here by Cartels, facilitated by the Biden administration, as trafficked humans and children, part of the sex trafficking industry.

By signing into Existence a Holiday that celebrates the EBD of slavery, Ravine Joe is declaring slavery in Anerica iss over - does not exist, was over LONG ago.

The only ones still plagued by slavery today are the ones who spend much time trying yo figure out how to make money from something that ended over 100 years ago, like demanding free money for nothing that affects them called 'reparations'.
Well I’m sorry you’re so confused. It’s gonna be a long 3.5 years for you
The blacks turned the King Day into a Party Day, what will they do with the Juneteenth Day?
What kind of day do you think it should be?
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

This ought to make it awkward in red states that refuse to teach critical race theory. Celebrating a holiday marking the end of something they refuse to teach about.
Critical Race Throry is Marxist theology Sovialist Democrats snuck into school to indoctrinate our kids into hating their country and each other.

BTW, slavery ended over 100 years ago.

You don't know any slaves.
You don't know anyone whose parents or grandparents or great grandparents were slaves, so hive that BS a rest.
Slavery never existed in the good old U.S of A children so don't believe what those mean old liberals tell you...(chuckle)

Again. Who the hell is saying there was never slavery? Liberals are making that whole argument up. teaching history is not the problem, its the method and the intentions that are the problem.
teaching that white people are inherently racist... is not teaching history. it's teaching an Ideology... and the mean old Liberals can stuff that far up their ass.

This ought to make it awkward in red states that refuse to teach critical race theory. Celebrating a holiday marking the end of something they refuse to teach about.

What states don't teach about slavery? CRT is crap.

FFS that is all people want to talk about now and it was ended in fire in 1865.

The American Marxists keep picking at scabs to destroy America.
Critical Race Throry is Marxist theology Sovialist Democrats snuck into school to indoctrinate our kids into hating their country and each other.

BTW, slavery ended over 100 years ago.

You don't know any slaves.
You don't know anyone whose parents or grandparents or great grandparents were slaves, so give that BS a rest.

Well, our current VPOTUS comes from a slave-owning family, albeit a few generations removed. Maybe the left wants to talk about Kamala?
To destroy is the goal of the Democrats.

And you lefties, this includes your neighborhoods. Think about it for once in your life.

Also, Democrats think the voter rolls should never be purged (even though it is in federal law that they may be purged)

On Thursday, President Joe Biden signed a law proclaiming Juneteenth, June 19, a federal holiday, commemorating the freeing of the very last slaves in the United States in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. Yet the president used Juneteenth as an excuse to push his radical agenda, including his federal takeover of elections and housing. He demonized Republican voter integrity laws and hailed a federal program that will pull zoning decisions away from city councils.
“The truth is, it’s simply not enough to just commemorate Juneteenth. After all, emancipation of enslaved black Americans didn’t mark the end of America’s work to deliver on the promise of equality,” Biden said. “To honor the true meaning of Juneteenth, we have to continue toward that promise. We’ve not gotten there yet.”
The president said his administration is “committed to doing just that. That’s why we’ve launched an aggressive effort to combat racial discrimination in housing.”
Combatting racial discrimination in housing is a noble goal, but Biden was referring to a revamped version of the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH), a rule that started removing zoning from the purview of state and local governments. The Trump administration eliminated the rule, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Biden has already proposed two new rules. Part of Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan explicitly pushes for apartment buildings in neighborhoods that are currently restricted to single-family homes.
During the 2020 campaign, Biden promised to go much further than AFFH. He embraced Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-N.J.) strategy for ending single-family zoning in the suburbs and creating “little downtowns” there. Biden justifies his assault on local zoning control by claiming that current zoning laws that favor single-family homes disproportionately hurt low-income people who can’t afford to move to the suburbs. Yet this policy would take away Americans’ abilities to shape their own neighborhoods.
Biden’s pledge to increase black homeownership may be noble, but Donald Trump was right to warn that Biden’s policies represent a threat to the suburbs.
In terms of pushing racial equity on Juneteenth, the president also touted his administration’s goal to give black entrepreneurs more access to capital (a noble goal but a policy that singles people out based on the color of their skin) and his desire to “give each and every child, three and four years of age, not daycare but school.” Yet without vital measures to improve schools like school choice, decreasing the age of first entry may not make much of a positive difference.
Biden also called for more funding for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) ... (NB Trump already did this)
Yet Biden saved his most controversial talking point for last.
He said America’s promise of racial equality is “not going to be fulfilled so long as the sacred right to vote remains under attack.”
“We see this assault from restrictive laws, threats of intimidation, voter purges, and more, an assault that offends our very democracy,” Biden insisted. “We can’t rest until the promise of equality is fulfilled for every one of us. … That, to me, is the meaning of Juneteenth.”
Biden’s remarks on the right to vote echoed his previous attack on Georgia’s election integrity law. He condemned the law as not just racist but “Jim Crow on Steroids.” Yet Georgia’s new law merely restored some election integrity protections that had been cast aside for the pandemic in 2020. The Washington Post gave Biden four Pinocchios for repeatedly claiming that the Georgia law “ends voting hours early.” In fact, the bill extended voting hours. The election laws in Biden’s home state of Delaware are far more restrictive.
Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) eviscerated this line of attack in April.
“As someone who has actually experienced Jim Crow laws, I would like to set the record straight on the myths regarding the recently-passed Georgia state law, and why any comparison between this law and Jim Crow is absolutely outrageous,” Owens declared.

