Biden vs Trump: Electoral Burlesque to Benefit Oligarchs


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Who wins if Trump or Biden amasses the most votes next November?
According to
Chris Hedges:

If It's Biden vs. Trump, This Year's One-Choice Election Will Be for Oligarchy

"There is only one choice in this election.

"The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden. The oligarchs, with Trump or Biden, will win again.

"We will lose.

"The oligarchs made it abundantly clear, should Bernie Sanders miraculously become the Democratic Party nominee, they would join forces with the Republicans to crush him...."

"The oligarchs preach the sermon of the least-worst to us when they attempt to ram a Hillary Clinton or a Biden down our throats but ignore it for themselves.

"They prefer Biden over Trump, but they can live with either."

Can you?
Who wins if Trump or Biden amasses the most votes next November?
According to
Chris Hedges:

If It's Biden vs. Trump, This Year's One-Choice Election Will Be for Oligarchy

"There is only one choice in this election.

"The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden. The oligarchs, with Trump or Biden, will win again.

"We will lose.

"The oligarchs made it abundantly clear, should Bernie Sanders miraculously become the Democratic Party nominee, they would join forces with the Republicans to crush him...."

"The oligarchs preach the sermon of the least-worst to us when they attempt to ram a Hillary Clinton or a Biden down our throats but ignore it for themselves.

"They prefer Biden over Trump, but they can live with either."

Can you?

"We will lose.

Commies are losers.

It's what they do best.
"Only one thing matters to the oligarchs.

"It is not democracy.

"It is not truth.

"It is not the consent of the governed. It is not income inequality. It is not the surveillance state.

"It is not endless war.

"It is not jobs.

"It is not the climate.

"It is the primacy of corporate power—which has extinguished our democracy and left most of the working class in misery—and the continued increase and consolidation of their wealth.

If It's Biden vs. Trump, This Year's One-Choice Election Will Be for Oligarchy
So, nothing new in this election?
How does the song go? "Meet the new boss same as the old boss." I feel this shit more right now because I am stuck at home. When I can twenty miles out on a great lake or ocean thi hit does not bother me as much. The land just dont matter when your bates in the water and no one else is around. Now I sit in my newly rehabbed home in columbus ohio that my ex tore the shit of and can not complete the divorce as divorce does not rank high on the courts priority list right now and I am wishing I had never came back home from the south this spring. I could be shark fishing right now instead of waisting time. I have yet to catch one walleye this year. At least I got up north for the steele head run.
Who wins if Trump or Biden amasses the most votes next November?
According to
Chris Hedges:

If It's Biden vs. Trump, This Year's One-Choice Election Will Be for Oligarchy

"There is only one choice in this election.

"The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden. The oligarchs, with Trump or Biden, will win again.

"We will lose.

"The oligarchs made it abundantly clear, should Bernie Sanders miraculously become the Democratic Party nominee, they would join forces with the Republicans to crush him...."

"The oligarchs preach the sermon of the least-worst to us when they attempt to ram a Hillary Clinton or a Biden down our throats but ignore it for themselves.

"They prefer Biden over Trump, but they can live with either."

Can you?

"We will lose.

Commies are losers.

It's what they do best.
So, nothing new in this election?

"Trump and Biden are repugnant figures, doddering into old age with cognitive lapses and no moral cores.

"Is Trump more dangerous than Biden? Yes.

"Is Trump more inept and more dishonest? Yes.

Is Trump more of a threat to the open society? Yes.

"Is Biden the solution? No."
So, nothing new in this election?

"Trump and Biden are repugnant figures, doddering into old age with cognitive lapses and no moral cores.

"Is Trump more dangerous than Biden? Yes.

"Is Trump more inept and more dishonest? Yes.

Is Trump more of a threat to the open society? Yes.

"Is Biden the solution? No."

"Trump and Biden are repugnant figures, doddering into old age with cognitive lapses and no moral cores.

Not like that doddering commie, Bernie, eh?
"Trump and Biden are repugnant figures, doddering into old age with cognitive lapses and no moral cores.

Not like that doddering commie, Bernie, eh?

Biden 'A Good Friend of Mine,' Says Sanders, But Not Much 'Question About Who's More Progressive'

"'Look Joe Biden is a good friend of mine and I'm not here to attack Joe,' said Sanders when asked about the issue by ABC News' Jonathan Karl during an interview in Iowa on Sunday morning. In response to the question, Sanders said their distinct voting records when they served together in the Senate speak for themselves."

US is a capitalist nation. You should move to communist Venezuela, would fit right in, bunch of people are suffering from the equality delusion there.

Let's make it clear, you are not equal, you are inferior.

How the hell can Trump, an outsider... be considered an oligarch? That's nonsense, a communist is playing with the dictionary again.
How the hell can Trump, an outsider... be considered an oligarch? That's nonsense, a communist is playing with the dictionary again.
Trump is a billionaire.
By definition he is an oligarch.
He is the proverbial crony-capitalist who cut out the middle man.

Business oligarch - Wikipedia

"A business oligarch is generally a business magnate who controls sufficient resources to influence national politics.[1][2] A business leader can be considered an oligarch if the following conditions are satisfied:
  1. uses monopolistic tactics to dominate an industry;
  2. possesses sufficient political power to promote their own interests;
  3. controls multiple businesses, which intensively coordinate their activities"
How the hell can Trump, an outsider... be considered an oligarch? That's nonsense, a communist is playing with the dictionary again.
Trump is a billionaire.
By definition he is an oligarch.
He is the proverbial crony-capitalist who cut out the middle man.

Business oligarch - Wikipedia

"A business oligarch is generally a business magnate who controls sufficient resources to influence national politics.[1][2] A business leader can be considered an oligarch if the following conditions are satisfied:
  1. uses monopolistic tactics to dominate an industry;
  2. possesses sufficient political power to promote their own interests;
  3. controls multiple businesses, which intensively coordinate their activities"

He is the president, not an oligarch.
How the hell can Trump, an outsider... be considered an oligarch? That's nonsense, a communist is playing with the dictionary again.
Trump is a billionaire.
By definition he is an oligarch.
He is the proverbial crony-capitalist who cut out the middle man.

Business oligarch - Wikipedia

"A business oligarch is generally a business magnate who controls sufficient resources to influence national politics.[1][2] A business leader can be considered an oligarch if the following conditions are satisfied:
  1. uses monopolistic tactics to dominate an industry;
  2. possesses sufficient political power to promote their own interests;
  3. controls multiple businesses, which intensively coordinate their activities"

We've seen how powerful oligarchs are......just look at the Dem nominee, Bloomberg. DURR

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