Biden uses tornado tragedy to push climate agenda

Biden uses tornado tragedy to push climate agenda, suggests storms are ‘consequence of the warming’ | Fox News
President Biden on Saturday addressed the fatal weather that ravaged parts of the South and Midwest and used the tragedy to further his own beliefs on climate change.

The guy is a real winner, good grief, people killed homes and businesses destroyed, and this piece of work touts his bullshit.
View attachment 574690

Any private pilot or weather buff KNOWS that storms are built from "differentials". NOT from one variable increasing.

Differentials like between High and Low Pressure -- wet and dry air -- surface temp vs upper level temps -- surface winds vs upper winds, etc..

If rising temps made storms more frequent and severe -- the tropics and Saudi Arabia would be no-man lands.

Rising temps COULD make storms WETTER, but even to generate severe storms you need and ADJACENT "dry line" to suck in less dense air.

People get so stuck to the GW explanation of everything environmental. It's never the ONLY Possible explanation of EVERYTHING.
Biden uses tornado tragedy to push climate agenda, suggests storms are ‘consequence of the warming’ | Fox News
President Biden on Saturday addressed the fatal weather that ravaged parts of the South and Midwest and used the tragedy to further his own beliefs on climate change.

The guy is a real winner, good grief, people killed homes and businesses destroyed, and this piece of work touts his bullshit.
View attachment 574690
These tornadoes tore across rural Trump country. Those people want more of this. Biden is talking into the wind.
Is he right? Or is there at least some considerable truth to the idea? Are these un-seasonal super-storms the result of climate change?

As result of the GMAST (global surface temp anomaly) changing 0.6DEGC in your lifetime? No.. That's not enough to seriously impact weather.

We were hiding in the basement last night in Hillbilly Hollywood. It was 64DegF at 5PM - about 10 degrees ABOVE normal. Today at the same time it was about 10 DEGF below normal. What kind of impact does that differential MAKE if the MEAN of those numbers SHIFTS by 0.6DegC? Barely anything. And to tap into the energy you NEED for a tornado ALOFT -- you've got to have really cold air aloft for the lift to get storms up to 30,000ft and beyond. Global warming cant' warm JUST the surface without warming the troposphere SOMEWHAT uniformly.

No differential aloft from GW that matters.

This Tenn/KY state line is a battle ground every late spring and late fall because we're at the intersection of 2 different cold/warm climate zones and the jet stream is ALWAYS stopping here rather than going much farther south.
These tornadoes tore across rural Trump country. Those people want more of this. Biden is talking into the wind.

There it is. The farther left they go -- the more mean, spiteful and nasty they get.


ADDED: I think you're getting close to being as nasty and irrelevant as Joy Behar or Joy Reid with that kind of baiting and nasty.. Good job.
Rain, snow, cold, wind it happens, its call climate, Biden is a buffoon.
Politician uses even to push agenda in shock horror.....

I mean, this happens every day of the year.
Lifetime political liars are old and dangerous. Our nation is not as thick with massive mistakes to be made to cushion them if their insanity agendas fails. Separate the nation if you believe your views.
Poverty is the biggest killer in the world.

Joe Biden's plans would hurt poor people the most.

The fossil fuel industry employs countless Americans, and energy independence is a matter of national security.

But Joe thinks that all the coal miners will simply need to learn to program in Python, LOL.

And he fires thousands of Keystone XL workers on day one, and then approves the Russian Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.



That tornado chart is going to leave a mark
Lifetime political liars are old and dangerous. Our nation is not as thick with massive mistakes to be made to cushion them if their insanity agendas fails. Separate the nation if you believe your views.

Lots of people are liars. Trump showed you don't need to be a lifetime "politician" though he was certainly involved in politics even in the 1980s.

The nation is very thick, it's inherent within the majority of people to not really give a flying fuck what's happening unless it really pounds on their parade.

The only thing you can do is to make politics more user friendly. The current system is like MS DOS, almost inaccessible to the majority of computer users. The US could do much better. Just those who know how to use it, don't want it to change.