They will start building massive ghetto housing projects right in your nice suburb
Plan on hearing super loud rap music from 11pm to 6 am everyday and having your house broken into every 6 weeks
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

Wow, you’re really confused about this aren’t you?! That’s just sad
Joe Biden is the one who confused me.

He said slavery continues to take a toll on the US....

There is no one who is a slave right now.
There is no one who used to be a slave.
There are no parents who used to be slaves.
There are no grandparents who used to be slaves.

The truth is the only slaves in America right now are the illegals brought here by Cartels, facilitated by the Biden administration, as trafficked humans and children, part of the sex trafficking industry.

By signing into Existence a Holiday that celebrates the EBD of slavery, Ravine Joe is declaring slavery in Anerica iss over - does not exist, was over LONG ago.

The only ones still plagued by slavery today are the ones who spend much time trying yo figure out how to make money from something that ended over 100 years ago, like demanding free money for nothing that affects them called 'reparations'.
Well I’m sorry you’re so confused. It’s gonna be a long 3.5 years for you
The blacks turned the King Day into a Party Day, what will they do with the Juneteenth Day?
What kind of day do you think it should be?
National 'Shoot a cop, loot a store, burn federal agents alive in a federal building' day?
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

This ought to make it awkward in red states that refuse to teach critical race theory. Celebrating a holiday marking the end of something they refuse to teach about.
Critical Race Throry is Marxist theology Sovialist Democrats snuck into school to indoctrinate our kids into hating their country and each other.

BTW, slavery ended over 100 years ago.

You don't know any slaves.
You don't know anyone whose parents or grandparents or great grandparents were slaves, so hive that BS a rest.
Slavery never existed in the good old U.S of A children so don't believe what those mean old liberals tell you...(chuckle)

Again. Who the hell is saying there was never slavery? Liberals are making that whole argument up. teaching history is not the problem, its the method and the intentions that are the problem.
teaching that white people are inherently racist... is not teaching history. it's teaching an Ideology... and the mean old Liberals can stuff that far up their ass.
Giving other people's money for something they were never involved in or affected by is not teaching history.

Demanding reparations for something that's been over gor over 10p years is attempting to get free money never earned. It's a scam.

Life sucks.shit happens. Get over it, live in the NOW, stop using what happened over 100 years ago as a crutch / excuse.

Also, STFU about what WHITES are doing to you while Black on Black crime / murder and abortions take more black lives today than white on black crime.

Whites aren't shooting / killing an average dozen black men, women, and children every weekend in Chixago....but listening to BLM, tge fake news media, and snowflakes it has to be racist, white supremacists to blame...but it is nothing reparations can't solve, right?!
The entire Juneteenth crap is laughable.... much like that Kwanza be
It is the day all slaves in this country were finally freed. Why is that laughable? Is Independence Day laughable?
To destroy is the goal of the Democrats.

And you lefties, this includes your neighborhoods. Think about it for once in your life.

Also, Democrats think the voter rolls should never be purged (even though it is in federal law that they may be purged)

On Thursday, President Joe Biden signed a law proclaiming Juneteenth, June 19, a federal holiday, commemorating the freeing of the very last slaves in the United States in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. Yet the president used Juneteenth as an excuse to push his radical agenda, including his federal takeover of elections and housing. He demonized Republican voter integrity laws and hailed a federal program that will pull zoning decisions away from city councils.
“The truth is, it’s simply not enough to just commemorate Juneteenth. After all, emancipation of enslaved black Americans didn’t mark the end of America’s work to deliver on the promise of equality,” Biden said. “To honor the true meaning of Juneteenth, we have to continue toward that promise. We’ve not gotten there yet.”
The president said his administration is “committed to doing just that. That’s why we’ve launched an aggressive effort to combat racial discrimination in housing.”
Combatting racial discrimination in housing is a noble goal, but Biden was referring to a revamped version of the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH), a rule that started removing zoning from the purview of state and local governments. The Trump administration eliminated the rule, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Biden has already proposed two new rules. Part of Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan explicitly pushes for apartment buildings in neighborhoods that are currently restricted to single-family homes.
During the 2020 campaign, Biden promised to go much further than AFFH. He embraced Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-N.J.) strategy for ending single-family zoning in the suburbs and creating “little downtowns” there. Biden justifies his assault on local zoning control by claiming that current zoning laws that favor single-family homes disproportionately hurt low-income people who can’t afford to move to the suburbs. Yet this policy would take away Americans’ abilities to shape their own neighborhoods.
Biden’s pledge to increase black homeownership may be noble, but Donald Trump was right to warn that Biden’s policies represent a threat to the suburbs.
In terms of pushing racial equity on Juneteenth, the president also touted his administration’s goal to give black entrepreneurs more access to capital (a noble goal but a policy that singles people out based on the color of their skin) and his desire to “give each and every child, three and four years of age, not daycare but school.” Yet without vital measures to improve schools like school choice, decreasing the age of first entry may not make much of a positive difference.
Biden also called for more funding for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) ... (NB Trump already did this)
Yet Biden saved his most controversial talking point for last.
He said America’s promise of racial equality is “not going to be fulfilled so long as the sacred right to vote remains under attack.”
“We see this assault from restrictive laws, threats of intimidation, voter purges, and more, an assault that offends our very democracy,” Biden insisted. “We can’t rest until the promise of equality is fulfilled for every one of us. … That, to me, is the meaning of Juneteenth.”
Biden’s remarks on the right to vote echoed his previous attack on Georgia’s election integrity law. He condemned the law as not just racist but “Jim Crow on Steroids.” Yet Georgia’s new law merely restored some election integrity protections that had been cast aside for the pandemic in 2020. The Washington Post gave Biden four Pinocchios for repeatedly claiming that the Georgia law “ends voting hours early.” In fact, the bill extended voting hours. The election laws in Biden’s home state of Delaware are far more restrictive.
Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) eviscerated this line of attack in April.
“As someone who has actually experienced Jim Crow laws, I would like to set the record straight on the myths regarding the recently-passed Georgia state law, and why any comparison between this law and Jim Crow is absolutely outrageous,” Owens declared.

Why is increased black home ownership a threat to the suburbs?
They will start building massive ghetto housing projects right in your nice suburb
Plan on hearing super loud rap music from 11pm to 6 am everyday and having your house broken into every 6 weeks

That is the plan.
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

Wow, you’re really confused about this aren’t you?! That’s just sad
Joe Biden is the one who confused me.

He said slavery continues to take a toll on the US....

There is no one who is a slave right now.
There is no one who used to be a slave.
There are no parents who used to be slaves.
There are no grandparents who used to be slaves.

The truth is the only slaves in America right now are the illegals brought here by Cartels, facilitated by the Biden administration, as trafficked humans and children, part of the sex trafficking industry.

By signing into Existence a Holiday that celebrates the EBD of slavery, Ravine Joe is declaring slavery in Anerica iss over - does not exist, was over LONG ago.

The only ones still plagued by slavery today are the ones who spend much time trying yo figure out how to make money from something that ended over 100 years ago, like demanding free money for nothing that affects them called 'reparations'.
Well I’m sorry you’re so confused. It’s gonna be a long 3.5 years for you
The blacks turned the King Day into a Party Day, what will they do with the Juneteenth Day?
What kind of day do you think it should be?
National 'Shoot a cop, loot a store, burn federal agents alive in a federal building' day?
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

This ought to make it awkward in red states that refuse to teach critical race theory. Celebrating a holiday marking the end of something they refuse to teach about.
Critical Race Throry is Marxist theology Sovialist Democrats snuck into school to indoctrinate our kids into hating their country and each other.

BTW, slavery ended over 100 years ago.

You don't know any slaves.
You don't know anyone whose parents or grandparents or great grandparents were slaves, so hive that BS a rest.
Slavery never existed in the good old U.S of A children so don't believe what those mean old liberals tell you...(chuckle)

Again. Who the hell is saying there was never slavery? Liberals are making that whole argument up. teaching history is not the problem, its the method and the intentions that are the problem.
teaching that white people are inherently racist... is not teaching history. it's teaching an Ideology... and the mean old Liberals can stuff that far up their ass.
Giving other people's money for something they were never involved in or affected by is not teaching history.

Demanding reparations for something that's been over gor over 10p years is attempting to get free money never earned. It's a scam.

Life sucks.shit happens. Get over it, live in the NOW, stop using what happened over 100 years ago as a crutch / excuse.

Also, STFU about what WHITES are doing to you while Black on Black crime / murder and abortions take more black lives today than white on black crime.

Whites aren't shooting / killing an average dozen black men, women, and children every weekend in Chixago....but listening to BLM, tge fake news media, and snowflakes it has to be racist, white supremacists to blame...but it is nothing reparations can't solve, right?!
Yeah no racism issues in this country…. Riiiiigggghhhhhttttt.
The day we will symbolically celebrate the republicans taking the slaves away from the Dimocrats.