Like Latin in the Catholic Church, or Chinese writing. Make it easier and you open it up to the plebs. Why would power people want that?

Biden uses tornado tragedy to push climate agenda​

That seems fair. Because before humans started dumping all our excess industrialization CO2 into the atmosphere, there weren’t any “tornadoes.” And back in those days, as we are regularly being taught by our news reporting media, climate was of course completely stable and static.

Yes. It was us. All of us. WE did it. And most crucially, the Americans did it. And more precisely the Republicans did it. I mean it’s obvious. Nothing good ever came out of manufacturing and business and enterprise. The Republicans share the desire of their overlords, the elite 1%, those filthy “Capitalists,” to pollute our air, pollute our water, pollute our lands and kill grandma.
I have Peer Reviewed the above post and declare it 100% accurate.

Yes! Thank you for pointing out that only American CO2 needs to be curtailed! Climate "scientists" have consensus that American CO2 is fundamentally different than any other because it enters the atmosphere on a per capita basis
Biden's clearly a scum-suck. But at least he's not orange, so we got that.

Speak of a Democrack's climate change, which side of center wears egg on their face best considering the report Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than Trump did?

Is it the Democrats, who soaked in Biden's speech about replacing fossil fuels to save their lives? Trump is evil, fossil fuels are naughty and Biden has your back.

Or the Republicans who suggest Biden is responsible for high prices? Speaking for one conservative, there's something to be said for assaulting energy with political pitch, especially when oil and gas hold all the cards.
I knew it wouldn't even take a full day for the Democrats to claim these tornadoes were "climate change" as if these types of disaster haven't happened throughout the midwest for thousands of years. It's become a religion for these people.
Poverty is the biggest killer in the world.

Joe Biden's plans would hurt poor people the most.

The fossil fuel industry employs countless Americans, and energy independence is a matter of national security.

But Joe thinks that all the coal miners will simply need to learn to program in Python, LOL.

And he fires thousands of Keystone XL workers on day one, and then approves the Russian Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.




I like that meme about a little thawing of the tundra. I often ask the hair on fire people if they'd prefer to live in a climate age where the glaciers were RECEEDING or ADVANCING? After-All -- ice freezes/melts at 32DegF -- PICK ONE..

It's NEVER gonna be a choice of "keeping the ice you got" for centuries or millenia.
I like that meme about a little thawing of the tundra. I often ask the hair on fire people if they'd prefer to live in a climate age where the glaciers were RECEEDING or ADVANCING? After-All -- ice freezes/melts at 32DegF -- PICK ONE..

It's NEVER gonna be a choice of "keeping the ice you got" for centuries or millenia.

Most land masses are far from the equator....


Even here in VA, growing season for plants is only about April 15-October15 (six months) due to frost.


Warming temperatures would result in more arable land, and more habitable climate for all kinds of animals.

The whole premise that global warming will be harmful to biomass and bio diversity is flawed....

Composite satellite image of the Earth during the Northern winter​


A realistic satellite view of the world during the last ice age​

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Most land masses are far from the equator....


Even here in VA, growing season for plants is only about April 15-October15 (six months) due to frost.


Warming temperatures would results in more arable land, and more habitable climate for all kinds of animals.

The whole premise that global warming will be harmful to biomass and bio diversity is flawed....

Composite satellite image of the Earth during the Northern winter​


Especially if the current warming rate as measured the BEST WAY -- by satellite is somewhere in the range of 0.14Deg/C per DECADE..

In 30 years of watching this circus -- I've never seen or heard the term "Accelerated warming CONFIRMED by measurement data".. Those accelerations, and "runaway" and "trigger temps" that INDUCED the panic -- after 30 years of having the neccessary equipment sensitive enough -- has never seen empirical evidence to confirm any of those adjunct "catastrophic" theories. THERE IS WARMING. But 1.4DEGC per CENTURY shouldn't be setting Brandons' hair on fire.

Hopefully, smarter people will have figured out how to make RELIABLE clean energy way before then. Those windmills and solar panels are gonna be the "curly Q lightbulbs" of govt waste and over-reaction.

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