Free at last! Free at Last. Thank god they were free at last!!!
It is the day all slaves in this country were finally freed. Why is that laughable? Is Independence Day laughable?

No, it isn't the day all the slaves were freed. It was the day a Union General informed slaves in Texas that Lincoln had freed them with the Emancipation Proclamation which took effect on January 1, 1863.

Beginning January 1, 1863, in whatever territory Union soldiers captured in the Confederate States the slaves were freed.

Slavery officially ended in December 1865 with the ratification and then the proclamation of the 13th Amendment.
They will start building massive ghetto housing projects right in your nice suburb
Plan on hearing super loud rap music from 11pm to 6 am everyday and having your house broken into every 6 weeks

That is the plan.
You can both wake up and try to go to bed with rap music blasting in your ear drums while they vandalize your car
Call the police lol
Yeah ..maybe until 2031 before they come
How'd you like to be the 22-year old intern that had to explain what Juneteenth is to the crayon-eating stuttering fucktard while he's getting a clean diaper from Nurse Jill....

You'd have to explain that the super predators from the racial jungle need a holiday.... and then dumb it down from there....

Why is increased black home ownership a threat to the suburbs?

LOL You can't even read. This isn't about home ownership it is about housing projects.

From the OP:

Biden promised to go much further than AFFH. He embraced Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-N.J.) strategy for ending single-family zoning in the suburbs and creating “little downtowns” there. Biden justifies his assault on local zoning control by claiming that current zoning laws that favor single-family homes disproportionately hurt low-income people who can’t afford to move to the suburbs.
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

Wow, you’re really confused about this aren’t you?! That’s just sad
Joe Biden is the one who confused me.

He said slavery continues to take a toll on the US....

There is no one who is a slave right now.
There is no one who used to be a slave.
There are no parents who used to be slaves.
There are no grandparents who used to be slaves.

The truth is the only slaves in America right now are the illegals brought here by Cartels, facilitated by the Biden administration, as trafficked humans and children, part of the sex trafficking industry.

By signing into Existence a Holiday that celebrates the EBD of slavery, Ravine Joe is declaring slavery in Anerica iss over - does not exist, was over LONG ago.

The only ones still plagued by slavery today are the ones who spend much time trying yo figure out how to make money from something that ended over 100 years ago, like demanding free money for nothing that affects them called 'reparations'.
Well I’m sorry you’re so confused. It’s gonna be a long 3.5 years for you
The blacks turned the King Day into a Party Day, what will they do with the Juneteenth Day?
What kind of day do you think it should be?
National 'Shoot a cop, loot a store, burn federal agents alive in a federal building' day?
...but just declared SLAVERY CONTINUES to take a toll in the US.....

So is slavery over in the US or not?

If NOT, did Biden just create a holiday celebrating on-going slavery?

Which is it, Joe?

This ought to make it awkward in red states that refuse to teach critical race theory. Celebrating a holiday marking the end of something they refuse to teach about.
Critical Race Throry is Marxist theology Sovialist Democrats snuck into school to indoctrinate our kids into hating their country and each other.

BTW, slavery ended over 100 years ago.

You don't know any slaves.
You don't know anyone whose parents or grandparents or great grandparents were slaves, so hive that BS a rest.
Slavery never existed in the good old U.S of A children so don't believe what those mean old liberals tell you...(chuckle)

Again. Who the hell is saying there was never slavery? Liberals are making that whole argument up. teaching history is not the problem, its the method and the intentions that are the problem.
teaching that white people are inherently racist... is not teaching history. it's teaching an Ideology... and the mean old Liberals can stuff that far up their ass.
Giving other people's money for something they were never involved in or affected by is not teaching history.

Demanding reparations for something that's been over gor over 10p years is attempting to get free money never earned. It's a scam.

Life sucks.shit happens. Get over it, live in the NOW, stop using what happened over 100 years ago as a crutch / excuse.

Also, STFU about what WHITES are doing to you while Black on Black crime / murder and abortions take more black lives today than white on black crime.

Whites aren't shooting / killing an average dozen black men, women, and children every weekend in Chixago....but listening to BLM, tge fake news media, and snowflakes it has to be racist, white supremacists to blame...but it is nothing reparations can't solve, right?!
Yeah no racism issues in this country…. Riiiiigggghhhhhttttt.
A self-professed Marxist admitted to Founding BLM to make money, bought 4 mansions and millions in real estate, violently racially divided people, set the country on fire, & is now walking away while the division grows and the country continues to burn.

Meanwhile black-on-black crime and abortions are actually the biggest threats to black lives in this country, but Democratsc who have used / oppressed blacks for decades have convinced them faux white supremacy is.

When blacks stop murdering each other in record numbers come back and talk to me about how much black lives matter....

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